Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 661

Chapter 661: This is the original intention of the top three competition, isn't it?

After Dumbledore finished speaking, Crouch also added.

"Yes, the difficulty of the three finals is determined by the average level of the Warriors. If it is lowered, for Mr. Hals, this game will not have any challenge."

The two sang and got together, making Maksim and Karkaroff angry enough.

But they are not easy to refute, because the four warriors in the competition have all been attacked by mermaids, and everyone is treated the same...

Moreover, Krum was stunned by a group of merfolk, it was pure recklessness. Fleur and Harry, who had the same encounter with him, quickly got rid of the pursuit of a large number of merfolk by magic.

In contrast, Ivan’s performance is even more eye-catching.

On the way to the mermaid village, Ivan encountered only a lot more troubles than the other warriors.

But whether facing the sudden emergence of Grindillo or the huge giant squid, Ivan can always deal with calmly, easily solve these problems, and received a lot of praise and applause.

So in the next few minutes, Karkaroff's face has been very ugly.

Maxim wasn't much better either, especially when he saw Furong just got rid of the mermaid pursuit and hit the trap again, his entire face went black, both angry and a little distressed.

The happiest person on the court was Bagman, and he almost laughed on the spot as Ivan watched the troubles and troubles of the other warriors.

He seemed to see countless Jin Jialong beckoning to him, and Bagman even secretly regretted not buying more when he made a bet.

Dumbledore was also in a very good mood, but he took care of the emotions of Karkaroff and others. He did not express this kind of pleasure. He still frowned and looked worried about the recent situation of the Warriors.

After such a delay, Furong's situation at the bottom of the lake has become worse and worse.

She was unable to break free from the trap for the first time, and her hands and feet were **** by the entangled black waterweeds, and she was unable to escape. The harder she struggles, the tighter her body becomes entangled...josei

The students in the audience watching this scene were all worried, and some little witches couldn't bear to turn their heads and didn't want to watch this cruel scene.

Maxim felt even more entangled in his heart, and immediately lost face, turned his head to look at Dumbledore, and pleaded.

"Principal Dumbledore, you have won this game at Hogwarts. Please send the guard Aurors as soon as possible to bring back our Warriors and hostages from Boothbarton."

"And Krum, you have to bring him up too!" Karkaroff also hurriedly added.

Although Krum was stunned by the mermaid and was always carried on his back by Harry, there is no need to worry about safety, but if Krum completes the game in this way, Durmstrang will undoubtedly lose face.

Karkaroff has not dared to think about how the front page headline of the Daily Prophet will describe this game. He has only one idea now, and that is to immediately rush down and get this shameful thing up!

"No hurry... if the Auror is dispatched now, it may interfere with the flow of the other Warriors." Dumbledore shook his head and rejected their proposal.

Maxim stared at Dumbledore angrily.

In her opinion, Dumbledore deliberately wanted to see the warriors of Boothbatten and Durmstrang ashamed.

After all, this game has become an internal fight for the Hogwarts Warriors, and Ivan has performed extremely prominently. Winning or losing is already clear. Sending Auror to intervene to save the wounded will not have any impact on the game.

"Please be more patient, Ms. Maxim, I always think that winning or losing is not the whole of this game..." How could Dumbledore fail to see what Maxim was thinking in his heart, he said to comfort him, and said Beckon the other party to take a look at the crystal ball on the far right.

Maxim sneered at Dumbledore's ridiculous remarks, but he followed the direction and found that the situation on the court had changed again.

Ivan, who had been in the lead and had successfully rescued the hostages, stopped and rescued the trapped Furong. Then, at Furong's request, he was hesitant to return to save Gabriel.

Harry on the other side also continued to play with Krum abruptly, even if he encountered a few mermaids on the way, he didn't mean to leave Krum behind.

"This is the original intention of the Triwizard Tournament, isn't it?" Dumbledore said with emotion as he watched the scenes in the crystal ball.

The purpose of the establishment of the Triwizard Tournament was to promote friendly exchanges among the three major magic schools in Europe, but as time goes by, I don't know when this tournament has gradually evolved into a competition that can be unscrupulous in order to become famous and win.

In more than seven hundred years of competition, there are many warriors who choose to "accidentally" kill their opponents in the competition.

Even the principals of the major schools would play tricks secretly in order to compete for the name of Europe's first magic school, so that cheating has become a tradition in the game.

It can be said that the extremely high mortality rate of the Triwizard Tournament is inseparable from this bad competition atmosphere.

This also made the competition originally held for the purpose of enhancing exchanges, but in the end the gap between the three magic schools became deeper and deeper, until the conflict broke out and the exchange broke off, which had to make people feel sorry.

Today, Ivan and Harry's assistance to their opponents in the game is very rare.

Looking at the scenes presented in the crystal ball, Karkaroff and Maksim fell into a long silence~www.mtlnovel.com~ I think, friendship games like this should continue, right? Dumbledore turned his head to look at the two of them, and asked.

"Well, next time we host the top three, we Busbarton will consider participating." Maksim hesitated for a moment, or let go.

Karkaroff didn't give face at all, and said sarcastically. "The premise is that Hogwarts won't suddenly have two warriors!"

Dumbledore was startled, and then smiled bitterly. This situation was also not what he wanted to see.

But Dumbledore knew very well that no matter how he explained it, Karkaroff and Maxim would not believe it.

"Well, a few, you can put the time for small talk later! We should prepare in advance, the warriors will be back soon!" Crouch interrupted the conversation of the three principals.

Dumbledore nodded and nodded. He waved his wand and turned into several thick blankets and stretchers. He also ordered the prefect of Ravenclaw to call in Madam Pomfrey, who was on standby in the tent, so that he could give him immediately The injured warriors were treated.

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