Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 647

Chapter 647: Mr. is really a kind and great wizard!

Of course Ivan could understand Dobby's meaning, so he took a small box from the head of the bed and handed it to it.

"No! I have prepared a gift for you too!"

Dobby was extremely happy, and opened the box as quickly as possible-a white glove was placed in it alone.

"I only gave you one glove last time, so I will fill it up for you this time!" Ivan explained, and then asked again. "How about it, do you still like it?"

"It's amazing! Mr. is such a kind and great wizard!" Dobby nodded quickly and screamed excitedly. His body was trembling constantly, and he seemed to cry with emotion when he twitched his nose.josei

Dobby didn't expect Ivan to remember that it only had a left-handed glove, and he bought another glove for it.

"You'd better hurry up and try to fit!" Ivan hurriedly interrupted. He really didn't want to hear Dobby talk about those goose bumps that made him think that he did something. What a great thing.

Dobby took out the glove excitedly and put it on his empty right hand, while the remaining empty box was held tightly in his arms, as if it were some kind of treasure.

Ivan looked at Dobby and shook his head funny, then turned his gaze to the table beside the bed. There were hundreds of packages on it, piled so full, some even fell to the ground.

"When did so many people send me things?" Ivan was very surprised. He had some doubts whether it was from the guys in Knockdown Alley, but after thinking about it, he didn't think it was right. They should have no guts to give it. He is right to send a gift.

However, Ivan didn't mean to turn it immediately, but took out the parchment and quill to write to Luna, so that she should not rush to the Forbidden Forest to find the fairy tree and the snoring beast.

Hogwarts has not been peaceful lately, it is best to wait for a while and act with yourself.

The reason why I chose to deliver the letter instead of telling it in person is because he had already seen it with a spot map on the way back to the dormitory. Luna would be in Ravenclaw’s dormitory. Ivan was not sure when she would be. Come out, so it’s more convenient to write a letter.

After finishing writing, Ivan opened the owl cage and tied the envelope to Maca's feet.

"Give it to Luna, understand?" Ivan ordered.

Maca nodded. It had been delivered many times, and it was already familiar. Dang Even flew out of the window with its wings flapping.

Only then did Ivan focus his attention on the Christmas packages, and looked at them one by one, and finally found that most of the gifts were delicate small objects, which were probably sent by his admirers.

In addition, he also pulled out from the package the new sweater from Mrs. Weasley, the model of the Christmas tree from Harry, the dragon scales from Charlie, and the bags of fireworks from the Weasley brothers-see above The introduction said that it can spray out the form of love.

Finally, there is a book-"The Story of Poetry Weng Bidou"!

Ivan took it up in surprise. After reading the cover picture, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. It was clearly a new drawing. After reading a few pages carefully, it turned out that it was all Luna's handwriting.

After thinking about it, he realized that this storybook should have been made by Luna herself-she silently wrote down all the content in "The Story of Poetry Weng and Pidou", and then made the corresponding cover. And draw a fitting picture.

Ivan was somewhat moved, he certainly knew why Luna gave him this.

When practicing meditation the other day, he once saw this storybook in Luna’s memory. At that time, he showed some interest, but he didn’t know much about the story. Luna was probably aware of it. A little bit, so take the time to prepare this gift for him.

Although this is not very helpful to him, it is also a picture book worth collecting with great care.

"It's weird, where's Hermione's gift?" Ivan put down the storybook again, and looked around the unpacked package on the table. Only Hermione's gift was left unreceived.

The little witch had asked him about his Christmas gifts before, and it was impossible that he had forgotten it, so there was one possibility left - Hermione would give it to him when she was preparing for the Christmas ball.

Ivan couldn't help but smile, and he couldn't help but look forward to it. He even more wanted to know how beautiful Hermione would be in the gorgeous robes, which could amaze the audience in the original time and space. He couldn't wait. Take a look.

But now there is still some time before the ball begins, and Ivan has to sit on the bed and wait for the time to pass, listening to Harry and Seamus chatting by the way.

Ron stood alone in the corner and twisted his clothes. It was not even a ceremonial gown. It looked like a very rustic dress with pink lace on the corners. He was very Disgustingly used the cutting curse to get rid of those extra parts, but it became even more ugly.

Perhaps it was because he realized that he had to wear this shameful robe to the prom, Ron, who had been playing around for a while, finally accepted his fate, sat down on the chair boringly, glanced at Harry who was chatting with Seamus, and then gave him a second look. His eyes turned to the table in front of Ivan's bed.

Seeing Ron staring for a long time, Ivan followed his gaze with some curiosity, and found that there was still a small package in the gap of the long table, which was probably squeezed in by other gifts, so he I haven't noticed it just now.

Ivan strode over, took out the package, opened it, and found that there was a big bag of candies in it, all of which he liked to eat, but there was no signature, no blessings and cards on it.

This could not have been given by Hermione, because the little witch would never give such a vulgar thing.

"Ron, did you give me this?" Ivan turned his head and asked curiously.

"Ah... yes!" Ron looked a little stiff~www.mtlnovel.com~ He seemed ashamed to tell Ivan this, but finally nodded.

"The gift is great, thank you!" Ivan said casually. He knew Ron was not rich, so he didn't care whether things were cheap or not.

"Oh, I seem to have forgotten to prepare this year's Christmas present for you!" Ivan suddenly patted his head.

Because of the awkwardness between Ron and them before, Ivan was worried that Ron would not accept it and something embarrassing when preparing the gift, so he didn't prepare the other party's share.

But looking at the "ceremonial robe" that Ron was wearing, Ivan suddenly had an idea in his heart and said. "But I think it's too late to prepare a gift now, doesn't it?"

"No, don't be so troublesome..." Ron shook his head awkwardly, trying to refuse, but Ivan had walked up before he could speak, stretched out his wand and tapped his robe.

At the next moment, Ron felt that his "long skirt" changed rapidly, from the fancy brown red to a deep dark green, his upper body was widened and his lower body was narrowed, fitting on his body, turning into a A real dress.

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