Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 646

Chapter 646: You are her only friend, aren't you?

"The Forbidden Forest is too dangerous, can't you convince her to dispel this idea?" Hermione said worriedly.

"It's probably very difficult." Ivan shook her head helplessly. Luna made up her mind this time to find the flowering trace fairy tree and the possible snoring beast, but he couldn't find any suitable reason. To persuade the other party...

In fact, he also thinks Luna’s behavior is very dangerous, especially since Hogwarts has not been peaceful recently. Barty Crouch Jr. is hiding near the castle. What if this guy stays in the forbidden forest all the time? do?

This is why Ivan wants to give Luna a protective ring, so that she at least has a certain ability to protect herself when encountering danger.

"Why don't you go with her?" Hermione saw the worry in Ivan's eyes, and after thinking about it, she said.

Ivan looked at Hermione in surprise, and said unexpectedly. "But...Aren't we going to the dance together?"

"So it can't be today!" Hermione added hastily, and then felt too excited, blushing, and continued coyly. "You and she can go back in a few days!"

Ivan stared at Hermione in a daze for a while, almost thinking that he had heard it wrong.josei

"You are her only friend, aren't you?" Hermione looked at Ivan seriously, thinking of the contact with Luna yesterday, and a little apologetic in her words.

"I will tell her and ask her if she wants to wait for a while, then the three of us will go together!" Ivan laughed. He was always worried that Hermione would not deal with Luna. I thought about it a lot.

"I won't take the time to find something that doesn't exist at all. It must be boring!" Hermione shook her head and said vowedly.

"That's right, you haven't said what kind of gift you have prepared for me." Hermione didn't seem to intend to continue talking about this, but instead asked instead.

"Temporarily keep it secret, you will know when you wait for the ball!" Ivan said mysteriously without revealing the secret.

Hermione pretended to be angry and turned her head away, ignoring him, but this would unexpectedly see someone at Slytherin's long table looking at her from time to time.

Ivan also followed Hermione's gaze, and found that it was Krum, and his happy mood suddenly became worse.

"Have Krum harassed you recently? Do you want me to help you teach him!" Ivan asked.

"Don't do that, Ivan!" Hermione grabbed Ivan's arm and glared at him dissatisfied.

Then perhaps she was worried about Ivan's misunderstanding, she quickly added. "What if Gryffindor is deducted?"

"We have added a lot of points this semester, and it's nothing to deduct a bit..." Ivan shrugged indifferently.

This year is different from the past. Harry and Ron, who are the demerit three...two giants, have never found a chance to play. Coupled with his and Hermione’s hard work during class, Gryffindor’s college points have been far ahead since the start of.

He is expected to add a lot of points when he wins the top spot in the top three, and he will not be able to catch up with the second place.

Seeing that Ivan really had the idea of ​​doing something, Hermione didn't know whether to be happy or angry for a while.

However, in order to avoid conflicts, she still tried her best to comfort her. Krum did want to invite her to this year's dance party, but she had clearly rejected it!

"He invited you? When?" Ivan frowned.

"Just the other day, I told him that I have found a partner!" Hermione whispered.

Hearing what Hermione said, Ivan even wanted to beat Krum to vent his anger, but under Hermione's begging and supervision, he finally had to dispel this idea.


Because the whole morning spent too much time on flirting, Ivan’s planned study plan was forced to stop...

After all, the evening is the Christmas ball, and in the afternoon everyone has to be busy decorating the venue and preparing for the ball.

It doesn't matter to Ivan. He can change clothes for a few minutes at most, but the girls are different. They have to spend hours putting on makeup, dressing up, and choosing clothes.

So after eating lunch and taking a break, Ivan had to leave Hermione temporarily and return to the boys' dormitory alone.

Pushing the door open, Ivan found that Harry, Seamus, and Neville had returned early, and they were changing into today's dresses. Even Ron, who was usually not seen, was here.

Ivan greeted several people with a smile, then walked all the way to the bed and clapped his hands.

A house elf appeared in front of him with a "bang", it was Dobby undoubtedly.

"Merry Christmas, sir!" Dobby looked very happy, as if infected by the joyful atmosphere in the castle, happily handing over the exquisite dress he was holding in his hand.

Ivan took off his coat and put the dress on his body. Dobby brought a mirror over at the right time to facilitate Ivan's inspection.

Ivan thanked it for its kindness, and then looked at himself in the mirror.

The exquisite dress he wore was a bit similar to the improved version of the Muggle tuxedo. The whole body was black, but the corners were dotted with gold and red lines, which was a bit mysterious and evil.

"Hey, you look so handsome, Ivan!" Harry came over and patted his shoulder, jokingly.

"Even if you didn't remind me, I would have noticed it..." Ivan curled his lips and responded with a smile.

While joking with Harry, Ivan also noticed that Dobby put down the mirror, his expression entangled and he dared not speak.

"What's wrong? Dobby? Do you have anything you want to tell me?" Ivan asked actively.

"Can Dobby give Mister a gift?" Dobby summoned the courage to say it~www.mtlnovel.com~ Holding the corner of the mirror with both hands, he looked at Ivan in fear.

"Of course, I will be very happy!" Ivan nodded.

"That's great!" Dobby snapped his fingers and disappeared in place, and when he came back, he already had an extra armband in his hand!

It’s the fabric above that looks like it was torn from a torn sheet, one of which is still patched, and in the center is a weird-looking fire dragon woven with red thread. On the back of the dragon, you can see a vaguely sitting Villain.

Ivan reluctantly recognized that this should be what he looked like when he defeated Noble in his first game.

"Dobby made this himself, sir!" Dobby explained carefully.

"Thank you, Dobby!" Although Ivan felt that he would never wear this armband, he still received Dobby's heart.

Dobby jumped up happily, then looked at Ivan blankly, as if expecting something.

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