Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 690

Chapter 690: Before the game

Time flew by, and two months passed in a flash.

However, beyond the expectations of Ivan and others, the magical world was very stable during this period, the school's courses were also proceeding as usual, and everything was so peaceful.

Even when he was in the Potions class, Snape rarely asked them for trouble, but his face was still gloomy, and he didn't know if Dumbledore had arranged another task for him.

As it was approaching the end of the term, the little wizards in the castle became more and more urgent as they were no longer leisurely, so that the originally empty library and lounge were suddenly crowded in the afternoon.

As the Warriors, Ivan and Harry have a heavier burden, after all, they still need to prepare for the upcoming third game.

Just as nervous as the two of them is Hermione, who has been sorting out the spells that may be used in the game these days, and ensuring that Ivan and Harry have mastered them all.

"Professor Moody once said that the location of the last game is in a large maze. They will put some ingenious traps and dangerous magical creatures in the passage of the maze as a test... In addition to other warriors. It is also possible to launch an attack on you!"

Hermione talked to Harry about the precautions of the game, and suggested that he practice the offensive spells listed in the list more these days, and be ready to fight the opponents in the maze.

Harry kept nodding his head, but seemed a little absent-minded throughout.

Ron patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly. "Don't think about mysterious people anymore, Harry! Maybe it's just a nightmare you had. It has been more than two months. If you really want to do it, the mysterious people will already have actions!"

"That can't be a dream, Ron!" Harry retorted. "I didn't even know who Barty Jr. was at the time, but I heard Voldemort mention his death. Do you think it's possible?"

"But even if it's true, we can't do anything now. Compared to this, you might as well think about the game for a few days..." Ron said with his mouth curled.

Harry didn't reply, he knew Ron was right.

In fact, the calm over the past two months has gradually caused him to doubt the authenticity of that dream, worrying that his words will make the professors useless.

Thinking of this, Harry sighed and turned his attention to the long list in front of him, which was a long list of magic spells, most of which he had successfully mastered in the past two months, but such as He still didn't know how to use high-end spells like the Iron Armor Curse.

In contrast, Ivan, who is also a warrior, is much more relaxed.

He had mastered all the basic magic on the list in the early years, and the final exam was never a problem for Ivan, so he became the most laid-back person in the entire lounge, holding a prophet in his hand. Read the daily newspaper carefully.

Before the incident of Barty, Ivan became vigilant, and he paid more and more attention to the importance of intelligence. Reading the newspaper has almost become his daily habit, so as not to miss some key news.

It’s just that during the recent period, the Daily Prophet’s reports are all about the top three matches, otherwise it’s just some lace news, there is not much nutritious content at all, even the arrest of Barty Crouch. Without mentioning a word, Ivan guessed that it was probably suppressed by Fudge.

After reading this for a while, Ivan was suddenly attracted by the content of one of the pages when he thought that today was a lot of lace news.josei

"You can take a look at this news!" Ivan threw the Daily Prophet on the table and said, pointing to a column of news on it.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all leaned forward curiously and took a look.

"Three days ago, a Muggle was attacked by a curse?" Hermione said uncertainly after reading the contents of the news.

"Yes! And the place where the accident happened was in the village by the sea!" Ivan said affirmatively.

Although this is not clearly stated in the Daily Prophet, Ivan can still roughly analyze it based on the familiar background in the photos on the layout.

"It must be Peter and Voldemort who started to act, let's go and tell Professor Dumbledore!" Harry threw down the book in his hand happily and was about to run out.

Ivan stretched out his hand to hold him, and said helplessly. "No, Harry! Don't you think that Professor Dumbledore doesn't know the news yet? Don't forget, the professor has always sent someone to stare there!"

"Maybe Professor Dumbledore drove the mysterious man away!" Hermione guessed.

"That said, isn't the mysterious man's plan ruined?" Ron was very pleased. The previous news that the mysterious man planned to slaughter the village and resurrect him scared him enough.

"How easy is it!" Ivan shook his head solemnly, but he felt that Dumbledore and Voldemort hadn't met yet.

Otherwise, based on Voldemort's current half-dead state, it would never be impossible to escape from Dumbledore's hands, and the Daily Prophet did not mention signs of wizard fighting there.

This means that Voldemort is still lurking in the dark waiting for an opportunity.

There was no action for two full months before, and Ivan thought that Voldemort was probably looking for a suitable time to start, such as...the day when the last match of the Goblet of Fire started!

As the referee of the Triwizard Tournament, Dumbledore will stay at Hogwarts that day to preside over the entire game. Without Dumbledore, Voldemort would be more at ease.

This attack may be a temptation ~www.mtlnovel.com~, but I don't know how the members of the Order of the Phoenix dealt with it, and whether it exposed their whereabouts and made Voldemort aware of it.

As they were discussing, an owl flew in from the opening of the window. After wandering around in the lounge, he flew straight towards Harry and threw the envelope he was holding on to the table.

Harry unpacked the envelope and pulled out the parchment inside. After reading the contents of the letter clearly, the whole person looked excited.

"Who sent you the letter? What is written on it?" Ivan asked curiously.

"It's Sirius! He said in his letter that in the third game, the Ministry of Magic will invite relatives of the Warriors to watch the game, and he will come to watch that day too!" Harry said with joy, looking very happy. .

"That's good news!" Ivan smiled, but I don't know if Asiah will come. She seems to hate Dumbledore and is always reluctant to enter Hogwarts...

(PS: The state is very bad recently, I won’t be able to adjust for a while, so it’s still a change today, sorry...)

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