Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 649

Chapter 649: So let's start today's dance party!

Everyone filed in and walked into the auditorium along the entrance hall.

Because of the Christmas ball, the place was well decorated. You can see the sky full of stars when you look up. There are hundreds of mistletoe sprigs and garlands of ivy hanging on the ceiling, and the flags of the three major schools. Swaying in the air in the wind, the walls were covered with shiny silver frost.

More than a dozen Christmas trees are scattered in the auditorium. The colored lights above are matched with candles to illuminate the dim interior. The long tables of the four colleges have disappeared without a trace. Instead, lanterns are lit. table.

"Ivan, Harry, come to the main guest bench!" Professor McGonagall, who was sitting on the faculty bench, hurriedly greeted when they saw the two come in.

Ivan nodded and took Hermione onto the big red carpet.

For a time, the two became the focus of the entire auditorium, and everyone's eyes were on them.

Ivan is a warrior who defeated the fire dragon. He himself has a high reputation. There are countless admirers. Hermione beside him is also astonished to the extreme, making countless people feel ashamed. Only Fleur who is a mixed-blood veil is enough to be able to compete with her. compared to.

In the eyes of countless envy and jealousy, Ivan stepped onto the guest seat and sat in the exclusive position of the warriors. Hermione was not stage fright at all, just tightly holding Ivan's arm.

They arrived early, and the seats on the main guest table were not full.

Ivan and Moody and Bagman who had arrived earlier nodded and greeted them. After a while, Fleur and Krum also walked up with their dancing partners.

"Hi, Ivan!" Furong greeted Yifan enthusiastically. She also dressed up carefully, showing her charm to the fullest, and boys were peeking at her from time to time.

And Fleur's dancing partner is Roger Davis, a senior boy from Ravenclaw. Ivan has seen him on the Quidditch court. He is tall and strong.

Only now it seemed that he was fascinated by Furong. Seeing Furong talking with Ivan, his face was angry, but when I thought of Ivan's performance on the field, the whole person went down again.

Ivan was uninterested in Fleur, and was about to deal with it casually, when Hermione next to him said first.

"Hello, Miss Delacour!"

Hermione stared at Fleur tit-for-tat, and there was a deep alienation and hostility in her words.

Ivan closed his mouth immediately, not speaking.

"Hello, Granger." Fleur chuckled a few times, then turned and sat down in the exclusive position of the Boothbarton Warriors. Roger Davis also hurriedly followed. It's like a little follower.

Krum sat down in his seat without saying a word. Next to him was a senior Slytherin girl who was pretty long and talked to him from time to time.

But Krum didn't mean to respond, he appeared absent-minded, and his eyes looked at Hermione from time to time, with a faintly surprised expression. When he invited Hermione to the ball before, he didn't expect the other party to be so amazing.

Of course, Ivan also noticed Krum's gaze and was very dissatisfied, but it was not easy to do anything in public.

The most important thing is that Ivan recalled that the content of the second match of the Triwizard Tournament was to save the hostages, and Hermione was very likely to be placed at the bottom of the lake as her most beloved treasure waiting for rescue.

But what if Krum gets to the area to save the hostages first? Will he throw away the person he should save and insist on taking Hermione away?

Although this possibility is very low, it has to be guarded against.

And how to ensure the safety of Hermione at the bottom of the lake is also a problem.

It seems that for the second game, I also need to plan carefully...

"Leave him alone, Ivan! Now it's a dance party..." Hermione took Raivan's arm and said with relief. She noticed that Ivan looked at Krum's gaze faintly, and worried that Ivan was there. Hands on at the venue.

"Okay, then I won't look at him anymore. How about you?" Ivan turned his head jokingly, and fixed his eyes on Hermione, looking at the girl's delicate face.

"You can watch it if you like!" Hermione blushed and deliberately turned her head away from him. Instead, she tapped the plate in front of her with her magic wand, calling out some desserts, and ate with her knife and fork. stand up.

Ivan continued to stare motionlessly, and Hermione became a little restless, the blush on her face gradually spread to her neck, becoming more and more attractive under the candlelight.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Hermione finally couldn't help turning her head back, staring at him.

Ivan knew that the little witch would be really angry if he continued like this, so he restrained a little, but he still had to ask for the dessert on Hermione's plate.

Hermione was a little unhappy at first, but couldn't bear Ivan's continued staring, so she cut off a plate of dessert while not many people were looking here, and stuffed it into Ivan's mouth.

"Can't you eat it yourself?" Hermione said angrily.

"What's the point of that?" Ivan chewed on the dessert and said vaguely. He always felt that the meal Hermione sent over seemed a little sweeter than before, and looked at Hermione again.

"Don't think about it!" The little witch shook her head resolutely, as many people had seen it just now.

Seeing that Hermione was shy, Ivan had no choice but to wave his wand on his own, calling out some meals, and enjoying it.

At the same time, Ivan's eyes swept across the auditorium, and there were witches and witches talking and laughing with each other everywhere.

Harry and Ginny were sitting in the seats not far away. Without the interruption of Ron and others, their expressions became much more natural.

The professors on the main guest table put down their former seriousness and wore exquisite and luxurious robes and talked and laughed freely. Only Snape still looked like a bitter hatred, which was incompatible with the eager atmosphere of the entire auditorium~www.mtlnovel.com~ The big Hagrid seemed to be radiating his second spring, and he was happy to say something to Maxim. The wide robes looked very tight when worn on his body, and people couldn't help but worry about whether the button on the neckline would suddenly collapse. Drop.

The whole dinner lasted for nearly half an hour, and when it was eight o'clock in the evening, Dumbledore stood up slowly, cleared his throat, and spoke.josei

"Well, guys, I think everyone is already full and full, right?"

Dumbledore looked around the entire auditorium, and seeing that there was no objection, he removed the plates and food scraps from the table, and then motioned everyone to stand up.

"Then let's start today's ball!" Dumbledore's loud voice recalled in the auditorium, holding his wand high in his left hand and waving it lightly.

All the tables and chairs in the auditorium seemed to have received some guidance, and they automatically flew to the wall and piled together, leaving a large open space in the middle. Then a towering stage rises from the ground out of thin air, with all kinds of exquisite music placed on it...

(PS: It's still three shifts today.)

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