Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 691

Chapter 691: But it's not that I deliberately avoided him...

Entering June, the weather gradually warmed, and the time for the start of the third game was getting closer and closer, and the whole castle was filled with tension and excitement.

During this time, Harry has almost become the busiest person at Hogwarts. In addition to class every day, he needs to spend several hours to practice various spells.

However, these efforts were not in vain. Harry's magic level increased rapidly in a large number of battles and exercises, and he had even initially mastered such difficult magic as the Iron Armor Curse.

This also gave him some confidence in the next game.

Of course, this confidence does not mean winning the championship, but being able to complete the game smoothly without making a fool of yourself on the court...

Ivan has not been idle in the past few months either, and has devoted most of his energy to the study of the Transfiguration Curse.

There is a qualitative gap between the seventh-level magic and the sixth-level magic. After some experiments, Ivan found that before the magic power completely dissipated, the creature he deformed was almost the same as the real one.

In addition, he can achieve exaggerated transformations that were impossible to imagine before, such as the fairy tale scene built in the Forbidden Forest a few months ago, or temporarily alienating a tree into a huge treant to assist in the fight... …

And after these days of practice, it has reached the limit of level six.josei

Although it is impossible to read the mind directly, as long as his eyes meet each other, Ivan can capture the thoughts in a person's mind without chanting a mantra.

However, after gaining this ability, Ivan was not happy at all. He once tried to maintain a full day of panic, but the feedback he received was extremely bad.

The whole world seems to be shrouded in falsehood and malice.

The little wizard who smiled and said hello when he passed by the other second, was filled with deep jealousy in his heart. Two friends who seemed to talk about nothing, had long been grudges secretly, and told each other...

What made Ivan feel helpless is that the feedback he received from several of his friends was not all positive.

So after experimenting for a day, Ivan decisively gave up the idea of ​​keeping mind-consciousness, and if this continued, he worried that he would never find a friend.

Thinking of this, Ivan was also a little emotional. This was just a group of simple-minded children, with so many messy thoughts in his heart. Ivan couldn't imagine what a terrible castle would be if it were all grown-up wizards.

"Halse, Potter! Come here for a minute..." While several people were eating breakfast, McGonagall walked out from the side of the hall and waved at them.

Ivan and Harry looked at each other, and the two stood up together and followed together.

"Professor, isn't the game time at night? What are you looking for us now?" Harry asked strangely.

"Yes, you remember correctly, Potter, the game is tonight." McGonagall nodded and said with a smile. "But the Warriors' family members have been invited to watch the finals. They are now in the conference room. I think you will definitely want to see them before the game..."

While talking, the three of them had already come to the door of the meeting room together, McGonagall twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open, which looked very lively.

Viktor Krum was sitting in the corner of the house with his parents, saying something in Bulgarian. Fleur and Gabriel were also with a middle-aged witch, who was probably her mother.

After Ivan took a look, he withdrew his gaze, and turned his gaze across the conference room. He quickly found Aysia by the stove.

Mrs. Weasley and Sirius were also here. The three seemed to be chatting, but they didn't seem to be having a very happy chat.

Bill on the side smiled bitterly and couldn't intervene at all. When he saw Harry and Ivan coming in, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said hello.

"Hi, Harry, Hals, this way!"

Bill's words successfully calmed the conflicts between the parents. Aysia gave up the argument with Mrs. Weasley, and immediately turned her attention to Ivan, stepped forward and embraced him enthusiastically.

"Mom, why are you here?" Ivan was both delighted and a little surprised. He thought that Aasia would not step into Hogwarts because of his disgust for Dumbledore.

"Why? Are you not happy to see me come to school?" Aysia pretended to be warm and angry, and squeezed Ivan's cheek with her hand.

"Of course not..." Ivan shook his head hastily.

Aysia laughed, she naturally understood Ivan's doubts, and she explained. "I don't want to be absent for such an important thing as you participate in the Triwizard Tournament, and if you really want to say it, it should be your principal who is worried about meeting me, but it's not that I deliberately avoid him..."

Speaking of this, there was a strong resentment in Aysia's words.

Ivan was very curious, but he didn't ask, and he held the doubt in his heart, because he knew that Aysia would probably not tell him.

At the same time, Sirius and Mrs. Weasley also gathered around Harry and asked for warmth.

Probably because the children were in the meeting room, the atmosphere at the scene eased a lot. After talking to Harry, Mrs. Weasley smiled and hugged Ivan.

Only Sirius kept a straight face, but at least there was no more dispute in the conference room.

Considering how few people can deal with, Ivan took the initiative to let Aysia accompany him to the castle, and stay here awkward.

"It's been a long time since I came to Hogwarts~www.mtlnovel.com~ just to see all the changes..." Aisia nodded and readily agreed.

Ivan greeted Harry and the others, and walked out of the meeting room with Aisia.

When passing by the hall, Ivan was surprised to find that the ghosts wandering all around were avoiding them. Even the brave Pippi would flee in horror after seeing Esiah.

Ivan turned to look at his mother, wondering why these ghosts were so afraid of her.

Aysia said with some nostalgia. "When I was in school, I was boring and teasing these ghosts. I didn't expect that after so many years, they still remember..."

The corners of Ivan's mouth twitched, and he felt that it was not just as simple as teasing, because he had also "teased" Pepy Ghost, but it was far less afraid of himself.

From this point of view, Aysia must have used the Fear Curse to toss these ghosts when she was a child, and it is strange that the school hat will specifically complain to herself when she is enrolled...

(PS: One more today)

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