Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 648

Chapter 648: Christmas ball

Ron looked at himself in the mirror, surprised. After a while, he turned to look at Ivan and stammered. "How long can it last like this?"

"If you don't deliberately destroy it, there is no problem for one or two days..." Ivan shrugged and replied.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! This is the best Christmas gift I have ever received!" Ron was like being hit on the spot by a surprise that fell from the sky. He was very excited and said-with a decent dress, just It means he doesn't have to make a fool of himself at this year's Christmas party.

"You like it!" Ivan smiled and said casually.

Harry, Seamus, and Neville, who had been watching, also gathered around at this time, praising Ron's new dress, cheering him on, and the peace in the bedroom was restored.

After so many days, Harry's anger had faded a long time ago, and he talked and laughed freely with Ron, as if they had never had a conflict.

Ron was a little awkward. He always wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak.

There seems to be a film between the two, and the relationship is always a little worse than before.

Ivan noticed this, but didn't care.

For him, Ron was just a good friend. Although he had known each other early, he had been in friendship over the years, but he had been with him for a long time, and occasionally picked him up when he took a risk.josei

So when Ron lost his temper and wanted to break off diplomatic relations with them, Ivan didn't argue with Ron to explain.

Unlike Harry, Ivan recognized him as a trustworthy friend.

He still remembered that when he was short of money to buy potions in the first grade, Harry tried every means to help himself, and after being rejected by him, he tactfully gave ten golden gallons as a Christmas gift.

When he lent him the invisibility cloak last year, Harry was very refreshed, and he didn't even ask himself what he was doing with it.

Ivan has all these help in his mind, which is why he is willing to spend a few days teaching the other party's spell...

Considering that the prom was about to begin, the few people in the dormitory went to the Gryffindor common room without a few words.

Only a few hours away, this place has become a small exhibition hall.

The students inside all changed out of the standard school uniforms they usually wore, and put on various styles of dresses and gowns, especially the girls, all dressed up and dazzling.

"I really didn't know there were so many beautiful girls in the school." Seamus said with emotion, looking around.

"Yeah, I haven't noticed it..." Harry also nodded in agreement, and looked to one side-Ginny was chatting with a few friends over there.

Perhaps after seeing Harry's gaze, Ginny quickly turned her head, and when she saw Harry, her eyes lit up, and she whispered a few words to her friends, and ran over here.

"Ginny!" Ron happily greeted Ginny, and then he was shocked to see his sister holding Harry's arm.

"Wait...Harry, Ginny, are you?" Ron was stunned, and his eyes kept moving between the two.

"He invited me to this year's Christmas ball!" Ginny said with blushing cheeks.

"Ah, yes, I just happen to lack a partner, so...so just..." Harry was embarrassed under Ron's gaze, his voice getting smaller and smaller, he vaguely regretted inviting Ginny to be his partner.

Fortunately, at this moment, Ivan broke the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Ginny, where is Hermione? Have you seen her?"

"When I came down, she was still taking care of her hair! It should be almost now..." Ginny explained, and then said mysteriously as if she had remembered something. "You will be surprised when you see her!"

Harry and others are a little curious, even Ivan is no exception.

They waited here together for a while. Suddenly, there was some commotion from the stairs upstairs. Ivan turned around and looked over, and the whole person was stunned.

It was Hermione who came down!

It’s just that compared to usual, Hermione has removed her heavy bookish air, and now she is shining like a new star.

The long brown hair that had been tousled after some care, became smooth and shiny, and turned into an elegant bun in the back of his head.

She was slowly walking down the stairs, her greenish-white jade hands gently resting on the corners of the skirt, her light-colored long skirt shining with a faint purple light, and the rosy skin was crystal clear, a black strand. The silk ribbon was tied around her waist, which outlined the beautiful figure of the girl.

The two Gryffindor girls who walked down behind her seemed to be her foil. Everyone's eyes were on Hermione. Ron's open mouth was full of unbelievable expressions, ha Lee is not much better.

"Is she really Hermione?" Seamus asked in surprise.

It was not only him who wanted to ask this sentence, but Parvati, who was in the dormitory, stared at Hermione with a questioning look, wondering if he had admitted the wrong person.

Hermione didn't care about everyone's shocked eyes and questioning, but just walked in front of Ivan step by step.

"How about? Is it okay?" Hermione asked nervously, with a little shyness and expectation in her words.

"It's so beautiful, it's beyond my expectation!" Ivan said appreciatively.

Hermione smiled, her eyebrows and her eyes filled with joy, she gently took Ivan's arm, Qiao Shengsheng said. "Let's go, the prom time is almost up, let's go to the auditorium!"

Ivan nodded.

The students in this lounge also found their dancing partners~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although Ron didn’t have Harry’s help, he also found Lavender as his dancing partner. The two got along very well. .

Harry was more embarrassed. Because of Ron’s existence, he dared not do anything intimate with Ginny. He was uncomfortable. On the way to the hall, the Weasley brothers grabbed him and teased him for a while. Almost ran away.

"Little Ronnie, you actually bought a new dress. It's... incredible!" After teasing Harry, George and Fred also noticed the "new dress" on Ron's body. Both appeared Very surprised.

"Can't you? Only allow you to wear new clothes?" Ron looked at them very dissatisfied, and went back stiffly.

George and Fred had a boring discussion, then looked at Ivan and Hermione again, and said with a little surprise and admiration. "You really have a foresight, no wonder you don't want to leave so many girls, you always stare at Hermione."

"Of course!" Ivan replied openly.

Several people were chatting, and the oak front door of the auditorium was slowly opened. Obviously, the prom had already begun.

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