Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 747

Chapter 747: Riddle House Rally

Snape stared at the mansion that appeared out of nowhere, vaguely thinking of something.

Could it be said that the rumor is true?

Besides, he couldn't think of the reason why Voldemort needed to hide with the Curse of Fidelity...

Snape reached out his hand and wanted to get the newspaper in his pocket, but in the end he stopped, his complexion regained his calmness, and strode towards the door of Riddle House.josei

The appearance of Riddle's Mansion was very different from when he came last time, without the feeling of decay and run-down.

The entrance doors and windows were polished brightly, the roof tiles were also refurbished, and the ground in front of the door was covered with a thick carpet. The decoration was very grandiose incompatible with the desolate surroundings.

Walking to the door, Snape keenly found a dark mark engraved on the doorknob. When he put his hand on it, there was a tingling pain in his left arm.

The door opened automatically.

Snape crossed the threshold to enter it. The entire front hall was already full of people. All the Death Eaters outside had arrived. It seemed that he was the latest one to come.

Noting this, Snape quickened his pace and went straight to the first place on the right.

After the wound healing two weeks ago, Voldemort's trust in him had risen to a higher level. It can be said that before the group of madmen in Azkaban were released, he was second only to Voldemort.

"You should have heard the news, right?"

As soon as Snape stood up, there was a whisper in his ear, and he turned his head slightly, speaking to Lucius Malfoy who was standing next to him.

Lucius still wore his aristocratic black robe, frowning, and a somewhat unnatural look on his pale, pointed face.

"What? You believe that rumor? Lucius?" Snape's eyes narrowed.

"No, of course I don't doubt the master's power... It's just the source of some curious news." Lucius' right hand gently stroked the snake stick in his hand, his eyes moved slightly to the left, and he replied absently.

Only then did Snape notice that his student Draco Malfoy was standing beside Lucius, with a look of trepidation. Those eyes looked uncomfortably left and right, and looked at himself from time to time, probably It is because of fear that I have never been able to say hello.

Although Snape was a little surprised as to why Draco was here, he didn't mean to ask him actively. This is the residence of the Dark Lord. Maybe there is some surveillance magic assigned to them. They need to be cautious in every move.

Apart from them, the rest of the Death Eaters were also whispering. Snape couldn't hear him clearly, but he thought it was related to the rumor.

At this moment, the door was opened again, and a tall and thin figure walked in from outside the door.

The front hall suddenly became very quiet, everyone closed their mouths, and slightly lowered their heads to assume the most submissive and humble gesture...

The candlelight swayed gently, and the light in the room seemed to dim a bit, and the blazing fire leaning against the corner was suppressed by an inexplicable force with only a few flames left.

"You are welcome to join this rally." Voldemort walked all the way to the very end of the front hall, and a slightly hoarse voice came out of his thin, **** mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Voldemort's gaze stopped on everyone, and he said harshly again. "But it seems that some of you don't seem to be so happy with me..."

The Death Eaters present were all anxious, Snape lowered his head to avoid looking at Voldemort, while Draco shrank behind Lucius in fear.

Voldemort felt the fear rising in everyone's hearts, and spoke while pacing in the front hall.

"Yeah, I must have heard some bad rumors recently. The strongest wizard in the magical world, the invincible Dark Lord, suffered a major setback in Knockdown Alley and was caught by a little devil who just turned fifteen. It was defeated... right?"

Voldemort's low voice echoed all around with a hint of irritation, and no one dared to answer. The silence lasted for a long time, until a Death Eater yelled frantically.

"This must be a rumor! The master is the most powerful wizard ever and cannot be defeated!"

The condensed atmosphere on the court was instantly broken, and it was reflected that the Death Eaters had verbally denounced the false rumor and admired the mighty power of the Dark Lord.

"You're right, McNeill..." Voldemort nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the Death Eaters who were firm on the surface, but half-trusted in reality, and explained.

"But I did ran into some trouble in Knockout Alley the other day. There is nothing to conceal about this!"

As soon as these words came out, many Death Eaters' eyes widened, and some couldn't believe what they heard.

When they got the news before, they all sneered, a little devil head defeated the powerful Dark Lord?

Are you kidding me? This is even more absurd than Dumbledore preparing to join the Death Eaters!

Only in the week after receiving the news, Voldemort's whole person was like missing, and he was nowhere to be found, plus the few photos that went viral, which made them believe a little bit.

Now after hearing that Voldemort personally confirmed the authenticity of this incident, McNeill had a faint feeling of faith collapse.

Voldemort ignored these people's gazes, and said to himself. "As you can see, I underestimated the enemy. I went too aggressively. I went deep into the opponent's station under the condition of misestimating the strength of Ivan Hals. As a result, I was placed..."

There were too many eyewitnesses to the battle that took place in Knockturn Alley that night~www.mtlnovel.com~ It was impossible to hide it completely. Instead of these people guessing, it would be better for him to speak out directly and set the tone for this matter.

"It must be that kid who instructed all the wizards in Knockout Alley to besiege you together..." Lucius Malfoy defended it very eloquently.

"You can say that... but this is still a shameful failure anyway!" Voldemort glanced at Lucius, his expression very indifferent.

Voldemort's words made the Death Eaters present a sigh of relief. It turned out that their master was besieged by many wizards in Knockdown Alley, and then defeated because of underestimating the enemy, and could only temporarily evacuate.

"Master, did you summon us this time to break into Knockout Alley and kill that kid?" McNeill asked.

Voldemort's flat snake face twitched slightly and shook his head slowly. "No hurry, Ivan Hals recruited a large number of people in Knockoff Alley. It is difficult for you to compete with the large number of law enforcement officers..."

(PS: The second one will be posted later.)

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