Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 645

Chapter 645: Do you want to be my dance partner?

It's up to you to see it for yourself! "

While talking, Ivan held Hermione's right hand, handed her wand into her hand, pointed it at herself, and said softly.

"Legilimency~ (Legilimency

Accompanied by Ivan's erratic voice, Hermione felt her consciousness sinking rapidly, as if she had fallen into the abyss.

Dimly, she saw herself who accompanied Ivan to practice magic in the first grade, and saw the secret tunnel guarded by the three-headed dog that everyone broke into together... and also saw the scenes of their journey through time and space in the third grade.

Revisiting every scene of acquaintance from another perspective, experiencing the ups and downs, Hermione suddenly understood why Ivan always neglected to write letters, saw his troubles, and realized that Ivan wanted to express. Meaning, this experience is unique to the two of them, irreplaceable.josei

Sober from the many memories, Hermione opened her eyes again and looked at the blond boy in front of her.

"So, besides you, who else can I invite?" Ivan asked with a smile.

Hermione stepped forward according to the joy of her unbearable heart, and hugged Ivan tightly. The confusion in her heart was instantly swept away, and she was gradually filled with the hazy, sweet emotions.

Ivan also folded his arms and hugged the girl in his arms, feeling the greenness and vitality of the cardamom years, and from time to time he could smell the good fragrance between the hair.

The two hugged very tightly, and each other could hear each other's accelerated heartbeat. It was very rapid, but also very stable, which made people unable to help but indulge in it.

"Ah, I have forgotten the most important point! There is one thing I haven't told you yet..." After holding it for a long time, Ivan released it slightly and said solemnly.

Hermione was puzzled and raised her head in a daze, with doubts in her brown eyes.

"That's..." Ivan deliberately stretched her tone, and when the little witch was a little anxious, she said softly. "I like you, Hermione!"

Hermione blushed all of a sudden, and the blush spread from her face to the base of her ears. After a while, she dared to hesitate. "me too!"

"Then do you want to be my dance partner?" Ivan immediately asked again.

"Of course!" Hermione said quietly, not daring to look directly at Ivan anymore, and immediately buried her body in his arms.

Ivan didn't hear clearly at all, but he didn't ask Hermione to say it a second time without understanding, and there was even a little guilt deep in his heart.

He could feel what Hermione really meant for him, but the memories he showed Hermione had been carefully modified.

After all, he has too many secrets that are not suitable for sharing, and he has to deal with falsehoods.

At the same time, George, who was holding the accordion behind his back, felt that his hand was about to be broken. He thought that Ivan would be able to get things done in ten minutes at most, but now they have held it for almost half an hour, and there is no sign of releasing .

Fred on the other side was not idle either, constantly waving his wand to pour the brilliant light into the air, besides that he had to adjust the brightness of the candlelight to enhance the atmosphere on the court, and he was too busy to stop. .

Both of them secretly regretted in their hearts.

Is it too cheap for them to charge a gallon? If they knew that they should be charged according to the time!


On Christmas day, early in the morning, Harry, who went to the auditorium for breakfast, was surprised to find that his two good friends seemed to have figured it out after a night of thinking, and no longer hid like hide-and-seek, and It is the same as before and has returned to its former appearance.

No, it should be said that it is more intimate than ever!

Because Harry was keenly aware that the hand held by Ivan and Hermione had never been released, even during the meal. People who didn’t know thought their hands were glued together by powerful magic glue. .

This made the single Harry feel very uncomfortable. He always felt that sitting here was not disturbing them?

"Will is also a powerful force. If you firmly don't want me to see a certain memory, then magic power will automatically form a defensive force and drive me out..." Ivan sat at the Gryffindor table In the corner, while flipping the notes, she explained to Hermione the techniques of Occlumency.

Hermione on the side was listening carefully to Ivan's narration. After yesterday's scene, she no longer rejected Ivan's behavior of checking her own memory.

After all, she checked Ivan's yesterday, so she doesn't mind sharing the most private memories with people she likes now.

Now he is still practicing Occlumency, just to better help Ivan practice magic in the future.

Regarding the meeting she had with Luna yesterday evening, Hermione didn't even conceal the slightest intention, so she said it out.

When Hermione talked about Luna handing this notebook to her, Ivan seemed surprised, but more grateful.

Now that he had established a relationship with Hermione, it would be a little inappropriate to practice the mindfulness with Luna. This behavior was too intimate.

But if he was asked to take the initiative to explain to Luna, Ivan really didn't know how to speak.

"By the way, Ivan, do you know what Luna usually likes?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"What are you asking this for?" Ivan looked at Hermione in surprise.

"Today is Christmas, did you forget?" Hermione glanced at him, then continued. "I plan to give Luna some gifts, thank her!"

"She prefers some weird things, such as an excellent storybook, small props with magical effects~www.mtlnovel.com~Um...plus airship plum, bracelets made of flowers and plants, rare insect specimens, etc. Yes." Ivan thought for a while and said.

This is also something he often gave Luna during festivals in previous years.

Judging from the reply, Luna should like it all...

Hermione thought about it for a while, feeling a little difficult to decide, then looked at Ivan again and asked again. "Then what are you going to give her this year?"

"I'm going to give a protective ring!" Ivan hesitated for a while, and he didn't want to hide Hermione, so he said truthfully, "Luna told me that I would go to the Forbidden Forest to look for snoring beasts this Christmas. Worried about her being in danger..."

While talking, Ivan looked at Hermione cautiously, worried that she would mind.

However, Hermione didn't care about the protective ring Ivan was going to give. Instead, she was very worried about Luna's safety. The Forbidden Forest was not a safe place. Otherwise, Dumbledore would not make repeated orders every year to keep everyone from approaching there.

Not to mention that Hagrid particularly likes to raise some "cute" magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and even almost stuffed Norbert into the Forbidden Forest.

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