Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 594

Chapter 594: Harry who is hard to argue with

"Professor, you told us that those who want to participate must write their name and school on a piece of parchment and put them in the Goblet of Fire. I have done it!"

Ivan looked at Dumbledore, and finally added. "At the banquet last night, you didn't say that you can't take out the Goblet of Fire, did you? I personally signed up according to the entry method you gave, should this count?"

This... this also works?

The little wizards who heard these words couldn't help feeling a bit ridiculous. They thought for a whole day and used various methods but there was nothing to do with the age line. Unexpectedly, Ivan was so simple to bypass it!

George and Fred thumped their chests even more, annoyed that they hadn't thought of this method in the first place.

Both Karkaroff and Maxim are a little hard to accept, but upon thinking about it, they have to admit that Ivan's method can indeed avoid restrictions.

They extremely suspected that this obvious loophole was specially reserved by Dumbledore for Ivan's competition.

But when the two looked at Dumbledore, they found that the centenarian's face was also full of consternation, and it didn't look like it was pretending.

It took a long time for Dumbledore to react, speaking annoyedly. "This is indeed my omission..."

"Professor, my level of magic is far inferior to yours, so I can only play a little clever!" Ivan humbly replied.

"This is not a shameful thing, Hals! Wisdom is also important to wizards! By the way, you have taught us all... Sometimes the strength of strength is not the key to victory or defeat. "Dumbledore said with emotion, looking at the little wizards in the audience.

Karkaroff and Maxim looked at the two singing as if they were acting, and they were furious, but even if they were not happy, they could only hold them in their hearts.

Because the method was thought of by Ivan himself, it can be regarded as breaking the restriction set by Dumbledore in a sense.

Coupled with the rules that cannot be changed after the Warriors of the Goblet of Fire are confirmed, they are clear, so no matter how much refutation is made, there is no point.

Bang bang bang...

When everyone was silent, a round of applause came from the Ravenclaw table, Ivan turned his head, and suddenly found that it was Luna who was applauding.

The little witch is still so maverick today. There is a large chain of wine stopper necklaces around her neck. The wand is so casually pinned behind her ears, it looks strange, so that the people next to her are deliberately separated from her. A distance.

Just after Luna Liao's sudden applause, like an infection, sparse applause quickly sounded everywhere in the auditorium.

First Hermione, then Dumbledore, Harry, Seamus...the applause in the auditorium grew louder and louder, and finally everyone applauded.

Most of the students put aside their prejudices and recognized the identity of the Warrior Ivan, many of them shouted booingly.

"Awesome, Hals, I knew that age line must not be difficult for you!"

"Warrior of Hogwarts, hero of Gryffindor!"


The applause and cheers in the auditorium made Ivan breathe a sigh of relief. He knew that he had gained everyone's approval.

This is also the reason why he deliberately asked questions in the auditorium yesterday, to build momentum so that everyone knows that he intends to participate, when he becomes a warrior, he will not be as abrupt as Harry in the original time and space, and can minimize the voice of opposition.

After making a noise for a while, Dumbledore coughed a few times, interrupting the harmonious atmosphere, he said loudly.

"Well, it's not too late to celebrate later. Now that our three warriors have been selected, please follow the previous arrangements..."

Before Dumbledore finished speaking, there was a sudden movement in the goblet of fire next to him. The long tongue of flame rose up to a height of half a meter, and a piece of parchment with charred corners slowly fell from the air.

The sudden change attracted the attention of the little wizards to the past.

Isn’t the selection of the Warriors over? Why is there still paper coming out.

Ivan immediately thought of something and swept his gaze to the teacher's bench, staring at Moody and Barty Crouch, but he couldn't find any flaws in their faces.

Dumbledore subconsciously grabbed the parchment and glanced at it, his face became very serious, he looked at it carefully, confirmed that it was correct, and then read it out loud.

"The fourth warrior—Harry Potter!"

After Dumbledore said his name, everyone was stunned. The auditorium was quieter than when Ivan was elected just now, and everyone didn't understand why a fourth warrior appeared.

As the person involved, Harry was even more stunned. His brain was blank. He wondered if he had misheard, or was simply dreaming...

"This is not fair. This is cheating. Only one contestant is allowed in a school!" Karkaroff was completely angry. He hit the table in front of him with a punch, and the violent voice recalled in the auditorium.

"I need an explanation, Dumbledore!" Maxim said angrily with a grimace.

If Ivan is not old enough to forcefully participate in the Triwizard Tournament and is still within their tolerance, then the appearance of two warriors at Hogwarts is unacceptable to them!

Dumbledore ignored the questioning of the two, but calmly looked at Harry and asked. "Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire? Harry?"

"No, Professor, I didn't put my name in, and I don't know why this happened..." Harry shook his head quickly, explaining anxiously.

But Harry's explanation was too pale, and almost no one wanted to believe it, and all kinds of questioning eyes made him very uncomfortable.josei

He turned his head in a panic and asked his friends for help, "Ron, Hermione, you should know that I stayed with you all the time last night, and the whole day today, I don't have time to put my name in! "

Hermione nodded ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and explained a few words to testify to Harry, but unfortunately not many people listened.

Ron was a little absent-minded and kept pursing his lips without speaking.

"Enough, don't explain! Who knows if you are in collusion..." Karkaroff yelled and interrupted Harry and the others, and then looked at Ivan with chills in his eyes.

"And there is another person here who can compete against the rules, isn't it? Who knows if he has thrown someone's name in!"

"I wouldn't do this. The previous Triwizard Tournaments are very dangerous. I can't let friends who are not strong enough take the risk!" Ivan retorted.

Afterwards, Ivan looked at Karkaroff sarcastically, without any mercy.

"In addition, please use your mind to think about it. There are many students who have put their names in the Goblet of Fire, but the candidates for the Warriors are fixed. It doesn't make sense to choose four Warriors. It should be someone who has moved something to this thing. Hands and feet..."

"The Goblet of Fire is a very powerful magic item. Don't you think two fourteen-year-old children can do this?"

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