Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 657

Chapter 657: Heartless Hals

At this time, it was the end of February, and the difficulties that the warriors had to face were far more than just facing the Murloc guards. The cold lake water was also consuming their little physical energy all the time.

Realizing this, Harry and Krum swam frantically towards the center of the lake almost as soon as they fell into the water, without daring to delay for a moment.

The scope of this black lake is very large, and one hour is very urgent, not to mention that they have to spend some time to find the location of the murloc village.

Ivan, who was behind, had a relaxed look. He had stepped on it in advance and had been here more than a dozen times. Even with his eyes closed, he could swim to the place where the hostages were held.

But now it’s a competition, so many spectators watched, Ivan was not good at cheating directly, so he waved his magic wand to transform some rocks at the bottom of the lake into fish, pretending to let them be responsible for exploring the way, and waited for about a while. Minutes to start the action.

However, within a few minutes of swimming, Ivan keenly discovered that something seemed to be following him.

At first, Ivan thought it was the group of mermaids in the lake who came to trouble him, but after looking back, I found that it was not right. It was not a mermaid at all, but the warrior of Boothbat-Fleur De Rakul...

Even though the water in the Black Lake was very deep, the visibility was not high, and the opponent was far away, Ivan still easily guessed the identity of the opponent based on his body shape.

"Are you planning to follow me through customs?"

Ivan suddenly understood the other party's plan, couldn't help but smile, wanting to take advantage of him, how easy it is!

Seven meters away from this, Furong was staring at the figure in the distance, struggling to swing his body behind him, not far or near, just hanging from so far.

After seeing the picture in the crystal ball on the lakeshore, Furong was very worried about the safety of her sister Gabriel, but her eagerness did not destroy her sanity.josei

The Black Lake at Hogwarts was too big, and she had never been here again. Wanting to find the village of mermaid quickly was nothing short of a fantasy, and the guards over there were not so easy to deal with.

So she came up with a bold idea to follow someone who will definitely be able to complete the game, such as Ivan Hals, who shined in the first game and cleared the game with full marks!

Before at Hogwarts, for the purpose of collecting intelligence on opponents, Fleur asked some Ravenclaw girls about their deeds, and the information obtained was shocking enough to refresh her recognition. know!

Especially when she heard that the other party killed a twelve-foot-tall monster when she just entered the first grade, and killed a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor before the end of the class, she almost thought these people were talking about it. A ridiculous and unruly fairy tale.

But the experience of the first match made Furong have to admit that these stories probably happened because the other party did something even more outrageous-defeating a fire dragon head-on!

Because of this, Furong believes that Ivan will definitely be the first warrior to find the location of the mermaid village and successfully rescue the hostages, and he only needs to follow the opponent to successfully pass the level.

It's very easy and safer...

If there is a danger ahead, you don't even need to do it yourself, because the other party will naturally solve it.

The only thing to note is that the Hogwarts warrior may attack himself, after all, this is a game, and they are now rivals!

Furong held the wand tightly, carefully keeping a distance where she could react quickly without being lost.

In this way, Ivan would waste a lot of time if he wanted to subdue himself.

In today's race against time, wasting time is tantamount to giving victory to other warriors.

So she is betting that the other party will not do anything to herself in order to ensure the victory!

Even thinking about it this way, when he noticed that Ivan stopped and looked at him, Furong couldn't help but become nervous.

Fortunately, Ivan's next reaction was just as she had imagined, she didn't mean to do anything, and stopped for a few seconds before moving on.

Furong breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly followed, with a slight smile on her mouth, very proud of her heart.

But what made her faintly felt that something was wrong was that Ivan was walking towards the deeper part of the Black Lake, and the surroundings were getting darker and darker, the visibility was slowly decreasing, and the field of vision was reduced to less than ten feet, which made her have to draw closer. The distance between Ivan will not be thrown away.

What made Furong more uneasy was that there were some weird sounds faintly coming from the surrounding darkness, and from time to time I could see something surging in the darkness.

"Lumos~ (fluorescence flashing Furong gently waved his wand, the faint blue fluorescence spread in all directions, and saw the hideous and ugly fish faces and the steel forks faintly flashing in their hands.

It's a mermaid!

Furong almost couldn't help but exclaimed, because there were too many of them, and she was not able to contend by herself. She immediately turned her head and wanted to find Ivan's figure-she thought that the only thing she could do right now Ivan was able to escape from here by teaming up.

It's a pity that she was dumbfounded when she turned her head, because Ivan was long gone...

"He must have done it deliberately!" Furong gritted her teeth. She immediately realized that Ivan had deliberately brought herself here, and she might have already run away now.

Ivan's ruthlessness far exceeded her expectations, and she had the heart to leave her here alone. Furong cursed a few words secretly, but there was nothing to do.

After being irradiated by the light, the fish people around, as if they were irritated by some kind of irritation, launched an attack towards Furong, throwing countless black shadows over.

"Impedmenta~ (obstacles Furong waved her magic wand to release an obstacle curse~www.mtlnovel.com~ a large number of stones and corals smashed on it and quickly broke it.

Furong quickly blessed herself with the phantom spell, trying to avoid the mermaid's pursuit, but she obviously underestimated the perception ability of these monsters in the lake. This magic was easily seen through, and in desperation she could only Fighting and fleeing to deal with these monsters.

At this moment, Ivan was maintaining the Phantom Body Curse from a distance, watching from the outside, his magic level was much higher than that of Furong, so naturally he would not be discovered whereabouts.

"These mermaids are too embarrassed. When fighting a wizard, they only dared to throw stones from a distance..." Ivan couldn't help but complain in his heart as he looked at the scene in front of him.

I don't know if these mermaids were so embarrassed out of fear of wizards, or because of Dumbledore's previous orders.

Maybe there are both...

After Ivan shook his head, realizing that Furong was not in danger of life, he turned around and plunged into the jungle of black aquatic plants in front of him, with the mermaid village in front.

(End of this chapter)

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