Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 662

Chapter 662: You thanked the wrong person, Miss Delacour!

Standing in front of the stage, Bagman stared at the crystal ball on the right, and shouted loudly when Ivan crossed the water.

"The first one to come up is Ivan Hals, the warrior of Hogwarts! Let us cheer for him!"

Accompanied by Bagman's shout, thunderous applause suddenly sounded around the stands. Everyone stood up, shouting Ivan's name in unison, and the atmosphere on the court was extremely warm.

Under the attention of everyone, a few ripples suddenly appeared on the calm lake, and then the water flow was lifted up like it was affected by some force. Ivan took the opportunity to swing the double "wings" formed by his robe, and struggling to jump from the water Rise and fall to the shore of the lake.

"Oh, let us see, our warrior didn't seem to bring up his hostages. What he held in his arms turned out to be the warrior Miss Fleur of Busbarton! God, this is really amazing!" German yelled.

Ivan glared at Bagman, then handed the Fleur in his arms to the waiting Madam Pomfrey, and then went to the lake to pull Gabriel up, and finally Hermione...

The reason for choosing this order is naturally because Fleur has been in a coma and Gabriel is too young. It is always difficult for him to pull Hermione up first and leave the two sisters Veeva below, right?

"Ivan, do we really have no problem regardless of Harry and Krum?" After getting ashore, Hermione looked at the Black Lake and asked with some worry.

"Don't worry, they will swim up!" Ivan said comfortingly, and then pointed to the crystal ball floating above. "Nuo, see for yourself!"

Hermione raised her head curiously, and saw five huge crystal **** floating above the Black Lake, faithfully recording everything that happened at the bottom of the lake. The status quo of Harry, Ginny, and Krum can be seen. Clearly.

But at this time, Hermione was no longer in the mood to care about other people's affairs. All she was thinking about was the scene when she kissed Ivan at the bottom of the lake. She turned her face very stiffly and stammered.

"So, everyone can always see what we are doing?"

"Ah, is that right?" Ivan scratched his head and said with a guilty conscience.

"Then why didn't you tell me before?" Hermione's face was burning red, and she hammered Ivan in the chest angrily.

At the thought that the scene of kissing Ivan would be seen by the whole school, Hermione was ashamed, wishing to drown in the black lake!

"I didn't expect you to come over suddenly." Ivan spread his hands helplessly, can't you blame him for this?

Hermione stared at Ivan angrily, her eyes as sharp as a blade, but helpless.

While the two were chatting, there was movement on the calm lake again. Not far from the shore, two heads suddenly appeared from the bottom of the lake.

Harry was breathing the outside air with a big mouth. After staying underwater for so long, the duration of the saccharomyces chinensis had already passed. His wateriness was amazingly bad, and it was really not easy to swim all the way back!

Fortunately, Ginny, who was on the side, was also good at swimming, and the two of them swam to the shore while supporting each other, and were finally pulled up by Ivan and Hermione.

Even worse than them is Krum, he was carried to the shore by his own hostage!

When seeing this scene, Karkaroff on the judges seat almost fainted on the spot.

"Gabri...Gabri!" Fleur woke up after being taken care of by Madam Pomfrey. She looked around the audience in a panic, ignoring even the wrapped blanket fell on the ground.

It wasn't until she saw her sister standing on the shore of the lake that Furong's tight emotions eased a little, and she moved forward and hugged her.

"Great, you're fine, that's great! I thought... I thought..."

Furong hugged Gabriel tightly, her emotions were a little out of control, and she kept shouting, but Gabriel, who was only eight or nine years old this year, was like her sister, comforting Furong gently and calming her emotions.

Seeing this scene of the sisters' affection, Ivan was also deeply moved.

Except for himself, I am afraid that the other warriors have taken the words in the golden egg seriously, mistakenly thinking that after the time limit, their most cherished people will be buried deep in the bottom of the lake.

Of course, this is not to say that the selected warriors have too low IQ, but that the organizer has grasped their psychology and suddenly broke the news on the field. There is no time for everyone to think, and no The Warriors dare to bet on the person they care about the most.

Ivan wondered if he didn't know the plot, and suddenly heard that these people had thrown Hermione into the Black Lake, and he was only willing to give himself an hour of rescue time, I'm afraid he would be panicked.

After being warm with Gabriel for a while, Furong turned her eyes to Ivan, her eyes full of gratitude.

"Thank you, Hals!" Furong enthusiastically hugged Ivan and said gratefully.

Although Ivan led her to the mermaid school when she was at the bottom of the lake, Furong did not hate it.

After all, they were opponents at that time, and Ivan would be merciful without directly attacking her.

It is precisely because of this that Ivan was able to accept his request when he was about to finish the game and turned back to save Gabriel, which moved Fleur.

However, Ivan didn't appreciate it at all, because he deeply felt the chill that was rising behind him, and hurriedly broke free of Furong's hug, did not give her a chance to kiss him at all, then shook his head and said coldly.

"No, you thanked the wrong person, Miss Delacour!"

Furong looked at Ivan at a loss and didn't quite understand what he meant.

"It was Hermione who suggested that I save you. You should thank her instead!" Ivan pointed to Hermione who was standing by ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and explained.

Hermione did not expect that Ivan would give herself the credit for saving Furong and Gabriel, and waved her hand to say something, but Furong had already embraced it enthusiastically at this time, followed by a lot of thankful words. , Made Hermione a little embarrassed.

"Why are you lying to my sister?" Gabriel looked at Ivan curiously. She was awakened by Ivan when she was at the bottom of the lake, so she naturally understood more.

Ivan squatted down, stared at the small girl, and said half jokingly. "I didn't lie to her. If Hermione hadn't insisted on asking me to save you, maybe I would have chosen to leave you in the Black Lake forever and keep company with those ugly mermaids!"josei

However, Gabriel smiled. She didn't believe Ivan's words at all. She gave Ivan a hug like Lotus, and kissed Ivan's side face again.

"This is what my sister owes you!" Gabriel said with a smile.

Ivan reluctantly reached out and knocked on Gabrielle’s small head, and looked at Hermione subconsciously. Seeing Hermione’s face as usual, she knew that she would not eat the jealousy of an eight-year-old girl. Relieved.

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