Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 643

Chapter 643: Hermione: Are you here to show off to me?

whats the matter? "Ivan asked curiously.

"I have seen in a book that every Christmas, the fairy tree will bloom, and all the fairy will fly out at night, it must be very beautiful!" Luna said in a daze, as if in a daze. Imagine the beauty.

"Oh, there is also the horned snorer. If it is nearby, it will definitely be attracted..." Luna added.

"So you plan to find the fairy tree during your holiday?" Ivan suddenly understood that he had seen similar scenes in Luna's memory. The little witch was always keen to find something novel.

"Yes! This kind of tree usually grows in a very dense jungle, I think there may be in the forbidden forest! I have never looked for it carefully." Luna said happily.

Ivan opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.

He understood that Luna would never find the fairy tree and the snoring beast in the forbidden forest-because these were all fantasy things.

But Ivan also knew that he was not qualified to break this beautiful fantasy...

After being silent for a while, Ivan responded with a smile instead. "Well, I think you will find it someday."

"Yeah, I will find it..." Luna said seriously.

Before they knew it, the two had already stepped to the end of the corridor, facing the blank wall, Luna turned her head and looked at the main tower in the distance.

The lights in the auditorium were still flickering, and students could be vaguely seen coming out of the hall in twos and threes.

Obviously dinner is about to end...

"I think you have to leave, don't you?" Luna looked at Ivan and asked.

Ivan nodded, apologized to Luna again, and walked quickly toward the hall.

Along the way, Ivan organized the language in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. To be honest, it was the first time he confessed to a girl.

"George, Fred!"

When passing through a corridor, Ivan happened to ran into the Weasley brothers who were about to return to the dorm after lunch. A thought came to Ivan's heart, and he greeted him.

"What's the matter? Ivan? (What's the matter? George and Fred turned their heads, and just had time to ask, they saw something flying towards them.josei

George subconsciously took a look, only to find that it was a golden Kanon.

"I have something to ask you two for a favor!" Ivan said while looking at them.


In the evening, Hogwarts Auditorium.

Hermione sat absently on Gryffindor's seat, turning her eyes to the entrance of the hall from time to time.

Harry on the side really couldn't stand it, and couldn't help but ask. "Are you waiting for Ivan? Hermione? It's so late, he must not plan to eat anymore!"

"I'm not waiting for him..." The little witch shook her head and said angrily. The knife in her hand unconsciously cut the steak on the plate to pieces, but she didn't notice at all.

Harry glanced at the dinner plate that Hermione hadn't moved at all, and shrugged helplessly. He could naturally see that his two good friends were tumbling, but he couldn't figure out why.

Obviously Ivan invited Hermione to participate in this year's Christmas party in public a few days ago, and their relationship should be very good.

"Could it be that you refused Ivan's invitation? Did you find someone else temporarily?" Harry asked curiously.

But it soon occurred to him that if it were so, Hermione wouldn't always look at the hall.

"What are you asking so much for?" Hermione glared at him annoyed, and then stopped eating, picked up the book on the table and stood up and walked straight out of the auditorium, shouting Harry behind him. He didn't hear anything.

Leaving the hall, Hermione's face was filled with blank expression.

She didn't return to the girls' dormitory, nor did she routinely go to the library to stay until night, but wandered alone in Hogwarts Castle, thinking about the scene where she separated from Ivan not long ago, and she couldn't help feeling a little upset.

When Ivan asked that sentence, she understood that she had misunderstood, and Ivan did not invite Luna of Ravenclaw to the ball.

However, when she thought of the scenes of Luna getting along with Ivan in her memory, she felt as if she had swallowed a sour fruit, and she couldn't help but stimulate Yifan.

After speaking, Hermione regretted it, so she waited for a while nervously, but it was a pity that she did not wait for Ivan to follow.

In addition, she didn't see Ivan at the dinner, which made Hermione a little worried.

She hadn't forgotten the previous guess, the mysterious man's men probably sneaked in and threw Harry's name into the goblet of fire.

Maybe the other party will also target Ivan as a warrior.

Of course, there is a second possibility that Ivan invited other girls to go during this time...

Thinking about this, Hermione became a little annoyed. She thought with anger that even if Ivan actually invited others, it wouldn't be a big deal!

All kinds of thoughts kept colliding in Hermione's mind. After walking for a while, her footsteps suddenly stopped because the person in front of her was the person she didn't want to meet the least.

The blond witch opposite seemed to be able to meet Hermione here by accident.

The two were stunned for a while, and Hermione turned decisively and was about to walk back, but Luna's voice had already been heard.

"Hello, Hermione..." Luna said hello.

Hermione's steps stopped, she didn't want to show weakness in front of Luna, so she turned her head and said angrily. "Hello...Miss Lovegood!"

Luna didn't seem to notice Hermione's alienation and malice at all. She walked up quickly, rummaging in the cloth pockets of the wizard's robe with both hands.

Hermione was vigilant secretly, clutching the wand tightly with her right hand.

However, under her gaze, Luna just pulled out a thick notebook from her cloth pocket.

"Fortunately~www.mtlnovel.com~ I always carry it!" Luna said happily, and then handed the notes to Hermione.

Hermione didn't take it immediately, she looked at Luna puzzled, not understanding what she meant.

"Don't take a look?" Luna asked.

Without paying attention, Hermione took the note and flipped it through. She wanted to know what was written in it.

After a few glances, Hermione found that what was written on the pages of the book turned out to be the practice of Occlumency and the techniques of resisting mindfulness. The most important thing was that she knew the handwriting on it, which was exactly Ivan's handwriting.

Are you here to show off?

Hermione looked at Luna dissatisfied, but when she noticed the innocent look on Luna's face, she realized that she had misunderstood. After calming down and thinking about the meeting, she understood Luna's meaning all at once, and asked like confirmation. Tao.

"So, you were practicing sanctuary that day?"

(End of this chapter)

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