Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 575

Chapter 575: Moody: Are you doubting me?

Unfortunately, Ivan was disappointed to find that there was nothing there.

"Are you observing me? Why?" Moody keenly noticed Ivan's gaze, suddenly turned his head around, and the blue magic eyes stared at him.

Ivan's expression rushed, he didn't expect Moody's feelings to be so sensitive.

After a short stunned, Ivan reacted, showing an apologetic expression, and began to explain. "Please forgive me, professor! I think you should also be aware of rumors about the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts..."

"Do you mean that legend? Every year the wizard who holds the post of the Defence Against the Dark Arts professorship is unlucky?" Moody asked.

"I think this is not just a rumor. The previous professors have unfortunately been fulfilled. No one can coach for more than a year!" Ivan talked freely and flattered by the way, "But I think you are so legendary. Maybe the Auror of the United States can break this curse!"

"Stop flattering me, kid!"josei

Moody sneered and waved his hand. He didn't take this set. He bent down, staring at Ivan with the weird blue magic eyes, and said word by word. "I guess that's not what you really want to say! The look in your eyes just now told me that you were suspicious of me, right?"

"Why do you think so? Professor?" Moody's words were out of Ivan's expectations again, and he frowned.

"I did my homework before I came here, kid!" Moody grinned, and the crutch he was holding in his right hand paused heavily on the floor.

"I have to say that Albus was indeed lack of consideration when choosing people... The Defense Against the Dark Arts class professors in the past few years were very special. One was a dark wizard, a liar with no abilities, and a...werewolf! I heard that they were all picked up by you, and you suspect that I am normal..."

When talking about Lupin’s identity, Moody kept his voice down to ensure that only Ivan could hear him.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all surprised, and didn't quite understand how Moody knew the identity of Professor Lupin.

Ivan is not surprised, Moody and Lupin are both members of the Order of the Phoenix, and it is normal for them to know each other.

The only thing that unexpectedly came out of him was that Moody directly picked his suspicion on the bright side, which made Ivan somewhat embarrassed.

Fortunately, Ivan's cheek is very thick, even if he is exposed to the face, there is no change on the face, he turned to admire.

"The professor is worthy of being a legend in the Auror world. It seems that he can't hide anything from you! I apologize to you professor for the previous offense!"

"Hey, the flattery this time is a bit sincere!" Moody sneered, then continued. "Besides, you don't have to apologize to me for this! It's a good habit to be vigilant at all times!"

"I understand that feeling too well, Hals!" Moody lowered his head, his face suddenly became nervous, "I have captured too many Death Eaters in my life, and many dark wizards who flee away will I take it as a thorn in my eye, if given the opportunity, they will definitely get rid of me at all costs!"

"So I have to do this every time..."

While talking, Moody picked up a donut on the table, put it in front of his nose and sniffed, then took out the silver knife in his arms and poked it a few times to confirm that it was not poisonous, and finally threw it away with confidence In the mouth.

"Well, these desserts look okay... I have to take some back to eat!" Moody slapped his mouth and muttered.

Ivan looked at Moody’s neurotic and cautious behavior, and immediately became a little speechless. Isn’t he afraid of splitting his nerves all day while worrying about the feared life?

Moody didn't think there was anything wrong with his behavior, he had already regarded this caution as a habit, and after swallowing the doughnut, he spoke again.

"I read the newspaper a few months ago, and I have to say that your debate in the Trial Court was very exciting, Hals! I wouldn’t dare if Dumbledore hadn’t told me some of your stories. I believe that a little wizard can have so many legendary experiences..."

"I dare say that if you come to the Ministry of Magic after graduation, you will definitely be the best Auror ever!"

Moody looked at Ivan, unabashedly admiring him.

"If there is a chance, I will consider it!" Ivan shrugged and said noncommittal.

"Really?" Moody heard the perfunctory expression in Ivan's words, his face showed a little disappointment, but he didn't persuade him anymore. He took a plate and fork and took some desserts on the table, before leaving. Don't forget to turn his head to remind and say.

"Remember to always be vigilant, kid!"

Watching Moody's away back, Ivan's doubts dispersed a lot. Regardless of his speech and demeanor or his keenness, the other party was really Moody.

"It seems that we will have a great Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor this year, just like last year!" Harry said with emotion.

"He is a real master of defense against the dark arts, a legendary Auror in the magic world!" Hermione nodded in agreement.

Then the little witch looked at Ivan again and continued to speak. "I think Professor Moody is right. Ivan, you are very suitable to be an Auror. If I become the Minister of Magic, how about I hire you as the executive director?"

"Wait, Hermione, haven't you been going to liberate the house elves recently? Why did you get involved with the Minister of Magic again?" Ron asked strangely~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is not a conflict, is it? Only by becoming the Minister of Magic can we really change the wizard's discrimination against house elves! During this time, I plan to go to the kitchen to ask more about the thoughts of the house elves..." Hermione vowed to say, and even thought about assigning positions to Harry and Ron.

But neither of them paid attention to Hermione's whimsical rhetoric. It was so easy to become Minister of Magic.

Ivan was secretly glad that his words last night had some effect, at least in the near future, there is no need to worry about Hermione taking out the "vomiting" badge and forcing them to wear it.

Thinking this way, Ivan turned his gaze to the unfinished Daily Prophet.

In addition to the front page photo of Death Eaters attacking the camp, Ivan also saw the scene below Sirius being captured by several Aurors.

"Sirius is too reckless, the Quidditch stadium is so chaotic, he should stay in place to protect you!" Ivan shook his head and couldn't help speaking.

"I think Sirius must believe that we can protect himself!" Harry began to defend his godfather.

Ivan rolled his eyes. They were lucky at best. If they really ran into hordes of Death Eaters, what was the difference between the "self-defense magic" they learned in the past few years and Bai Ge?

However, Ivan also knows how much Sirius hates Death Eaters. According to his character, he saw Death Eaters boldly appearing on the camp outside the World Cup, setting fires and torturing Muggles, and he would immediately rush to them It's normal...

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