Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 707

Chapter 707: Long time no see, Tom!

The large python made of black mist snaked around the snake's body and quickly approached, and the negative emotions that continued to breed in his mind became more and more intense.

Ivan and Sirius can still bear it, but Harry, who is already weak, can’t do much. He fell because of distraction while running. If Sirius hadn’t been dragging him, he might have rolled directly to the bottom of the mountain. went.

"Harry! Are you okay?" Sirius asked worriedly.

Harry panted and shook his head. He didn't even have the strength to answer, he just felt that his legs were about to break.

Ivan knew very well that he couldn't continue like this. It was impossible for them to beat the black mist by relying on their legs.

If he is alone, Ivan is sure to escape smoothly under Voldemort's hands, and even fights with blood magic for a while, but if he needs to protect other people at the same time, this will become an extremely difficult job.

He turned his head and glanced. The large python that was tens of feet long was getting closer and closer to them. The head of the snake at the foremost end opened its mouth wide, as if to swallow them in one bite, and there was something spreading in the snake's mouth. The black mist even faintly revealed Voldemort's weird and ferocious face.

Ivan, who had battled Horcruxes before, didn't dare to let these black mists get close, and immediately waved his wand and shouted loudly.

"ExpectoPatronum~ (Hushen guard

The glaring white light cut through the darkness, and then a crisp neighing sound resounded in the desolate mountains. The vast white mist gushed from the top of Ivan’s wand, quickly condensed into an illusory unicorn, straight He rushed into the open mouth of the snake and ran across the long snake's body.

However, what Ivan did not expect was that Voldemort did not condense the black mist and his unicorn shadow like his Horcrux did. Instead, the huge black mist python broke apart in an instant. Coming, the billowing black mist was like a turbulent ocean wave directly pressed towards the three of them.

Ivan's complexion changed suddenly, and he quickly collected most of the white mist, and surrounded his body into a semi-circular shield, protecting everyone in the middle.

The black mist constitutes a "giant wave" and was photographed in the air. As soon as it touched the shield, they began to melt each other, and the thick shield became thinner and thinner under the corrosion of the black mist...

The previous third game had consumed a lot of his power. In addition to transforming the tree in the cemetery, using the magic eye, and leading people to perform Apparition, the magic power in the body has already been consumed almost.

Without a lot of magical support, the patron saint curse he used was not Hei Mist's opponent at all.

Harry and Sirius also hurriedly waved their wands to release their patron saint, but without the blessing of blood, their patron saint curse was extremely fragile, and it only persisted for a few seconds before it fell apart.

Ivan on the other side also felt that the shield he had created was on the verge of collapse.

"Get ready, I'm afraid we have to move again! Sirius, you take Harry away first, and I'll be there soon!" Ivan said eagerly.

Harry was very worried that Ivan would stay here alone, but he knew better that he was a cumbersome now, so he opened his mouth and said nothing in the end.

Sirius nodded solemnly, and prepared to cast the spell without delay holding Harry's hand.

Although it is extremely dangerous to use Phantom Transformation in battle, it might be split and die here, but the current situation can no longer help him think so much, Sirius can only hope that luck can stand again. They are here once!

At this moment, Ivan, who was maintaining the protective magic, suddenly found that the pressure he had to bear was much less, and the black mist that surrounded him was slowly receding.

Sirius, who was also aware of the abnormality, stopped casting the spell, showing a hint of joy on his face. Voldemort had no reason to let them go. This probably meant that the support they had been waiting for had arrived!

Sure enough, a misty fairy music soon spread into their ears, and the sound got closer and closer. After a while, a phoenix bursting into flames rushed out of the black fog.

"It's Fox!" Harry shouted in surprise.

Ivan and Sirius were really relieved when they saw the phoenix. They knew they were safe.

After seeing the three of them, Fox couldn't help but let out a cheerful scream, and then the golden red flames swaying all around exploded.

The endless fire light occupied the vision of Ivan and others, and the warm flame covered the whole body, instantly dispelling the coldness brought by the black mist.

Ivan thought that Fox was here to take them away, but he didn't. They were still there after the fire dissipated.

And Fox has turned into a huge flame phoenix, and fought in mid-air with the black mist condensed python.

The boa constrictor twisted its body ferociously, biting on the flame phoenix's wings with its big mouth open and tearing it hard, and the long snake body rolled up even more.

The golden-red flaming phoenix pecking at the python's head with its beak regardless, one paw clasps the snake's tail tightly, and strands of golden "feathers" are constantly floating down and burning on the python's body, exploding. Potholes came out one after another.

Watching this battle in mid-air, Ivan really couldn't tell who had the upper hand. He only knew that with the magic of the two, he might not be able to tell the winner for a while.

"ExpectoPatronum~" Ivan was worried that Dumbledore would be defeated if he was not in good condition, so he summoned the patron saint again and planned to intervene in the battle!josei

As soon as the unicorn appeared, he let out an angry neigh. The defeat of the previous battle made the Soul of Cecilia extremely dissatisfied, when even the sharp horns on the top of his head ran into the black fog boa.

But before it got close to the boa constrictor that knew it was invincible, it collapsed into a black mist...

The victorious flame phoenix didn't mean to pursue it~www.mtlnovel.com~ like Nirvana, it turned into a ball of fire and fell straight from the air to the ground. In the burst of fire, Dumbledore's figure emerged.

He just stood in front of the three of them, his robes rattled by the waves of flames, and his long silver-white beard was also blown by the wind, but Dumbledore didn't care, his eyes were tight. Staring not far ahead.

A large amount of black mist was quickly gathering there again, and finally condensed into a figure, that is Voldemort!

The two stood facing each other like this, a faint sense of oppression continued to extend from them, and Harry and Sirius couldn't even speak under such an aura of confrontation.

Ivan's situation is much better, and he is basically unaffected, but he still feels a little uncomfortable...

"Long time no see, Tom!" Dumbledore looked at Voldemort and greeted quietly, as if they were not engaged in a life-and-death confrontation, but an ordinary meeting.

(PS: One more)

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