Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 708

Chapter 708: What you do will only push yourself to death faster!

"Yeah! It's been a few years! Four years ago you messed up my resurrection plan, but it's a pity... this time I won!" Voldemort said in a high tone, showing a bit of delight on his face. color.

"My loyal servants carried out the wonderful plan I came up with and brought Harry Potter out of your protection!"

"Look, I truly defeated death and gained a new body. Now no one can stop me... and you, Dumbledore!"

Voldemort said sullenly, his red eyes fixed on Dumbledore, hoping to see the color of regret and regret on Dumbledore's face.

But none of this, Dumbledore just looked at him with extremely disappointed eyes, and then said in a deep voice.

"I think I told you, Tom, blind optimism will make people lose the most basic ability to judge. All you do is push yourself into the abyss of death faster..."

"Put away your preaching, Dumbledore!" Voldemort interrupted Dumbledore's words viciously, "If you expect a few words to influence me, then save it! Or... you plan to rely on it. Is this to cover up your mistakes?"

"Mistake? It's not unreasonable to think so. The fact that you used the Imperius Curse to control Alastor and Sirius was indeed beyond my expectation..." Dumbledore said multilaterally, gently lifting his wand with his left hand. "But I think it's not too late to make up for this mistake!"

"Are you going to kill me? Here? With some burden?" Voldemort sneered disdainfully.

"Bulky? Do you really think so? Tom? You shouldn't underestimate anyone..." Dumbledore said meaningfully. "If I guessed correctly, you've already suffered a bit, haven't you?"josei

Voldemort suddenly recalled the scenes of successive failures in the cemetery before, and his face gradually became gloomy and even became a little distorted.

"Then try it!" Without warning, Voldemort raised his wand. The target was not Dumbledore, but Sirius who was not far away from him.

"AvadaKedavra~ (Avada Kedavra

A gloomy green beam flashed in mid-air, and Sirius did not expect that Voldemort would suddenly aim at him. Although he reacted immediately, it was still too late!

Fortunately, at this moment, a group of golden flames blocked Sirius, Fox went out of the flames and swallowed the green light beam, then it burst into flames and fell to the ground, turning into a wrinkle. Baba's nestling.

The moment Voldemort shot, Dumbledore also attacked at the same time, and a crimson light beam shot out from the tip of the rod, flew out with amazing energy, and hit Voldemort directly.

Ivan and others who witnessed this scene all felt a palpitation.

A dignified color also appeared on Voldemort's face. He conjured a shiny silver shield out of thin air to block him, and the golden light beam hit it and exploded immediately.

The rising fire light and air waves spread in all directions, a huge roar echoed continuously in the desolate mountains, and several cracks gradually spread on the solid silver shield.

But Voldemort didn't have the time to manage, a strong sense of crisis enveloped his heart, the attack... came from behind, he didn't turn his head to look, his figure disappeared in a flash.

Less than a second after he left, a big hand made of wood was shot in the air.

At some point, the towering tree beside Voldemort has changed its appearance, and it has completely turned into a tall wooden giant!

Compared with the simple treant in the cemetery, it looks more solid and lifelike. Not only does the thick branch at one end change into the shape of a human arm, it even "grows" two fast moving ones. leg……

When the flames and dust disappeared, Voldemort had disappeared in front of him.

Ivan and the others all held their wands tightly, staring at the surroundings, and did not dare to relax their vigilance at all.

The previous encounters have proved that Voldemort can use Apparition freely in battle!

Suddenly, Harry uttered a heart-piercing scream from behind. He felt that the scar on his forehead was about to split, and the pain was unbearable.

Sirius subconsciously turned his head to look at Harry beside him, but a shout rang in his ears.

"Dodge, he is behind you, Sirius!"

It was Ivan's voice, Sirius heard it all at once, without hesitation, a sharp roll dodges the killing curse shot at him, but Harry, who was originally under his protection, became helpless.

At this moment, Harry was kneeling on the ground in pain, covering his head with his hand, and Voldemort appeared in front of him with a gleaming figure, and the pale hand with no trace of blood quickly stretched out towards his neck.

"Reducto! (Bone shattered Ivan waved his wand, and a beam of light shot at Voldemort, trying to force him away from Harry.

But Voldemort didn't care, the curse passed directly through his body, and at this moment Voldemort's hand had been forced to hit Harry's body.

Harry almost lost consciousness in pain. He could only watch Voldemort's hideous face getting closer and closer to him, vaguely he seemed to hear a sound, and then he felt like his back was being pulled severely. After a while, the whole person flew out directly, and was pulled into Dumbledore's arms.

Voldemort just watched as Dumbledore used a flying curse to pull Harry away by himself~www.mtlnovel.com~ I was a little disappointed in my heart.

But he didn't intend to pursue it. This attack exposed his figure and changed his identity from hunter to prey...

Just between the sparks and flints, Ivan rushed towards Voldemort, manipulating the shadow of the unicorn that had not been able to do anything.

Sirius also once again struck out a killing curse and flew towards Voldemort!

This time, the Killing Curse still didn't work, and Voldemort just waved his wand lightly and resisted it.

The shadow of the unicorn in front of him made Voldemort frowned. His figure flashed and he was going to use Apparition again to avoid the attack. However, a brief sense of solidity suddenly appeared and interrupted his casting .

Rooting spell!

Beyond the illusory figure of the unicorn, Voldemort could clearly see that the elder wand held by Dumbledore was pointing at him.

Although he immediately cancelled the magic and restored the ability to act, this moment of delay also caused Voldemort to have no time to perform the second Apparition...

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