Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 571

Chapter 571: I saw them killing one person in that room!

Thinking of this, Ivan frowned. Trelawney's prediction was undoubtedly proof that Voldemort was planning his resurrection at this moment.

It’s just that the process may not be as I thought...

Harry at the side of    was also a little dazed. He gently stroked the lightning-like scar on his forehead, recalling the dream he had had during the summer vacation...


A shout interrupted Harry's thoughts, and he turned his head to see Ivan looking at him worriedly.

Hermione and Ron also noticed Harry's abnormality at this time, and immediately ignored the argument and looked over.

"Do you have anything on your mind? Harry? It has something to do with mysterious people?" Ivan asked.

Harry hesitated, wondering if he should say it.

"There are some things, I suggest you better not hide it in your heart, aren't we friends? Maybe it can help you..." Ivan said in a soft tone of comfort.

This time Moody's question made Ivan realize that the advantage of his familiar plot is becoming weaker and weaker. If he doesn't want to be pitted, then he has to look for clues again.

Harry is a good breakthrough here. If he remembers correctly, Harry should have dreamed of what happened in Riddle's mansion during the summer vacation in the original time and space.

Just as Ivan thought, Harry hesitated.

"About two weeks ago, I had a very strange dream at home... I saw a dark room with a fire burning next to it. Then... I saw someone talking in the room through the crack in the door, one of which was short. The tall man should be Peter, and the other one seems to be the voice of Voldemort..."

"What? You said you saw Peter and you heard... the mysterious man talking?" Before Harry could finish speaking, Hermione asked in surprise.

"That's a dream, isn't it? It's not surprising that anything can appear in a dream!" Ron argued before Harry could reply.

"No! It seems a little different this time..." Harry shook his head, touched the scar on his forehead again, and said slowly. "After I woke up from my dream, this scar was so painful. The last time I was like this was when I faced Voldemort several years ago..."josei

"Really? Are you sure?" Ron widened his eyes and looked at Harry in disbelief. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he swallowed again.

"This must be some kind of prediction!" Hermione said firmly, "I have seen in the textbook of divination that some wizards can have a certain sense when their relatives and friends are about to encounter danger. ! Dreamland is one of the most common..."

"You mean Harry and the mysterious person are relatives or friends? Come on, this is really funny..." Ron said with a sneer. He felt that the textbooks of divination were not reliable at all. It's a fool.

"But they are the enemies of the prophecy! This is also a connection, isn't it?" Hermione interrupted Ron's words directly, and then, without looking at him, took Ivan in one hand and Harry with the other hand, and went to Run in the direction of the principal's office. "Let's quickly notify Professor Dumbledore!"

"Wait for me!" Ron hesitated and followed.


ran for a long time, and when the four panting people arrived at the door of the principal's office, they were dumbfounded because they didn't know the password of the principal's office yet.

After thinking about it, Hermione tentatively said.

"Cockroach pile..."

"Chilled lemon juice..."

"Toffee finger pancakes?"

The huge stone beast remained motionless, still stubbornly blocking it in front of everyone.

"How about trying Zizi Honey Candy?" Ivan turned to say, this is one of Dumbledore's favorite foods.


Just after Ivan spoke, with a muffled noise, the stone beast guarding the door slowly vibrated, revealing the passing stairs.

"Let's go... It seems we are lucky!" Ivan smiled and walked in first.

As they went up the stairs, Harry and Ron couldn't help asking. "How do you know this can open the door?"

"Because Professor Dumbledore usually uses some sweets and drinks he likes as his password!" Hermione explained, then turned her head to look at Ivan.

It was when Ivan had guessed the password of the principal's office last time that she thought of this.

The four of them chatted in this way and soon entered the principal's room.

After many days, everything here is business as usual.

The only difference is that there are many documents and newspapers stacked on the central desk.

Ivan sneaked a glance after approaching. Except for a few daily prophets, the others should be about the Goblet of Fire.

"Halse, what's the matter with you guys coming to me at this time?" Dumbledore turned the file over and covered it calmly, his eyes under the half-moon glasses scanned Ivan and the others, and asked.

"Professor, this is the case. I had a very strange dream during the summer vacation..." Harry gritted his teeth and repeated all the things he had said to Ivan and others.

Dumbledore's expression became more solemn when he heard Harry talk about the scene he saw in his dream. Of course he knows what it means~www.mtlnovel.com~ This proves that Voldemort's power is being retelled so that he can establish a certain connection with the Horcrux...

"How did you see that scene?" Dumbledore asked suddenly.

Dumbledore's solemn expression made Harry a little nervous, he swallowed and stammered.

"I seem to be...like looking up on the ground, Professor!"

crawling forward on the ground, like...a snake!

This thought came to Harry's mind, but he didn't say it because it was so weird!

Hearing Harry's reply, Dumbledore's frowning brows loosened a little, his body leaned forward and his eyes looked straight at Harry, and he continued to ask in a gentle tone. "Then do you remember what they said in the dream?"

Ivan also stared at Harry closely. He needed to know what had changed in the content of the dream before he could judge Voldemort's next move.

"They mentioned the World Cup... a guy named Nagini also mentioned me..." Harry tried very hard to remember that scene again.

But now it has been more than two weeks since the time of dreaming, and the memory has become very hazy like a veil. The more he desperately tries to grasp those details, the more quickly they disappear Slipped through the fingers.

Only the deepest scene remained in his memory. Harry's face became worse and worse, cold sweat formed on his forehead, and the lightning-like scar seemed to faintly hurt again.

Finally... Harry yelled almost hideously.

"I saw them in that room...killed someone!"

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