Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 658

Chapter 658: I'm just joking, I didn't expect you to come for real.

After entering the "lake-bottom jungle", the road ahead became difficult, and the visibility around it was reduced to a minimum. You can only see the undulating and tangled black water plants in the lake water. They occupy all the sight. .

While swimming, a dark creature suddenly protruded out of the water weeds in front of him. Its sharp claws stretched out and tried to hook Ivan’s ankles, but before they even touched a dazzling red light, they banged first. Coming over, the sharp claws were blown into two pieces abruptly.

A painful, sharp howl resounded in the black lake, and then the weird creature with long horns on its head and sharp teeth fled to the water grass and disappeared.

"Another one!" Ivan shook his head helplessly, putting away his wand and lazily chasing it.

This green-skinned water monster with horns, Ivan once saw in a book describing underwater magical creatures, named Grindillo.

This kind of magical creature usually likes to lurch in dense aquatic plants. When the prey is passing by, it suddenly protrudes its paws to hook the opponent, and finally drags it into the aquatic plants to enjoy it slowly.

They can be said to be the most dangerous creatures the warriors need to face. After all, they have sharp fangs and teeth, and they are scary with low IQ. They don't know how to be merciful like murlocs.

There were constant troubles along the way. Ivan managed to solve a giant squid that was more than four meters long and stunned two mermaids who were blocking the way, before finally successfully reaching the mermaid village.

There were more and more stone dwellings around. From a distance, Ivan saw the huge mermaid statue, and the four hostages were so firmly tied to the tail of the statue.

The nearby mermaid guards started to move after seeing Ivan approaching. They held up their shiny steel forks in a semi-circular ring around Ivan, and uttered a deterrent roar.

"Stupefy~ (fainted) PetrificusTotalus~ (all petrochemicals

In the face of at least dozens of merfolk, Ivan didn't mean to flinch at all. He quickly waved his wand and turned down several murloc guards holding steel forks.

The stones that fell on him were all resisted by the Iron Armor Curse.

Just when Ivan thought it would be a big battle, he unexpectedly saw that the remaining mermaids showed horrified expressions, screamed and threw their weapons aside, and fled in embarrassment.

This made Ivan very speechless. It seemed that these mermaids had a deeper fear of wizards than he had imagined, and they would run away if the war went unfavorable.

But this also just saved him a little effort.

Ivan didn’t bother with the mermaid they ran away. He swam all the way to the huge statue, ripped off the water weeds that bound Hermione, and then stretched out his wand and nodded on her forehead to relieve Dumbledore’s coma. Curse.

Hermione's closed eyes moved, and they opened after a moment, but the brain was still a little drowsy, and the memory seemed to remain at the moment before falling asleep.

After seeing Ivan, Hermione was impatient to say something, but as soon as she spoke, the lake water poured into her mouth.

Fortunately, Ivan added a bubble curse to her in time to avoid the fate of suffocation.

"Don't worry, Hermione, we still have a lot of time, you can speak slowly..." Ivan gently patted Hermione's back and said softly.

Hermione coughed out the water that was choking in her throat painfully, and then looked around blankly, only to realize that she was now in the deep lake.

"Are we in the Black Lake?" Hermione instantly understood where she was, and looked at Ivan and asked.

"Yes, that's right!" Ivan nodded, then asked again. "Do you remember how you got here? Hermione?"

"Professor McGonagall found me last night and said that the second game was special. The Warriors needed an assistant and asked me if I would like to help. I agreed... and then I didn't know anything." Hermione was a fan. Vaguely explained.

Ivan was not surprised, this was basically the same as he had previously expected.josei

"Are you playing now? So what should I do?" Hermione quickly regained her senses after her head was dizzy for a while, and she hurriedly asked.

"You don't have to do anything, as long as I take you ashore, the game is over!" Ivan said with a smile, and then saw Hermione still seem a little confused, and continued to remind. "Have you forgotten the tips given in the mermaid's song? The warriors need to find their most cherished treasures at the bottom of the lake!"

Hermione naturally heard the underlying meaning of Ivan's words, her face that had been so pale in the lake water suddenly turned ruddy, she stammered. "So I am..."

"The most cherished treasure of Hogwarts warrior Ivan Hals!" Ivan replied solemnly.

While talking, Ivan also pointed to the giant statue behind. "According to the script, you were kidnapped by those mermaids, so I come here to rescue you now!"

Hermione turned her head and looked over, only to find that a man, two women and three hostages were still held on the statue of the mermaid, one of whom she knew very well.

"Ginny! Is she here too?" Hermione exclaimed.

"Ginny is Harry's "treasure"." Ivan explained, then spoke again. "Well, time is running out now, let's leave now!"

"What about Ginny and the others?" Hermione hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but said.

"That is Harry's task. If I rescue all the hostages, the others will not be able to continue the game..." Ivan has no plan to rescue everyone, because strictly speaking it is a violation of the game. According to the regulations, unless there are warriors who take the initiative to give up the game.

Hermione nodded ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although she was still a little worried, she didn't say anything.

Taking into account the limited time, Ivan no longer delays, and directly stretches out his hands around the slender waist of the little witch and hugs her in his arms.

After soaking in the cold water for so long, Hermione's body was cold and frightening. Even knowing that Dumbledore's anti-cold spell was there, Ivan was still a little bit distressed.

Hermione shrank submissively in Ivan's warm arms, greedily drawing heat from him.

After that, Hermione seemed to have thought of something again, hesitated for a while, and finally blushed and quickly kissed Ivan on the side of the cheek.

The warm touch made Ivan lower his head.

And Hermione hid in his arms again like a frightened rabbit, but the trembling voice still reached his ears faithfully.

"According to the script, this is a reward for the warriors!"

Ivan touched his cheek for a while and couldn't laugh or cry. He was just joking just now, but she didn't expect Hermione to be real.

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