Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 623

Chapter 623: Let us invite the last warrior to come on stage!

Krum walked out of the tent unconsciously, a battle between heaven and humans in his mind, hesitating whether to use the eye disease curse to confuse the dragon according to the original plan.

After all, this method has just been used by Harry!

And he didn't bring the Firebolt, and he couldn't rely on the flying broom to deal with the fire dragon like Harry, and lacked enough viewing.josei

By the time the two are compared, he will only get a bottom score!

This is something that Krum couldn't accept anyway!

So on the way to the arena, Krum constantly searched for the dark magic he had in his brain, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to try other methods to fight the fire dragon!

After making the decision, Krum held his wand and stepped into the paddock. The Chinese Fireball Dragon was standing in the center of the field, guarding the dragon egg, and did not intend to attack.

This made Krum breathe a sigh of relief. He immediately held up his wand, and began to chant obscure spells continuously, and dots of black light began to appear on the top of the wand...

The fireball dragon directly opposite also felt threatened, but due to the need to protect the dragon egg, it still hesitated not to step forward, and instead issued a roar to expel the pesky wizard.

The two sides held a stalemate for more than ten seconds, and Krum finished all the obscure spells, and a large amount of black fog emerged, condensed into a large ball and flew out of the magic wand, hitting the fireball dragon. Body.

Accompanied by a violent blasting sound, the fireball dragon roared in pain, and the black mist was like the strongest acid mist, corroding the dragon scales quickly...

Krum's mouth also conjured up a smile, but the smile on his face lasted only a few seconds, and then it turned into panic.

Because the roaring fireball dragon directly abandoned the dragon egg and rushed towards him frantically!

Krum was stunned, and only had time to bless himself with an iron armor curse, he was slapped and flew out by the huge dragon claws, and his body fell heavily on the ground and rolled more than a dozen times before stopping.

The sudden change scared the little wizards in the auditorium so much that they screamed endlessly, and some even suspected that Krum had been slapped to death by the fire dragon.

The dragon trainers guarding around were also taken aback, and they immediately wanted to rush to the rescue!

But it’s too late. The fire dragon, irritable because of the attack, has once again rushed to Krum’s face. Its sharp dragon teeth are as sharp as a polished dagger. It seems to want to kill Krum in one bite. Swallow it.

"Fluorescence flashes! (Bulgarian In a critical time, Krum, who was almost shot dead, clutched his chest and shouted in a nearly hoarse voice. The intense light like a scorching sun spread from the top of the wand to all directions.

The dazzling light obscured the sight of the Chinese Fireball Dragon, causing it to be blinded briefly.

Krum jumped up from the ground with strong support. The first thing he did was ran towards the dragon's nest, and then yelled at the surroundings in poor English.

"The game continues!"

The dragon trainer in charge of the guard hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to obey or not, in their opinion, the current situation is out of control!

The short-term blindness caused by the lighting curse lasted only about a second, and the fireball dragon resumed its sight again, and rampaged through the field even more brutally.

Krum was thinking about the countermeasures desperately-he needs a broom, otherwise, let alone win the dragon egg, the whole person has to explain here!

But when he came back, he didn't bring his own Firebolt...

The roar of the fire dragon was getting closer, and Krum had a premonition of death. Fortunately, he had an idea and turned to look at the exit of the arena-there was a ready-made broom!

"Firebolts are coming!" Krum held the last hope, waved his wand and shouted loudly.

One second, two seconds...There is still nothing on the field.

At that moment, Krum thought a lot, even if he was angry and helpless, he was not willing to save a competitor by comparing his heart.

A huge fireball ejected from the dragon's mouth and hit Krum.

Under the light of the fire, Krum’s hair exploded. Just as he was about to admit defeat and apply for rescue, a long, wooden stick-like thing suddenly flew over from the sky.

It's Firebolt!

Krum was not fortunate enough, he jumped up and grabbed the firebolt's stick, rolled over and rode on it, evading the impact of the fireball explosion with extraordinary speed, and went straight to the dragon's nest!

The fire dragon furiously spit out dragon breaths behind him, but Krum avoided one by one. He turned his body upside down and picked up the golden egg and raised it high, indicating that he had finished the game!

The dragon trainers hurriedly stepped forward and cast spells to calm the female dragon's anger, and the little wizards around also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a shameful behavior, Durmstrang's player Krum, actually reproduced Mr. Porter's way of dealing with the fire dragon... This is cheating, he must have peeped at the game!" Bagman as the commentator Without giving Krum any face, the sharp words echoed through a loudspeaker throughout the paddock.

A large number of little wizards also agree with Bagman’s statement, and they have spoken out accusing Krum of shamelessness. Only Krum’s loyal fans are still defending him... After all, there is no clear stipulation in the game, and the Warriors cannot. Use a similar method to pass!

Krum didn't have the face to stay on the court after winning the dragon egg, and soon stepped down in disgrace.

"Okay, let's invite the last warrior to come on stage!" Bagman cleared his throat and said loudly ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The audience on the court looked towards the entrance of the paddock, one dressed The little blond wizard in Lefender's school robe was walking in from the entrance.

Unlike the other warriors, there is no nervous or worried look on his face, but a calm and calm attitude.

The moment Ivan stepped into the paddock, cheers erupted from the surrounding audience.

Countless little wizards shouted his name, and the flags held high were floating in mid-air, with the words "Gryffindor Heroes" or "Hogwarts Stars" written in big golden letters on them!

Ivan politely looked around and nodded at the crowd. At the same time, he noticed that his friends were cheering for him on the stage, and Luna waved at him.

On the stage, Bagman's words continued. He pointed to the center of the paddock and solemnly introduced Ivan's opponent this time.

"The opponent of the fourth warrior is a Norwegian Ridgeback! I can tell you clearly that this is the smartest and most threatening dragon among the four-headed dragons! Let us look forward to Hals' performance..."

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