Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 675

Chapter 675: The horror of Master Pantheon

Professor, how do we leave here now? "Hermione asked anxiously, looking at the entrance, but the entire corridor had collapsed first, leaving only a deep darkness there.

Ivan closed his eyes and felt it, he wanted to try if he could teleport it out with Apparition.

Unfortunately, the answer is no!

This place still belongs to Hogwarts, more like an extended space like the House of Request, so the wizard's teleportation magic cannot be used here.

The only exception is the Tri-Finals Cup venue, where the space blockade was lifted to facilitate the access of the Auror and the transportation of construction materials.

This is also the reason why in the original time and space, the young Batty has already gained Harry's trust, but he didn't directly give him the door key, but waited for Harry to break through to win the championship.

Damn, Barty Crouch Jr. didn't really intend to die with him...

Ivan frowned and turned to look at Dumbledore, only to find that his face was calm.

Suddenly, a misty singing sound resounded in the confined space. The golden red Phoenix Fox flew out from nowhere, and a tattered humanoid creature was still dragging on his paws and flew towards them.

"Great, it's Fox!" Hermione exclaimed happily. She knew that this strange phoenix could perform teleportation magic in Hogwarts and take them out.

At the same time, the cracks in the surrounding space became more and more serious. Even the floor they were stepping on showed several deep cracks. Ivan vaguely felt that his body was being constantly squeezed and pulled by the space.

"Don't move, get ready!" Dumbledore said in a deep voice, grabbing Moody on the ground with strength that was not his age at all.

what to prepare? Ivan was very surprised, and then he saw Fox's body ignite a golden red flame, looking from a distance as if another hot ball of fire hit this way.

Accompanied by a loud song, the golden-red fireball exploded, and the sky full of flames occupied all of Ivan's vision and quickly extended to everyone.

Then there was a whirl of heaven and earth, and when Ivan came back to his senses again, he had already appeared in the principal's office.

At this time, it was late at night. I don't know when the rainstorm started outside the window, and the cold wind continued to blow in along the open window.

A few candles were lit on the desk in the center, which provided lighting along with the roaring fireplace.

After Phoenix Fox brought a few people here, he abandoned the scorched corpse under his claws, flew to the olive branch, and leisurely combed his feathers.

Under the blowing of the cold wind, Ivan's tense emotions slowly eased, but thinking that he still had some palpitations from the experience just now, he couldn't help but looked at Dumbledore and asked.

"Professor Dumbledore, what if we didn't escape in time just now?"

"It will be torn apart along with that piece of space!" Dumbledore said cautiously, "but when the space is completely broken, we will leave Hogwarts. If the timing is good enough, we will be completely torn apart by the body. Before, there will be an opportunity to use Apparition."

"If there is no Fox, that is your only life!"

Dumbledore explained to Ivan and helped Moody, who was in a coma, onto a chair. Hermione hurried up to help. She was worried that Dumbledore’s bones would be crushed by Moody’s weight. .

Listening to Dumbledore's words, Ivan was lost in thought, so it seemed that Barty Crouch Jr. deliberately used super-large-scale blasting magic in a confined space.

No matter whether this magic can kill you, that space will inevitably collapse. This is the real ultimate move!

If he entered there alone, Ivan would not dare to say that he would be able to seize the gleam of life in a situation that threatened his life and death.josei

Thinking about this, Ivan couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Of course, he was forced to this point mainly because he had miscalculated the determination of Little Batty. He didn't expect that the other party would choose to die with himself, so he retained a part of his strength when he did it.

After all, he needs to capture Moody and Barty alive as much as possible, and ask for information about Voldemort.

Coupled with the desire to try the newly acquired blood magic, Ivan spent most of the time only fighting with the power of the dragon, completely ignoring the transformation of snake eyes and Bogut.

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, Dumbledore put his elderberry wand against Moody's temple, pulling the white mist out of Moody's brain.

Dumbledore got closer, his eyes under his half-moon glasses were faintly blue, and he could clearly see some impurities in the white mist.

"It seems that your guess is correct. Hals, Voldemort modified Alastor's memory and applied the Imperius Curse to him!" Dumbledore's face rarely showed a little anger.

"Then Professor Moody will be fine, right?" Ivan hurriedly asked. Moody was controlled by the Imperius Curse for more than half a year. Ivan was worried that the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor would suffer brain damage due to this. What.

"Fortunately, in order to guarantee Alastor's autonomy to the greatest extent, Voldemort has done it very carefully, and should not leave any sequelae." Dumbledore explained as he gently waved his wand, pulling a cocoon. The impurities in the white mist peeled off.

It took more than ten minutes for Dumbledore to put the wisps of white mist back into Moody's brain.

Looking at this scene, Ivan was stunned in his heart. If Dumbledore had crooked thoughts, he could add some material to change Moody's memory unconsciously. This is also the horror of the master of Mindfulness.

"I have sorted out his memories of the last year~www.mtlnovel.com~ I think Alastor will be back to normal in a while...As for now, let's let him rest for a while." Dumbledore put down He was a little tired after he lost his wand.

Finding out the modified memories and restoring them is not an easy task, and if you are not paying attention, it may cause Moody's mental confusion when he wakes up.

After Moody's settled down, Dumbledore set his sights on the human-shaped scorched corpse on the ground.

Ivan also took a look at it. It can only be described as a mass of human-shaped barbecue. The chest cavity of the corpse was blown open, and it was **** and bloody, and it was steaming under the high temperature baking. It was disgusting. Can't eat.

He could only recognize Barty Crouch Jr. from his size and palm with two broken fingers.

Why bother……

Ivan sighed and shook his head.

Barty Crouch Jr. gave everything for Voldemort. He didn’t say anything, and even wanted to die with him. However, according to Voldemort’s temperament, it is impossible to feel sad for Barty’s death, only his incompetence. And angry...

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