Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 595

Chapter 595: Unhappy banquet

Ivan's unceremonious words made Karkaroff angry enough.

Dumbledore on the side made a round and spoke.

"Well, Karkaroff, what Hals said is reasonable. The Goblet of Fire cannot elect four warriors for no reason, and we should not blame these on the two children!"

"Who should be to blame? Are you to blame? Dumbledore?" Karkaroff demanded.josei

He even suspected that Dumbledore had moved something on the Goblet of Fire that caused this result.

After all, the current situation is beneficial to Hogwarts!

The participation of the two Warriors can greatly increase Hogwarts' winning rate and become famous in the Three Finals. Dumbledore also has this ability to cast a spell on the Goblet of Fire.

"If you insist on thinking so, it is indeed my negligence and I didn't take good care of it. But please believe that this result is also not what I want to see..."

Dumbledore said calmly, not being annoyed by Karkaroff's questioning, he paused, then continued.

"We are all aware of the dangers of the Three Finals Cup. I have no reason to put my mind and effort into getting a child who is not strong enough to participate in the competition. If I want to choose a second warrior, Hogwarts has more and more suitable candidates! "

"Who knows what you think? I only know that there are two people participating in Hogwarts now. This is a serious violation!" Karkaroff said patiently.

"Mr. Crouch...Mr. Bagman!" Maxim also turned his head angrily to look at the two Ministry of Magic officials who were frowning, and said.

"You are the organizers and fair referees of this game. What should you do now? Should you re-register or ban a warrior from Hogwarts from participating..."

"Ah... Objectively speaking, it is not up to the specifications for a school to select two warriors, but the problem is that now the contract has been established. According to the regulations, each of them must participate!" Bagman wiped his handkerchief. His round baby face was full of embarrassment.

"Bagman is right! In addition, this matter has not yet been fully understood. We can't hold someone accountable without evidence, maybe this is just an accident!" Crouch began to persuade.

"You made me treat this incident as an accident? Don't even think about it!" Karkaroff's face was very ugly. In his opinion, Bagman and Crouch were favoring Hogwarts and bullying them. These foreigners.

Maxim also echoed. "Since there are two warriors at Hogwarts, to be fair, we have to re-display the Goblet of Fire and increase the number of places until each school has two warriors!"

"No, I'm afraid this won't happen, Ms. Maxim, the Goblet of Fire has just been extinguished, and it will not reignite until the next tournament as usual." Bagman shook his head and said helplessly.

"There is no next year! Durmstrang will never participate in such an unfair competition again, and I will take my students to leave tonight!" Karkaroff was angrily crowned and pulled up angrily Krum left.

The rest of Durmstrang's students also got up from their seats angrily, and followed Kakarov out of the auditorium.

The same was true for Maxim, taking Boothbatten's students out of the scene midway in protest.

Harry stood there watching the two leaving figures, looking a little at a loss. He felt that this year's Triple Finals must be over before it even started.

"Don't worry, Harry, they didn't have the guts to go! When that Krum and Fleur put their names into the Goblet of Fire, the magic contract was already established. If they didn't compete in the end, the backlash would be very serious!" Mu Di limped down from the platform, his face heavy, but he still spoke to comfort Harry.

Ivan looked at Moody and suddenly asked. "Professor, why didn't Mr. Bagman suggest canceling a person's score? Even if it is necessary to participate, as long as the result of a warrior at Hogwarts is invalidated, wouldn't it be relatively fair?"

Having said that, Ivan looked at Harry again, his face full of apologetics. "Oh, Harry, don't mind, I'm not targeting you!"

Harry nodded blankly. He was still wondering why he became a warrior. He didn't even hear what Ivan was talking about.

"We can't do this, Hals!" Moody sighed, glanced at Harry, and explained to Ivan. "This is too cruel to Harry. He has done nothing wrong but has to face those dangerous projects like you. We can't make him work hard without getting a fair evaluation."

"Also, the Triwizard Tournament is a very important event. There are many wizards all over Europe paying attention to it. In case Harry performed well in the game and eventually won the championship, we canceled his result. , Then the referees will be overwhelmed by yelling letters!"

"Of course, you can use your method. We can replace the Hogwarts Warrior with the lowest score. The final result is invalid! However, I guess Karkaroff and Maxim will definitely not agree with this. Fair!" Moody grinned and laughed.

Only then did Ivan understand.

After explaining it to Ivan, Moody turned his head to look at Dumbledore, "How about I track down the Goblet of Fire incident? Albus? I think Hals’s speculation just now makes sense, maybe Someone moved their hands and feet on the cup and wanted to target Harry..."

"It would be best if you are willing to take over! After all, you are more experienced in this area..." Dumbledore agreed without hesitation ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Ivan frowned insignificantly, but Didn't say anything.

On the face of it, Moody's is indeed the best candidate for the investigation, and he is not sure whether there is any problem with Moody's, and retorting it will only startle.

In case he is mistaken, next time he wants to find a chance to reveal some information, such as when the Horcrux is down, the credibility of the words will be greatly reduced.

Dumbledore talked with the two high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic for a while, and soon reached a consensus. He raised his wand and blessed himself with a magnificent curse, and then spoke to the noisy little wizards below.

"Well, it's not too early now. I think you need a good rest. This is the end of today's dinner!

As for the guidance and advice to the warriors, we will arrange it until tomorrow. I will inform Mr. Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim! "

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he left the auditorium with the professors and Crouch of the Ministry of Magic and others. The other little wizards returned to their respective lounges unwillingly under the prefect's scolding.

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