Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 642

Chapter 642: Zong Xian and Zong Xian Shu

"Why does she think I would invite others?" Ivan muttered to himself very confused. He turned his head and looked at Luna, wanting to ask the little witch for advice, but found that Luna was still standing there and did not follow. .

Ivan was surprised to ask, but Luna's words came through first.

"You must be too tall!"

high? Ivan frowned, wondering what Luna was trying to express.

Or is this just a whimsical idea that Luna suddenly came up with?

Just as Ivan was thinking this way, Luna suddenly walked towards him, slid right in front of her, and put her hands on his shoulders.

It was the first time that Ivan and Luna were so close, and he seemed a little uncomfortable.

But before he could even think about it, he felt the hands of the little witch pressing on her shoulders were straining.

Ivan was a little curious about what Luna wanted to do, so she squatted down following the guidance and finally sat on the ground.josei

"That's better!" Luna stretched out her hand to compare the height difference between her and Ivan, and seemed very happy.

Ivan sat on the ground blankly, looking up at Luna, always feeling this kind of perspective a bit strange.

"Have you heard of the trace fairy tree?" Luna asked suddenly.

Ivan shook his head.

"It usually grows tall, big, and beautiful. The branches are covered with golden-red leaves. It will take away all the sunlight and cast a large shadow. It is impossible to find a second tree around. Up."

Luna said quietly, her ethereal voice reverberating continuously in the corridor, she stepped to the window, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on her pale golden hair, reflecting a beautiful golden red.

Ivan looked up at Luna in a trance. At this moment, she was like the outstanding trace fairy tree, so gorgeous, blocking the sunlight, and she could only stay in her shadow.

"Are you trying to say that because my performance is so good, Hermione feels a little uncomfortable?" Ivan asked hesitantly.

Luna did not answer, she seemed to be immersed in her own world, and she stretched out her hands in a daze as if she wanted to lift up a piece of sunshine.

Ivan didn't bother Luna, silently thinking about it in his heart.

He suddenly recalled what Hermione had said when Harry and Ron had a conflict half a month ago.

[No, you are wrong, sometimes I will be jealous of you... I hope you won’t be so good...]

Ivan thought that Hermione was just joking, but now it looks like it's more than that.

"You have put too much pressure on her..." Luna's ethereal voice rang again, "She is just a trace of the fairy tree, walking around the trace of the fairy tree, but there are too many traces of fairy like her, she thinks I am not at all eye-catching."

"Zongxian? What's that?" Ivan was a little confused by Luna.

"They are very interesting little elves. They are only about half the size of a slap. They have transparent wings and emit faint fluorescence. At night, there are always a lot of Xianxian flying out of the flowers and surrounding the Xianxian tree. Turn around..." Luna was very happy to spread it to Ivan.

Ivan scratched his head. He once rummaged through related books in order to inquire about the magical creatures suitable for hemolysis, but he never found any traces in them.

This is estimated to belong to Luna's fantasy creature, she always has many fantastic ideas, like living in a fairy tale book.

Of course, Ivan was not stupid enough to argue with Luna whether the trace of the immortal exists or not, because he also heard the metaphors in Luna's words.

"You have a lot of immortals. If you didn't have me, you would find other friends to practice magic, and talk to them about this..." Luna whispered softly.

"No, it won't!" Ivan retorted Luna's words and said seriously. "Because there is only one Luna in Hogwarts, I can't find a second one!"

"Thank you!" Luna became very happy when she heard Ivan say that, her eyes narrowed, and she said lightly in that singing tone. "Then she must also hope you can tell her that there is only one Hermione in Hogwarts, and she is the most special tracer!"

Ivan was stunned, and after a while, his complexion became a little reddish, and he hesitated. "Do you have to do this? Will it be too..."

Ivan didn't continue to say. Of course he can understand Luna's meaning, but isn't this the same as confession?

Just thinking about it, Ivan felt a little confused.

"But girls care about this!" Luna stared at Ivan, and then asked. "do you like her?"

Ivan hesitated, but the answer was already in his mind.

Of course he liked Hermione, he liked it very much in the previous life, but he didn't know if it was love.

Because he also likes every outstanding character in the original time and space-he understands their hearts, knows everything about them, and has listened to their stories...

And compared to the others, Hermione was too close to him, so close that Ivan couldn't understand the mixed emotions.

"If she agrees to someone's invitation at the Christmas ball, will you be angry?"

Luna's ethereal voice reached Ivan's ears again.

Ivan closed his eyes and thought about such a scene, the expression on his face became very unnatural, and then he quickly became calm again.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Luna, his words became firm. "I think I understand...Thank you, Luna!"

Luna just smiled and didn't reply.

After thinking it through, the confusion in Ivan's heart was wiped out, but he didn't rush to find Hermione, on the one hand it was very rude to Luna, on the other hand, he also needed some time to prepare for the surprise.

So the rest of the time, he just accompanies Luna around the castle, chatting about some trivial things in life, and listening to the whimsical thoughts of the little witch.

He enjoyed chatting with Luna very much, because he would never guess what kind of words would pop out of the little witch's mouth, everything was so novel.

"By the way, this year's Christmas party~www.mtlnovel.com~Are you going to participate?" Ivan asked curiously.

"But who would invite me to be a dance partner?" Luna said quietly.

Ivan then remembered that Luna was a third grader, and unless someone invited her, she couldn't participate in the prom.

It's just that, generally speaking, the pretty girls in the lower grades should be very popular too. It was a surprise to Ivan that Luna was not invited.

But thinking about it, Ivan somehow understands why.

If she goes to the ball, Luna will be happy to put on a weird gown, then a beautiful wreath or a hat that she has woven by herself, and become the "focus" of the entire ball-but not who Like Luna, he can bear the strange eyes of everyone.

Thinking about this, Ivan looked at Luna with apologetic eyes, but unfortunately he was ready to invite Hermione, and couldn't invite a second person.

"I don't like dance parties, it's too lively..." Maybe Luna sensed Ivan's thoughts, shook her head gently, and then continued mysteriously. "I don't plan to go home for Christmas either. I have more important things to do..."

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