Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 593

Chapter 593: Warriors Candidates

In order to welcome Halloween, the entire auditorium was decorated with a dark and terrifying look.

A large group of black bats wandered in mid-air with pumpkin lanterns in their mouths, and the bright candlelights became much dimmed. Ghosts that are usually hard to meet appeared one after another and played with the little wizards passing by. call.

The long tables of the four colleges were already full of people, and the goblet of fire that was originally placed in the middle of the high platform was moved to a place not far from the faculty seat.

The little wizards in the audience were fidgeting one by one, whispering something, their eyes constantly turned to Dumbledore sitting on the teacher's bench, anxiously waiting for the moment when the candidate of the warrior was announced.

After Ivan sat down, Hermione asked curiously.

"Ivan, what does Professor McGonagall do with you?"

"Let me help decorate the castle!" Ivan replied casually.

Harry and Ron on the side also came over, wondering if they had crossed the age line set by Professor Dumbledore.

"How should I put it, I signed up last night!" Considering that the result will be announced soon, Ivan said it truthfully, and then he continued without waiting for the excited two to speak.

"You sleep too hard in the middle of the night, I can't wake you up. The Goblet of Fire requires you to vote in person. I can't do it even if I want to help you..."

Ivan's explanation successfully blocked Ron's mouth, but Ron still complained in his heart that Ivan was really not friends enough, and even if such an important thing was deadlifted, he had to pull them over.

Harry was also somewhat disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his mindset.

These days, although he often imagines in his heart the scene where he will become the Warriors and finally win the championship, he also knows that his abilities are not enough, and becoming a Warrior will probably only humiliate Hogwarts.

As they were talking, the noisy hall suddenly became quiet. Ivan looked at the stage and found that Dumbledore had stood up from the position of the teacher's seat.

This means that it is time to announce the results!

The little wizards in the audience looked around, and even Ivan was a little nervous.

Dumbledore walked to the table where the goblet of fire was placed, looked at the clock on the wall, looked around the crowd and said.

"Probably there is still a short time! Before the official announcement of the results, I have to say one more thing-after the names of the warriors are announced, I hope they will walk to the top of the auditorium, walk along the staff desk, and enter the next room. ...They will get initial guidance there!"

Dumbledore pointed to the door behind the instructor's desk, motioned for a moment, and nodded with satisfaction, seeing that everyone was listening, and took his wand out of his arms and waved it widely.

In an instant, the surroundings became dark. Except for the candles in the pumpkin lanterns, the rest of the candles went out one after another, and the auditorium suddenly fell into a half-bright and half-dark state.

Correspondingly, the flames of the goblet of fire quickly strung together, turning into a dazzling crimson color, and crackling sparks splashed out, spewing out a piece of scorched parchment.

Dumbledore stretched out his hand to take it, took a look, and pronounced the above forcefully.

"Warrior of Durmstrand-Victor Krum!"

Slytherin's seat rang out with a particularly warm cheers, and many people on the long tables of other academies also clapped. They are all loyal Krum fans.

For example, Ron seemed very excited. He was so excited when he heard Dumbledore say Krum, as if he had read his own name.

Dumbledore raised his palm and pressed it down. When the applause and conversation subsided, another piece of parchment flew out under the thrust of the flame and fell into Dumbledore's hand.

"Warrior of Boothbarton-Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore shouted.

With a smile on her face, Furong gracefully stood up from the long table at Ravenclaw, and the boys in the auditorium warmly applauded and congratulated.

After a few seconds, the goblet of fire fireworks turned red again, and sparks burst out.

The little wizards in the audience looked at the goblet nervously and excitedly. They all knew that it was the warrior of Hogwarts next!

The third parchment quickly flew out.

"The warrior of Hogwarts--" Dumbledore said loudly, his face was just right with a look of surprise, his eyes turned to Gryffindor's long table, and he said word by word.

"Ivan Hals!"

Under the attention of everyone, Ivan Shiran stood up and nodded to the surroundings.josei

The noisy auditorium suddenly became silent, and the little wizards present stared at Ivan with wonder, doubt, and admiration.

Furong and Krum, who hadn't walked out of the auditorium, stopped and turned their heads.

"Wait..." Karkaroff patted the table and got up from his seat, looked at Ivan and then glared at Dumbledore. "Albus, if I remember correctly, according to the regulations, the candidate for the warrior should be an adult wizard over the age of seventeen, not a fourteen-year-old kid!"

"Be calm, Karkaroff, you remember correctly... As for why this is the case, then I have to ask Mr. Hals!" Dumbledore said with interest.

Although he knew that McGonagall had already approached Ivan and should know how Ivan crossed the age line, Dumbledore had no intention of asking.

The unknown is sometimes a pleasure.

Ivan couldn't see the slightest panic on his face, he replied with an expression of ease.

"That's because I wrote my name and the school I represented on a piece of parchment, and put it into the goblet of fire within the specified time.

Obviously, the Goblet of Fire recognized me as the best student among all the candidates, and I deserve to be a warrior of Hogwarts! "

Ivan's words are undoubtedly a bit arrogant~www.mtlnovel.com~ made many senior students glared at them, but they couldn't refute them, and they were aggrieved for a while.

"We're not asking about this, Mr. Hals, you haven't answered how you crossed that age line!" Karkaroff frowned and asked reluctantly. He suspected that Dumbledore secretly gave it. Ivan opened the back door.

The little wizards in the auditorium were equally curious, all staring at Ivan, waiting for his answer.

"No, you are misunderstood, I can't crack Professor Dumbledore's magic!" Ivan shook his head and replied truthfully.

There was an uproar on the court. This time not only Karkaroff, but also Maxim stood up and questioned Ivan’s cheating to obtain the place of the Warriors. Many of the little wizards who failed the election were afraid to cancel it. The identity of Van's warrior!

Facing everyone's doubts, Ivan remained calm and composed, and he pointed to the goblet of fire on the high platform and said.

"Who said that you must crack the age line to put the name in? Just ask a student who meets the conditions to take out the goblet of fire?"

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