Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 671

Chapter 671: track

If what Ivan said is true, then his move will undoubtedly become a joke!

But what makes him even more angry is that Moody's might be manipulated by others...

Fortunately, the anger did not affect Dumbledore's thinking, so he quickly found the doubt.

"Hals, I remember that you and Alastor together exposed Batty's mistakes more than two months ago, and it was from this that we learned about the escape of Batty...

If, according to your guess, Barty Young controlled Aristo through the Imperius Curse, why did he take the initiative to expose this matter? "Dumbledore asked questioningly.

"I haven't figured this out yet, Professor." Ivan shrugged helplessly. It was precisely because of Moody's actions last time that he could not be sure of the other party's suspicion.

"Could it be that Professor Moody wanted to gain your trust by this?" Hermione tried to analyze.

Ivan rolled his eyes. Before Crouch was found, no one but himself knew that it was Barty Jr. secretly.

The other party is not a lunatic. If you want to gain your own trust, you can use another method. There is no need to expose Crouch at the risk of identity exposure.

However, beyond Ivan's expectation, Dumbledore nodded, confirming Hermione's conjecture. "It's possible..."

Ivan looked at the old professor in surprise, and then listened to him to add.

"During the summer vacation last year, I received a message that someone broke into the courtyard of Alastor. According to the testimony of nearby residents, there should have been a small explosion..."

While talking, Dumbledore rummaged through the drawer to find a letter and turned it over and handed it to the two of them.

Ivan leaned forward and took a look. The signature on the envelope was Arthur Weasley, and the contents were the same as Dumbledore said.

The night before Moody’s departure for Hogwarts, someone heard a loud explosion from his house. Because it was in Muggle territory, the wizards who forbid the abuse of the Magic Office quickly arrived. The person in charge of this matter is Arthur Weasley.

The end of the envelope also stated the results of the investigation. The wizards who went to the investigation agreed that it was because it was too dark that Moody mistakenly regarded a trash can as a dark wizard who intended to attack him, and duel with it caused the explosion. occur.

Looking at this report, Ivan was very speechless. He was very suspicious of Arthur Weasley's professionalism. He took a bunch of people to investigate, and finally came to such a nonsense conclusion that who would be okay with a trash Box for a duel?

"This is not the first time that something like this has happened..." Dumbledore said helplessly.

Since Moody's retired, various small accidents have not happened every other time, so when he received this news, he did not pay much attention to it, let alone Moody's words and deeds for the next half of the year. It is usually the same, and there is nothing suspicious about it.

"Then Professor, what should we do now? Shall we directly confront Professor Moody?" Hermione asked.

Dumbledore shook his head and said in a deep voice. "No, there are mistakes and omissions, I think I should try it out first... It's a good opportunity tonight!"


After discussing the specific details, Ivan left the principal's office with Hermione, thinking about what to do tonight.

Along the way, Hermione hesitated to speak and stopped, looking worried.

The two returned to Gryffindor's lounge in silence and opened the door. The lively and cheerful atmosphere inside almost made Ivan wonder if he had entered another world. Many people greeted him enthusiastically.

It wasn't until I saw the victory flag hanging on the wall that Ivan remembered that he had just won the second game this morning.

But when I was distressed, of course Ivan didn't have the intention to celebrate. He fooled a few words at random, then went back to the bedroom tiredly, set an alarm clock for himself, and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, in a daze, Ivan was awakened by a harsh alarm, and when he sat up from the bed and turned off the alarm, it was already a little closer.

Quietly in the dark bedroom, he set up a sound-blocking magic on the mosquito net, so that even if it was noisy inside, it would not disturb the sleeping Harry and others.

Ivan carefully took out the live spot map and put his wand on it.

"I solemnly swear that I did nothing good!"

As Ivan whispered the export order, delicate ink lines gradually emerged from the blank parchment, connecting each other to form a plan.

With the spilt moonlight by the window, Ivan probed Moody's movement, and finally found that he was staying in the staff lounge honestly.

Haven't started action yet? Or is it over?

Ivan was a little confused. According to the house elves, Moody would go to the kitchen every two or three days in the middle of the night, asking the elves to prepare him a supper, and Moody did not visit there in the past two days, so The possibility of action today is great.

Just as Ivan doubted whether Moody was planning to go out tonight, the name on the map of Huodian suddenly began to move.

Ivan was startled, staring at Moody's name, watching him all the way downstairs, passing the hall, and then into the kitchen.

Ivan no longer delayed, got up directly from the bed, blessed himself with a phantom spell, ran out of the bedroom, and chased him all the way.

When he walked downstairs and crossed a corridor~www.mtlnovel.com~Moody had just walked out of the kitchen.

Because I was too afraid of Moody's magic eyes, Ivan did not dare to get too close, only dared to hang far away, at least a little relieved between two corridors.

And Moody didn’t seem to notice that he was being followed, and the name on the map of the point of life still moved slowly and regularly. After leaving the kitchen, Moody walked straight to the office of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and stayed there. For a while.

In about ten seconds, the "Alastor Moody" in the map of Huodian disappeared directly into this office...josei

"Sure enough!" Ivan muttered to himself as he watched this scene in astonishment, which confirmed his previous guess.

There must be a secret space in Moody's office that isolates the inside and outside, just like the box where Barty Crouch Jr. held Moody in the original time and space.

If you draw the isolation magic text on the box, it is not impossible to shield the exploration of the live point map.

Ivan hadn't forgotten that his isolation magic text still consulted Tom Riddle for advice, which shows that there is no technical problem with the other party.

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