Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 748

Chapter 748: Everything you see is just appearance

"Using brute force has always been the dullest method, I have a better way to deal with him!" Voldemort added.

McNeill closed his mouth immediately, and the heart that Lucius and others had been holding was also relieved, which meant that they didn't have to fight this tough battle.

You must know that even the Dark Lord has stumbled in Knock Down Alley. The danger there is generally visible. If they have their lives, they may not have their lives to come back...

"Severus, you coach at Hogwarts, and you should be familiar with Ivan Hals. What kind of person do you think he is?" Voldemort suddenly turned his head to look at Snape and asked.

Snape was stunned. He didn't expect Voldemort to ask this suddenly, but he quickly recovered, and he uttered after hesitated for a while.

"Difficult to evaluate... He is the weirdest and most gifted student I have ever met. He is smart, studious, and full of sense of justice, but sometimes he is out of order and despise authority.

On weekdays, he often confuses with Potter and Weasley. Dumbledore has praised him many times, and he has the meaning of letting him join the magic association..."

Listening to Snape's statement, McNeill and the others couldn't help frowning. In their opinion, Snape's raising Ivan Hals so much was undoubtedly a kind of contempt for his master.

However, Voldemort didn't mean to be angry at all.

"Very well, you didn't lie, Severus... It's a pity that everything you see is appearance." Voldemort said gloomily. "But that's right, his disguise is very good, you must have never seen his evil and defiant appearance!"

Snape and the others looked at Voldemort very suspiciously, and didn't quite understand what he meant.

Voldemort immediately spoke about what happened in Knockdown Alley that night, and said nothing about the battle between him and Ivan.

Lucius and others were stunned when they heard that Ivan Hals had pulled up a legion of law enforcers in Knock Down Alley and forcibly tied all the wizards there to the wizard market. When they heard his declaration, Lucius and others were shocked.

What kind of boldness is this, and how bold is it?

Is he really only fifteen years old?

Even standing next to Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, with a low brow and pleasing eyebrows, trembled.

Snape was also surprised. He had several contacts with Ivan Hals. He vaguely understood that the other party was not as gentle and polite as he seemed, but he never thought that Ivan Hals had such ambitions. !

This is simply the next Voldemort...

No, it's the Dark Lord who is more powerful than Voldemort!

"Ivan Hals has mastered a curse that can increase combat power in a short time, and intends to win the trust of Dumbledore, and then use this special curse to sneak and kill him..." Voldemort couldn't help but think of Ivana that night With an arrogant posture, his face became more and more ugly.

"Severus, I need you to find an opportunity to pass this news to Dumbledore..." Voldemort said gloomily.

"Yes, Master!" Snape replied with the shock in his heart and replied submissively.

"Dumbledore can never let him grow..." Voldemort muttered to himself, even he could feel the threat posed by Ivan Hals so deeply, not to mention the hypocritical one. The white wizard.

Once Dumbledore thoroughly sees the nature of Ivan Hals, the two sides will fight immediately, and in the end, no matter who loses or who wins, he can take advantage of him.

Thinking about this, Voldemort looked at a Death Eater with a fleshy face next to him, and spoke again. "Yaxley, since you are working in the Executive Department, you recently figured out a way to have the Ministry of Magic investigate Knockdown Alley, and I will let McNeil take care of assisting you.

The trash of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​not as good as the Death Eaters he just gathered, let alone against the law enforcement legion.

In terms of strength, Dumbledore may not be the opponent of Ivan Hals, so he has to add a little more blockage to that kid... at least he can't spare time to trouble himself.

Yaxley and McNeill, who received the order, nodded quickly and agreed.

After talking about the strategy to deal with Ivan Hals, Voldemort turned his words to the tasks he had ordered some time ago.

Although he was planning to cause troubles to make the two rivals fight, even if he wanted to be the fisherman behind the scenes, he had to enhance his own strength as much as possible.

"Master, those dementors are already considering our suggestions. The recent move by the Ministry of Magic makes them very dissatisfied. I believe they will completely fall to us soon!" Pettigrew Peter said cautiously.

"Wormtail, I hope you can understand that my patience is limited. I will give you two more weeks at most..." Voldemort said impatiently.

He has had enough of these clerks, and eagerly hopes that those servants who are truly loyal to him will return to him as soon as possible.

And the first step is to get the dementors guarding Azkaban...

He casually warned Pettigrew Peter, and Voldemort turned his gaze to another Death Eater and asked. "Where are the werewolves?"

"Master, the werewolves led by Fenrir Greyback are happy to join us, but there is one condition..." Amicus Caro bowed slightly and hesitated for a while before replying. "They want the formula for the wolf poison potion."

Voldemort's brows frowned. Of course he knew who the inventor of the wolf poison potion was. Asking about the formula of the wolf poison potion from Ivan Hals was tantamount to a dream.

But soon he seemed to think of something again, his frown stretched out, and he turned to look at Snape.

Before Voldemort asked, Snape said straightforwardly~www.mtlnovel.com~I have deciphered the formula of the wolf poison potion, but the effect is a bit worse than the original version. "

"Good job, Severus, even if my loyal servants return, you will still be my most trusted right hand!" Voldemort said affirmatively.

He was very satisfied with Snape's performance. Among the countless bad news, this was the only good news.

"As for you, Carlo." Voldemort turned his head and looked at the Death Eater. "After the meeting is over, I will notify the werewolves. I agree to this condition, but the formula will not be handed over to them until the Ministry of Magic is breached. Before that, we will provide them with enough wolf poison potions every month."

"Understood!" Amicus Carlo responded with his head down.

After some questions and answers, the solemn atmosphere in the front hall eased a lot, only Lucius was still pale and worried.josei

Before long, Voldemort's dark and hoarse voice came from the front.

"Lucius Malfoy... don't you have anything you want to report to me? Or did you fail to complete the task I gave you?"

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