Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 622

Chapter 622: Warriors fight the fire dragon!

The exaggerated size contrast of one person and one dragon made the little wizards in the audience worried. Several timid witches even screamed and closed their eyes when they saw Furong approaching the fire dragon.

However, Furong, who had been prepared for a long time, would naturally not choose to be **** the front, but instead kept spinning around the fire dragon.

The Swedish short-nosed dragon has a pretty good temper. It doesn't mean to attack actively. It just keeps roaring menacingly and keeps firmly beside the lair.

Due to the long distance and the auditorium in the middle, Ivan couldn’t see very clearly. He only vaguely saw Furong holding his wand and muttering something in his mouth, and continued to circle under his feet. After a while, the fire dragon’s body began to change. Got to wander around.

Ivan guessed that this should be some kind of special hypnotic magic.

However, the fire dragon's magic resistance was outstanding. After Furong had tossed for half an hour, the Swedish short-nosed dragon couldn't hold back his sleepiness and fell to the ground groggy.

Furong breathed a sigh of relief, and walked forward cautiously. When passing by the fire dragon, the hearts of the audience were raised for fear that the fire dragon would suddenly wake up.

Furong was also frightened, she didn't even dare to step too wide, and her eyes were constantly paying attention to her feet, avoiding stepping on the stones to make noises and awakening the sleeping dragon.

In such a short journey of over ten meters, Furong just walked for more than a minute.

At the moment when she bent down and grabbed the golden egg, Furong's tight emotions relaxed. She knew that she had succeeded!

However, before Furong was happy, the exclamation of the audience pulled her back to reality. The suddenly enlarged shadow on the ground quickly blocked the sun. When she noticed this, Furong's heart There have been warning signs.

Without turning around, she knew that the Swedish short-nosed dragon was awake behind her!

Between the lightning and flint, under the pressure of facing death, Furong made an extremely correct choice. She did not turn her head, and flew forward sharply, avoiding the falling giant claws in a thrilling manner, and splashing gravel hit her body. Make a series of openings.

The deafening dragon roar made her deaf in both ears and her brain was dizzy, so she could only get up from the ground with strong support.

As a female dragon that hatched her eggs, she witnessed her "child" being taken away with her own eyes, and her tyrannical anger spurted out even though it turned into a scorching dragon's breath, and the target was directed at the Lotus who had not yet eased up.josei

Fortunately, the dragon trainers who were waiting around rushed up at this time, and a dozen protective spells successfully blocked the anger of the Swedish short-nosed dragon, and then a large number of crimson light beams hit the face of the fire dragon. He stunned it again soon.

Although Furong was only slightly injured, facing death twice in a row brought her a lot of psychological shadow, and her body was still trembling when she left.

Harry and Krum, who watched the game through the curtain in the tent, were frightened. The fire dragon was much more dangerous than they expected.

Ivan silently evaluated the combat power of this top-notch magical creature, huge size, hot dragon's breath, super magic resistance...

If it is one-to-one, Ivan believes that even a professionally trained wizard can only flee in a hurry when facing a fire dragon.

This can be compared to a primitive man holding a spear facing an angry mammoth. As long as it is rubbed and touched, it is a dead end, and it can only be hunted by the advantage of the number of people.

Of course, the upper limit of wizards is relatively high.

If you switch to Dumbledore or Voldemort, then subduing the dragon is just a matter of waving a magic wand.

Most of the professors in the school also have the ability to defeat the fire dragon one-on-one, but usually it takes a lot of effort, or there is a risk of injury...

In general, this is a magical creature with extremely powerful combat power. Ivan felt that if nothing else, the four bloodlines he prepared would be fire dragons!

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, the sharp whistle sounded again.

Harry's body shook, and he pursed his mouth. He knew he was on the court.

"Go! Don't be too nervous, just play normally!" Ivan said comfortingly.

Harry nodded and walked out as if dying.

When he was on the field, watching the fire dragon in front of him that was too strong to be defeated, Harry tried his best to calm his emotions, and according to the tactics he had planned before-drew out his wand to release the flying curse, and summoned the firebolt!

Fortunately, the thousands of exercises yesterday weren't in vain, and the Firebolt flew all the way from the castle to save face.

Harry reached out and held the Firebolt in his hand and rode it up, feeling like returning to the Quidditch pitch in his heart. The golden egg is like a golden snitch fixed there, and the fire dragon is the shot of Slytherin. Hand with goalkeeper.

Thinking of this, Harry developed some confidence, biting his head and rushing directly at the Hungarian hornet amidst the exclamation of the audience.

Such a provocative behavior naturally made the already ferocious Hungarian hornet furious. The dragon's breath continued to spit out and exploded in mid-air. The flames covered the sky and the sun, but Harry was looking for a gap. Move left and right, constantly shuttle back and forth under the dragon claw.

One after another, dark brown light beams lased from Harry's wand, but they weren't very effective when hitting the dragon's face.

Harry suddenly understood that the effect of his eye disease curse was too bad, and that he had to hit the dragon's eyes to have enough effect, so he started to deal with the Hungarian hornet!

This fierce chasing battle made the little wizards onlookers screaming. At the critical moment of Harry's escape from the dragon's mouth, there was a screaming scream around him.

Krum, who was watching in the tent, saw Harry cast his Eye Curse, his entire face turned green!

Using the Eye Curse to deal with the fire dragon was a method he and Karkaroff thought of after a long discussion. Flying is what he is best at, and now both of these methods are used by Harry!

It's over, what should I do? Krum only felt cold in his hands and feet, and his brain was muddy.

Ivan looked at Krum’s sudden change of expression, and couldn’t help feeling a little sympathetic. Krum now either learned Harry’s appearance and was accused of plagiarism, or he could only find another way temporarily.

But whoever asked Karkaroff to target himself so much, he had no choice but to add obstacles to Durmstrang's warriors!

After such a delay~www.mtlnovel.com~ Harry has successfully hit the dragon's eye.

The Hungarian hornet lost his sight and completely messed up the rules, only attacking everything in the body without a brain, and let out a roar of anger.

Harry took this opportunity to rush directly under the Hungarian Hornet, escaped two tramples, and snatched the golden egg with the speed of the firebolt, winning the cheers of the audience!

After Harry left the field, the dragon trainers rushed in to clean up the mess.

Along with the sound of Bagman's whistle...

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(End of this chapter)

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