Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 672

Chapter 672: The secret road in the office

Holding the wand, Ivan crossed a corridor to the front of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class office, hesitating whether to go directly in to catch people or stay at the door and wait for Moody to come out before launching an attack.

Ivan's own strength is outstanding. He believes that Moody and Batty are not his opponents, but he will not be blind. Choosing the latter is obviously safer.

However, what he didn't expect was that Moody, who entered the office, seemed to be lying inside, meaning that he had not seen it.

Ivan waited in place for more than ten minutes, but his little patience was gradually exhausted in the cold wind.

As a last resort, Ivan turned his gaze to the spot map again, this time not to see if Moody had come out, but to try to find the locations of Dumbledore and Hermione.

According to the previous agreement, they should have already arrived.

But to Ivan's surprise, the names of Dumbledore and Hermione also magically disappeared on this live spot map.

Ivan's brows frowned. This situation was completely beyond his expectation. In the past four years, he has solved a lot of trouble by relying on the map of the live point, but today it completely failed...

"Aren't they going in early?" Ivan muttered to himself, he somewhat suspected that Dumbledore had taken Hermione to arrest someone.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Ivan, who was blowing a cold wind outside the door, finally made up his mind and went to Moody's office to take a look!

"Protegos~ (armor body protection Ivan first cautiously blessed himself with an iron armor curse, and then pointed to the door lock to release another.

"Alohora~ (Alaho Cave opens

With a slight noise, the door of the locked office was opened.

Ivan opened the door gently and walked in. It was dark inside, and he couldn't see his fingers. It wasn't until he cast a spell to light the fireplace on the side, and the orange fire illuminates the surroundings.

The interior layout is the same as when he came last time, it is still so messy, many documents and weird magic items are piled on the wooden table so randomly.

In the mirror directly opposite, several figures were also vaguely photographed, which looked very strange.

Ivan took a few steps forward to take a closer look, but the monster skull hanging on the wall next to it made a buzzing sound.

"Diffindo~ (torn apart

Almost instantly, Ivan hit a curse backhand, blasting the monster's skull to pieces.

Looking at the debris on the ground, Ivan was not happy at all. He didn't know how this magic prop was used for alert, whether it was a sound or something else, and whether Moody understood that he had come in.

"Forget it, I have to match it anyway..." Ivan sighed and didn't struggle with this for too long. He had known that Moody had installed a security device in his office, and he didn't expect to be able to hide it. The opponent is nothing more than a head-on fight.

Thinking about it this way, Ivan was no longer as cautious as before, and his eyes were placed directly on the seven large boxes piled in the corner.

He strode over, blasted the lock on the box with a spell, kicked the first box to the ground, and a pile of spell books and a few broken sight glasses fell on the ground.

Then, the first six boxes were opened by Ivan one by one, containing all kinds of sundries, as well as a few conspicuous black magic items.

Ivan's movements also became more cautious, but the speed was not slow at all, and soon opened the last box.

What disappointed him was that there was no secret tunnel as he had imagined in it, and a few stacks of newspapers and a pile of student homework were randomly placed in the box.

"That's weird, where would it be?" Ivan touched his chin, muttered to himself in a low voice, glanced around and looked at every part of the office.

Since Moody's disappeared out of thin air in this office, there must be another enclosed space.

Could it be that there is a passage in the fireplace? Or could it be said that Moody left here through Floo Fan Teleportation?

Ivan glanced at it and thought it was impossible.

Make a hole behind the wall?

It's also difficult... This is Hogwarts, and the entire castle is blessed with magic. It is not so easy to transform it.

Ivan's gaze wandered in the office, passing the mirror and small cabinet, and suddenly saw the mahogany table in the center of the office, and then his gaze froze.

Because this wooden table is very strange, it looks square and has no legs underneath it, to some extent it is no different from a large box.

The most important thing is that he has been to the offices of several professors and has never seen this style of desk. It is likely that Moody's brought it himself.

Ivan walked to the mahogany table and tapped gently on the table. A crisp sound was transmitted from the contact point. The corners of Ivan's mouth were slightly raised, which proved that the table was completely empty.

It would destroy the magic of the extended space inside, causing Moody's death. Ivan did not dare to blow up the table with a curse violently, but carefully studied the way to open the wooden table.

This is not a difficult task for Ivan, who is close to level 7 in alchemy. It took less than half a minute for Ivan to find the activation mechanism-a sensor with a golden antenna on the corner of the table.

After some fiddling, the golden antenna shrank, the wooden table vibrated slowly, and a gap broke open on the left and right, and the front baffle quickly sank underneath, and an open channel appeared in Ivan. In front of.josei

This passage is like a door, inside is a dark and narrow corridor.

At the moment of opening, a strong smell came out.

Ivan subconsciously covered his nose, stepped back, almost thinking it was some special dark magic, and then remembered that when he entered Moody's office for the first time, he seemed to smell almost a strange smell.

There should be no need for Moody and Barty to commit suicide...

Wanting to understand this, Ivan released the hand covering his nose and smelled it carefully. It vaguely felt like a mixture of feces, rotting food, and fermentation.

Thinking of the food that Moody's brings in every day and the poor ventilation of this wooden box~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan probably understands how this smell accumulates.

I have to say that in order to successfully hide the map of the survival point, Barty Crouch Jr. is really cruel to himself!

Ivan sneered, blessed him with a bubble head curse to avoid smelling those unpleasant smells, and then followed the stairs of the passage all the way down.

The torches on both sides ignited one by one, illuminating the road ahead.

What surprised Ivan was that there were a large number of daily prophets posted on the four walls. At first glance, the conspicuous front-page headlines were all familiar faces, and they were all news related to him and Harry. Report!

Ivan was too late to look, and his gaze froze in the room at the end of the passage-Moody, whom he had been looking for, was standing there at the moment, looking at a huge speculum with his back facing him, motionless, as if he hadn't moved yet. Notice that someone came in.

But when I got closer, Ivan saw that what appeared in the looking glass was the image in the office above, and it was obvious that Moody had spotted him when he first came in.

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