Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 573

Chapter 573: Malfoy gloating

Dumbledore's jumpy answer made Harry stunned. He didn't quite understand why the topic suddenly changed from the resurrection of the Dark Lord to today's dinner.


Harry wanted to continue to inquire, but was stopped after a few words.

Ivan shook his head at Harry, told him to speak less, then looked at Dumbledore and said. "Professor, if there is no other order, we will go back first!"

"Go!" Dumbledore waved his hand tiredly, before everyone left, looking at Harry and saying something. "If there are similar news again, you'd better notify me as soon as possible!"


"So, shall we go back like this?"

Out of the principal's office, Harry looked back and said unwillingly, he still had a lot of questions before he could ask.

"How about it? What do you think we can do?" Ivan glanced at Harry and said helplessly.

Dumbledore's meaning couldn't be clearer. Even if Voldemort was planning something secretly, their fourth-grade little wizards could not help much, or it would be good if they didn't help!

In the original time and space, if Harry hadn't acted privately and brought his friends into the Department of Mystery Affairs of the Ministry of Magic, he would not have been trapped by Voldemort, leading to the unfortunate death of Sirius.

In fact, this result can be regarded as the halo of Harry’s protagonist. Otherwise, these little wizards who have not graduated will have been wiped out in the battle with the Death Eaters without waiting for the assistance of the Order of the Phoenix. .

"Ivan is right, Harry! We have done everything we can, and the rest of Professor Dumbledore will take care of it!" Hermione also said to help.

Harry opened his mouth and planned to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that he really couldn't do anything.josei

Ron comforted Harry while Ivan was thinking about how to tell Dumbledore about the Hufflepuff Golden Cup at Gringotts as naturally as possible.

This is the best Horcrux to deal with at present, but it is difficult to break into the Gringotts with your own strength, and it is not safe to use Bogk to disguise it.

Just walking with each other's thoughts, the four of them quickly arrived at the auditorium.

I stayed in the principal's room for a while. They obviously came a little late. The long table of the four major colleges was already crowded with people eating. Ivan and the others didn't dare to delay and quickly found an empty seat to sit down.

After attending the course for a day, Ron was a little hungry. As soon as he sat down, he could not wait to pick up a knife and cut a large piece of cake into his mouth, chewing it, and then took the lemon juice and poured it fiercely. He took a mouthful and hiccuped comfortably.

Ivan aimed at the shortbread cookies on the table, drew a fork onto his plate, and began to enjoy today's dinner.

While eating, Ivan didn't forget to look at Hermione. Seeing that the little witch took the slice of bread and smeared jam on it, she knew she had figured it out.

"Oh my God, Hermione, you started eating! Didn't you say that you would rather starve to death than eat food from slave labor?" Ron noticed this at this time, and said in surprise.

"Because I have already figured it out, there is a better way to state your position on the rights of the elves." Hermione turned her head and gave Ron a fierce look.

Ron curled his lips, but he was not so stupid as to continue to speak out to stimulate Hermione, instead he turned his body to look at Harry who was obviously a little absent-minded.

"Are you still thinking about mysterious people? Forget about them, Harry! Just think of it as a dream! No, it was a dream!" Ron said comfortingly.

Harry didn't say anything, just nodded perfunctorily.

He wanted to forget it temporarily, like Ron said, but it turned out that it was obviously not that easy to do. As soon as he closes his eyes now, a scene from the dream will appear in his mind, and he wants to forget it. Unforgettable.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of flapping wings outside the door of the auditorium. Ivan heard the sound and looked over, and saw flocks of owls flying in from outside, sending letters and articles to Si The long desk of the graduate school.

One of the owls was spinning around in the sky above the auditorium, and finally flew over here.

There was a look of surprise on Harry's face, he thought it must be a letter from Sirius!

When he was a guest at Dursley's house before, he told Sirius about his scar pain, so he was eager to see Sirius' reply.

It's a pity that this owl fell directly on Ivan's shoulder under the gaze he expected.

"Who wrote you?" Harry couldn't help but asked.

"Well, it should have been sent by my mother...well, and the Daily Prophet I ordered is here too!" Ivan swallowed the steak in his mouth, and grabbed the owl on his shoulder inconspicuously. Take down the envelope and newspaper hanging on the opponent's feet.

The letter Ivan didn't mean to open it on the spot. It might involve something that is not convenient for Harry and others to know, so he put it away and prepared to wait to read it at night.

As for the newspaper, Ivan didn't take this into consideration, and turned it over in front of a few people.

"This is?" Looking at the cover of the Daily Prophet, Ivan frowned involuntarily.

It was a chaotic camp~www.mtlnovel.com~ There were flames on all sides, and a large number of people who didn't know whether it was a wizard or a Muggle were fleeing in panic, rendering the whole scene terrifying.

"Isn't this the chaos that happened on the day of the World Cup? It was filmed!" Hermione leaned her head and said in surprise.

When Harry and Ron heard this, they looked over curiously.

After just a few glances, the faces of the two of them looked like they had eaten flies, because in addition to reporting the chaotic scene at the beginning, the Daily Prophet also specifically mentioned the mistakes of the Ministry of Magic and the fact that Sirius was almost caught.

"Your dad is in the newspaper, Weasley!" Malfoy, who was full and drunk, walked over with his two followers, holding a copy of the exact same Daily Prophet in his hand, and gloating on his face color.

After taunting Ron, Malfoy turned his gaze to Harry's body again. "Oh, and you Harry, your godfather is almost going to Azkaban again."

"How about I read it to you?" Malfoy cleared his throat and read aloud while looking at the newspaper, ignoring Harry and Ron's gazes about hitting people.

"Recently, a large-scale riot broke out after the Quidditch World Cup. Mobs burned tents and tortured Muggles for fun.

According to unknown sources, the Ministry of Magic caught a former Azkaban fugitive Sirius Black at the scene, suspected to be the culprit who provoked the chaos! "

"Yeah, I think their suspicions are justified. It's a coincidence that such chaos broke out just as long as Blake escaped from prison!" Malfoy looked at Harry playfully and laughed.

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