Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 574

Chapter 574: Alastor Moody

Malfoy's words made Harry so angry that if Hermione and Ron hadn't stopped him, they could almost smash the plate in his hand.

"Are you trying to beg or beating again? Malfoy?" Ivan slowly put down the newspaper in his hand and glanced at Malfoy, a little helpless.

How many times have you been? Malfoy always remembers eating or not, or is Harry really that attractive?

"You..." Malfoy's pale face flushed suddenly, and he wanted to put down a few ruthless words so as not to lose his momentum, but when he saw that Ivan was showing signs of pulling out his wand, he immediately came to his mouth. The words were swallowed.

The previous lessons made him deeply understand the gap between the strengths of the two sides, and he was completely asking for trouble.

"I'm just here to congratulate Weasley's father and the Azkaban fugitive on the newspaper..." Malfoy finally dared to add a strange sentence, and then angrily took his two followers and prepared to leave.

At this time, Ivan said suddenly. "That's all thanks to your dad taking the lead in making trouble during the World Cup, isn't it? Otherwise, it won't cause such a misunderstanding..."

"Nonsense!" Malfoy shouted loudly, with a panic on his face.josei

Harry also looked at Ivan in surprise, not understanding why he said that.

Ron was excited, "Ivan, you must have found something, right? I knew Malfoy his father was not a good thing!"

Ivan did not pay attention to Ron, but kept paying attention to the changes in Malfoy's expression. Seeing the excited appearance of the other party, he became more affirmed of his previous guesses.

The chaos of the Quidditch World Cup was mostly planned by Lucius Malfoy...

"You are slander! My father stayed in the tent to sleep that night, and he didn't go anywhere!" Malfoy shouted loudly.

But his words were obviously not very convincing, and Hermione quickly found the loopholes in it, and retorted sarcastically.

"Really? After such a big mess, your father is still sleeping in the tent? Then his heart is really big enough!"

Malfoy was speechless, and he fumbled and argued after a long while. "My dad usually sleeps a lot..."

"Don't lie to us, Malfoy! I heard that your father used to be a Death Eater, didn't he?" Ron gained power and continued to ask, even eavesdropping at home about the truth. The gossip news was told.

"When the mysterious man lost power, your father lied that he was controlled by the Imperius Curse, and he escaped by luck..."

"Death Eaters? Who is talking about Death Eaters?"

A hoarse voice suddenly interrupted the conversation of several people. Everyone looked in the direction where the voice came from, but Moody limped and walked over from the other end of the auditorium.

Moody got closer and closer, the hideous scars on his face twitched from time to time, and the large blue magic eye on the left turned frequently left and right, sweeping across Harry, Ron, Malfoy and others. After that, he finally stopped on Ivan's body.

"I heard Death Eaters just now! Tell me, who actually said that?" Moody asked loudly.

Harry, Hermione, and Malfoy were all taken aback by Moody’s overwhelming reaction. Ron’s body was trembling and he dared not make a sound, because he couldn’t figure out whether he was right or not, and he didn’t know Moody’s. What is his attitude.

Judging from the rumors he has heard about Moody these days, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor seems to have a problem with his brain. The Ministry of Magic retired because Moody could no longer distinguish the difference between a normal handshake and an attack.

Ivan was upset, ready to test Moody, but Malfoy was a step ahead.

"We were talking about Sirius Black...Professor! The running dog of the mysterious man, the escaped prisoner of Azkaban..." Malfoy's eyes grunted and looked at Harry viciously. Opened his mouth and said.

"Want to lie to me? You are still very tender, kid! I know that Black, he is not a Death Eater!" Moody yelled loudly, his crutches in his hand paused heavily on the ground, making a dull sound. Interrupted Malfoy's words.

Then, without waiting for Malfoy to reply, Moody slapped his head as if he was thinking of something. "Ah... I know who you are talking about, it's Lucius Malfoy!"

"Listen boy! I know your father Lucius, and I also know what virtue he is. Such a person should stay in Azkaban!

You'd better not let me know that you and your father have the same virtue, otherwise Azkaban will have to add another prisoner. I will keep staring at you in school! "

Moody said threateningly, speaking very sharply, not even considering that Malfoy was a fourteen-year-old kid.

"Are you threatening me?! You're done! I'm going to tell my father to let him fire you!" Malfoy stepped back, looking at Moody in fear, and finally hit Gore and Claire directly. Body.

"Go! Kid... Go home and tell him! I want to see how much Lucius has the courage!" Moody spat in disdain~www.mtlnovel.com~ Malfoy's mouth was flat. He didn't dare to refute at all, and ran away in a hurry with his two attendants.

Watching Malfoy rushing away in a hurry, Ron couldn't help laughing, Harry said gratefully while looking at Moody.

"Thank you, professor!"

"It's okay, boy! Dumbledore asked me to look after you in school when he came to me. I can't let a Death Eater kid get too close to you! Who knows what crooked ideas are in his mind? ..." Moody waved his hand and continued speaking in a low voice.

"I have seen some Death Eaters, what they do best is to disguise, put on a harmless look like humans and animals close to you, and then suddenly use the Killing Curse to attack you without paying attention!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione felt that Malfoy didn't have the guts, but they were very useful for Moody's maintenance.

Several people even think of Lupin in the last school year, and their attitude towards Moody's has also changed 180 degrees, at least not because of some rumors and the hideous scars on Moody's face.

Ivan did not relax his vigilance because of Moody’s words of defense.

In his opinion, even the name seen on the map of the live point yesterday is not enough to confirm the identity of the other party 100%.

So after Moody’s arrival, Ivan looked at the old Auror who was over 60 years old in front of him, especially at Moody’s waist, trying to find the possibility, full of The hip flask of compound decoction...

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