Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 674

Chapter 674: Wars and collapsed spaces

After cooking Moody, Ivan stepped forward and picked up the magic wand on the ground, then turned around and prepared to deal with Barty Crouch Jr.

In these few minutes, Barty Crouch Jr. also found a way to deal with the shadow of the unicorn.

After being poked a blood hole in his arm, he finally seized the opportunity to take advantage of the moment when the shadow of the unicorn materialized, using powerful black magic to smash this difficult guardian **** into a mist.

The two vacated their hands almost at the same time, and their eyes quickly met each other.

Ivan was no different from when he first came in. Before his momentum was even better, pieces of dragon scales climbed up on his neck, covering a third of his face.

In contrast, Barty Crouch Jr. is much more miserable, with a sunken face, a haggard face, and thick blood stains on clothes that have not been washed for a long time.

"It seems that your master doesn't trust you that much." Ivan said with a sneer.

From the reaction of Barty Crouch Jr. to the Shadow of the Unicorn just now, Ivan can see that he has no knowledge of his own blood magic.josei

This shows that Voldemort did not reveal the details of his fight a few years ago to this loyal servant.

"Oh, yes, he certainly wouldn't say that he had been beaten and fled by a first-year little wizard..." Ivan suddenly thought of this and said sarcastically.

Barty Crouch Jr.'s face suddenly became gloomy, he didn't even pay attention to Ivan's "nonsense", his expression looked a little crazy, and he muttered to himself.

"Don't struggle, no one can stop the Dark Lord's plan..."

"No one!" Barty Crouch Jr. laughed madly, staring at Ivan with bloodshot eyes, and waved his wand vigorously.

"Reducto~ (Bone to pieces)!"

The weird curse beam flew past.

Ivan frowned, raised his wand lightly, and the wooden chair beside him flew horizontally, hitting the beam directly.

As soon as the two touched, the wooden chair exploded in an instant.

"~ (flaming flames! Ivan's wand pointed again, and a large amount of broken wood burned, and flew towards Little Barty howling.

Unexpectedly, Barty Crouch Jr. did not dodge, but carried it abruptly.

The hot pieces of wood hit the body and plunged into the meat, but Little Batty ignored it, and even laughed more enthusiastically.

"Come on, Ivan Hals, die here with me... Use blood and fire to commemorate the master's rebirth!"

Barty Crouch Jr. yelled and raised his blood-stained left hand, his eyes were crimson and he cut off his **** with black magic.

The extreme pain and hatred were quickly transformed into power under the action of black magic, and the wand reached the direction where Ivan and Moody were, and shouted madly.

"Confringo~ (Thunderbolt explosion)!"

Little Batty yelled hysterically, the orange-red fire light lit up at the top of the wand, and then the hot fireball spewed out, rapidly expanding in mid-air, and soon grew to the size of three meters, the billowing heat waves overwhelming the sky. .

"Crazy!" Ivan, who witnessed this scene, had a numb scalp and could not help cursing.

Of course he can see that Barty Crouch Jr. is using self-mutilation to increase the power of black magic, but this space is only the size of a classroom, and using a large-scale blasting spell here is tantamount to self-destruction!

But now is obviously not the time to consider this, Ivan is casting one after another protective magic at the fastest speed in his life.

"Protegos~ (Armor Bodyguard

"Impedimento~ (There are many obstacles

"The wooden bed is coming!" After Ivan cast several protection spells in succession, he waved his wand and pointed at the big bed as the last protection.

Barty Crouch Jr.’s crazy laughter reverberated all around. The huge fireball had swelled to the size of four meters, but the power of hatred and pain was beyond ordinary, far beyond his control, so it was not unexpected. , The fireball exploded when it flew halfway.

The hot flames and violent shock waves spread in all directions.

The protective spells elaborately laid by Ivan quickly cracked, and then crashed into pieces. As the caster, Barty Crouch was blown away by the heat wave the first time.

The deafening explosion sounded, endless light and heat poured into this small space,

It took more than half a minute before the explosion gradually subsided.

Only the tyrannical flames still swallowed all the combustibles in the room like tarsus maggots, and the wooden table standing in front was roasted into black coke.

Fortunately, multiple protections greatly weakened the power of this blasting spell, and with the protection of dragon scales, Ivan who was hiding behind did not suffer any harm.

However, the rapid increase in temperature and the lack of oxygen still caused great trouble for Ivan. Had it not been for the magic of the Bubble Head Curse, he would have passed out of a coma due to lack of oxygen.

"Oh, Professor Moody!"

Ivan's face changed abruptly. Only then did I remember that Moody was still here. The magic of Barty Crouch Jr. was too amazing just now, and he just forgotten Moody for strengthening his protection.

Ivan hurriedly turned his head to look for Moody, and unexpectedly saw a golden barrier erected on the corner of the wall, and two human figures could be vaguely seen standing inside.

The next moment, the golden barrier disintegrated, and Dumbledore, wearing a purple robe, appeared in front of Ivan.

Hermione stood beside him, holding her breath hard, her face flushed.

And Moody fell to the ground unconsciously as before.

"Hermione? Professor Dumbledore?" Ivan looked at the two of them, and said in surprise.

"You did a great job~www.mtlnovel.com~Halse..." Dumbledore gently waved his wand, and flames from all sides floated to him, and they were all extinguished under the anti-curse.

"Professor, since you are here, why didn't you stop Barty Jr from casting spells just now?" Ivan looked at Dumbledore and said rather depressed.

"Please forgive me for the poor reaction speed of an old wizard, Hals, I have just arrived..." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and said apologetically.

Ivan rolled his eyes. He didn't believe that Dumbledore had just arrived. There was no such a coincidence.

He even suspected that the other party was standing on the side and peeking at him fighting Moody and Barty Little, but he remained on the sidelines without moving.

Thinking of this, Ivan couldn't help being a little angry, but before he could even say something, the surrounding space shook. He looked around in a panic and was shocked to see that the surrounding wooden walls were rapidly collapsing...

"The explosion just now destroyed the magic that expands this space. It seems we need to get out of here soon." Dumbledore said in a deep voice, his expression becoming solemn.

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