Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 641

Chapter 641: She is so smart, she won't be unexpected

Stepping out of the principal's office, Ivan bid farewell to Moody and walked alone in the castle, thinking about the whereabouts of Batty.

This raid on Crouch was not a failure, but it was far from a success, because they did not get too many valuable clues from Crouch.

Ivan slowly pulled out the Daily Prophet that had been brought in from Crouch's office, and while checking it, he summarized all the information he had collected in his mind.

First, he confirmed that Barty Jr. did not pretend to be his father Crouch.

There was no doubt about this, because he had previously searched Crouch's brain with the mind of Desire, and he was pretty sure that it was Crouch himself, and the other party had no signs of being hit by the Imperius Curse, let alone modified his memory.

Second, judging from the handwriting of the note and the testimony provided by Crouch, the person who threw Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire was Barty!

He must have sneaked into the castle secretly to cast a powerful confusing spell on the Goblet of Fire.

But the question is how exactly did he sneak into Hogwarts, where did he hide during this time, and how did he avoid the live spot map?

Questions filled Ivan's mind.

"If it were me, what would I do?" Ivan closed his eyes and tried to think about it in another way.

He knows the effect of the live spot map. It is a very useful magic item that can display the names of all the wizards in the castle, even if it is as strong as Dumbledore!

But in other words, no matter how useful it is, this is just a powerful alchemy tool, and there is no way to restrain it.

As early as the second grade, he discovered that this map could not show such mysterious places as the House of Requirement and the Slytherin Chamber.

This means that if the opponent uses magic to open up an independent space, he can successfully avoid the restrictions of the live spot map.

Furthermore, as an alchemist, Ivan believes that the use of isolation magic text can also achieve the same effect, as long as the whole body is covered.

So avoiding the live spot map is a feasible solution, but the problems that follow are also not small. If Batty keeps hiding in one place and can't come out, what should I do if I eat and drink?

No one can really make food out of thin air,

One day or two can be tolerated, but Barty will have to starve to death for a long time! And this way, it is impossible to obtain accurate information from the outside world to help Harry enter the third game smoothly and get the trophy that has been transformed into a door key.

You must know that in the first game, he and Harry opened a big gap, and this gap will continue to grow. It is impossible for Barty Crouch Jr. to hide in one place and sit and watch. This happened!

Ivan tried his best to analyze the possible hiding place in his mind, but he didn't have much clue. The intelligence he has now is still too little. Only when the young Batty takes the initiative to reveal some flaws can there be hope. Follow the vine and grab this guy...

Thinking of this, Ivan rubbed his forehead and temporarily set aside Barty's affairs. As long as the other party still wants to help Harry pass the level, he will definitely show his feet, but he needs some patience to wait.

Compared with this, another problem that was close at hand made Ivan feel more headache, and that was how to solve the misunderstanding with Hermione.

It will be a prom soon...

Ivan walked aimlessly in the castle, and did not follow Dumbledore's suggestion to go to the auditorium for today's dinner, but subconsciously walked along a secluded path.

He has become accustomed to practicing magic with Luna every evening, so that when he is distracted, he can automatically activate the pathfinding mechanism.

When Ivan realized this, he had already reached the end unconsciously.

Not far ahead, Luna was sitting on the windowsill obliquely, looking at the forbidden forest in the distance, her legs swinging slowly, as if she had been here for a long time.

Perhaps after hearing Ivan's footsteps, she slowly turned her head, and then jumped off the high window sill.

"You're late...this is really rare..." Luna said lightly, and there was not much blaming in her words.

"I'm sorry, Luna, Professor Dumbledore just asked me for something. It took some time..." Ivan explained apologetically.

"So..." Luna stretched her tone, staring straight at Ivan with those beautiful light blue eyes. She looked at it for a while, and waited until Ivan wanted to ask aloud. Suddenly interrupted. "Harassment Fly..."

"What?" Ivan didn't react for a while.josei

"A lot of harassment fly..." Luna said to herself, "I think they must be around you, wanting to float in your ears and mess up your mind."

While talking, Luna took out the magic wand from behind her ear in Ivan's surprised eyes, and waved it at a strange frequency.

"Try this...~ (Clean up Luna pointed her wand at Ivan and said the spell.

A slight magical wind surrounded Ivan's body, wiping away the dust from the corners of the robe, and Ivan in the center felt that he was surrounded by many blowers.

"How? Is it better?" Luna asked curiously after the curse stopped.

"No, I think this curse may not have any effect on the harassment of the horsefly!" Ivan said dumbfounded. The cleansing curse obviously can't overcome the troubles. It's almost the same as a Forgotten Curse or a bottle of euphoria.

"But I think it's still useful..." Luna said seriously, her magic clearly blew away a lot of harassment.

Ivan was speechless, and the little witch's wild thoughts were always so unexpected. I really don't know whether to call her smart or weird.

"So, are you having any trouble again?" Luna asked, skipping the harassment of the horsefly.

"Yes... it's about this dance..." Ivan hesitated for a moment~www.mtlnovel.com~ and still said it.

He has had too many annoying things recently, but he has been unable to find someone to talk to him. He thinks Luna may be a good listener. Her mouth is very strict, she never reveals what she has said at will, and she is trustworthy.

Luna seemed to be very interested in the prom and made an appearance of listening attentively.

Ivan didn't conceal the meaning, and briefly talked about the causes and consequences of the incident, including the misunderstanding that Hermione had caused when they saw them walking together.

"Each person can only invite one person to the ball. Since I asked her again, it is impossible to invite others. She is so smart and would not be unexpected." Ivan finally added and recalled When I first invited Hermione, the complex expression on the girl's face and the questioning words.

This is why he did not catch up to explain it in the first time, not only because of Moody's urgent request, but more importantly, he found that he had never really understood Hermione's thoughts and thoughts over the years. Make a misjudgment.

(PS: Three changes from tomorrow, please recommend, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass...)

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