Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 763

Chapter 763: Opening banquet

After a while, the rickety carriage stopped beside the stone steps of the oak gate, and Ivan stepped out of the carriage and followed the crowd into the castle.

Harry, who was behind him, looked back from time to time, with a worried look on his face.

"What's the matter? Harry?" Ivan noticed Harry's abnormality and asked puzzledly.

"Did you see Hagrid just now? He would come to welcome the new students in previous years." Harry said strangely.

"His course last year was too bad. Maybe it was because there were too many complaints. Principal Dumbledore dismissed him? I saw Professor Grapland at the station just now. She was probably the one who came to work." Luna guessed.

"It's impossible!" Harry glared at Luna, and said with certainty that Professor Dumbledore would not fire Hagrid.josei

And he thinks Hagrid's course is pretty good, obviously everyone likes him...

"So you plan to raise a few more snails for fun this semester?" Luna asked lightly.

Harry's words suddenly got stuck in his mouth, and the expression on his face became uncertain when he thought of the bad things that happened when Hagrid asked them to raise the snails last school year, and the scene of being chased by a group of snails. ...

Hermione also looked worried. She was very worried that Hagrid would be caught in Azkaban because of privately raising and transforming dangerous creatures...

While talking about Hagrid's anomaly, a few people walked through the hall and stepped into the auditorium.

Hogwarts was brightly lit, and hundreds of candles were floating in the sky, and the bright lights of the stars illuminate the surroundings.

The room was full of four long academies tables, and many of the little wizards who had arrived early had already sat down.

The freshmen at Hogwarts stood neatly beside the high platform waiting for a new round of sorting. Several silver-white ghosts floated around, scaring some timid freshmen.

Ivan simply glanced in the auditorium, and then turned his gaze to the teacher's bench. The golden high-back chair in the center was empty, and Dumbledore was not in his place.

And beside that seat sat a witch wearing a pink cardigan.

She had short curly gray-brown hair, a short and fat body, and a sweet and greasy smile on her face, and she was chatting enthusiastically with Snape.

But Snape obviously didn't want to pay any attention to her, and his face was blunt, and he responded with a match.

After seeing the witch, the surrounding professors all showed slightly uncomfortable expressions.

"Umbridge, she really came." Ivan squinted and muttered to himself.

Hermione followed Ivan's gaze and noticed the disgusting figure.

But what surprised her even more was that at the end of the professor's seat, Hagrid had been seated in another person-Professor Grapland.

Harry took a sigh of relief when he noticed this, and were worried about Hagrid's situation...

"Look, as I thought... he is not suitable for teaching, he must have been fired." Luna said shaking her head.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron glared at her.

Ivan also thought Luna's words were too straightforward, but she didn't say anything to stop it.

Strictly speaking, Luna didn't say anything wrong, but it was a bit out of date.

Because Hagrid's teaching level is indeed very poor, he always likes to bring some huge and hideous "cuties" to class, and tries to make everyone fall in love with them.

As for Hagrid's whereabouts, Ivan felt that it should be the same as the original time and space, and he followed Dumbledore's orders to negotiate with the giant.

After all, Hagrid is not Harry, and has no value targeted by Voldemort and Death Eaters...

After telling her conclusion, Luna seemed unaware that she had caused the anger at all, and she said goodbye to a few people naturally, and walked to the Ravenclaw table alone.

Ivan and the others also hurriedly sat down at the long table in Gryffindor.

Just after they sat down, the sorting hats placed on the stools suddenly moved, split their mouths, and sang loudly.

"A long time ago I was still wearing a new hat. Hogwarts hadn't been built at that time. The four founders of Noble School thought they would never part ways..."

The singing of the Sorting Hat changed from the humor and lightness of the past. It used a deep and magnetic tone to tell the story of the founders of the four major colleges, and used these past events to remind the wizards present to unite and cooperate and abandon the opinions of the college.

After waiting for the sorting hat to stop, there was a burst of warm applause in the auditorium, but there were also some whispers in it.

Many people wondered why it was about to be sorted out, and Principal Dumbledore was not there yet.

Ivan has been staring at every move of every professor in the faculty seat, trying to see something from their response, but the professors probably received the news in advance, and did not express any doubts about it.

Only Umbridge's face showed a very unhappy look. She thought that the principal's absence on such an important occasion was a very dereliction of duty, so she kept questioning Professor McGonagall who was sitting next to her.

Professor McGonagall fooled a few words casually, then walked directly onto the stage to preside over the sorting ceremony.

As McGonagall chanted his name, the freshmen walked up to the high platform nervously, buckled their hats on their heads, and waited nervously for the sorting hat to make a decision.

Every time the hat made a choice, the audience would think of cheers and applause.

When the last student came down from the high platform and took a seat, the door of the auditorium was pushed open heavily.

The creaking sound of pushing the door attracted everyone's attention, and the noisy auditorium fell silent for a while.

The next moment, Dumbledore, dressed in a dark purple robe and wrapped in a scarf, walked in from the door.

Ivan squinted his eyes and fixed his eyes on Dumbledore in front of him. According to his previous speculation, the other party's current state should be very poor.

After all, it's been a whole year since Dumbledore was injured by the black magic on the Horcrux~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even if he was not dead, he should be in a state of serious injury. The fact that the other party's delay in showing up throughout the summer also proved this. a little.

However, under Ivan's perception, the fact is not the case. Dumbledore's state is amazing, his steps are very steady, and even the pressure is stronger than before!

When confronting Voldemort next to the English Village before, he had felt Dumbledore's aura, far less than now.

Dumbledore at that time was like the setting sun, powerful but late, but now it is like the scorching sun at noon, so hot that it makes the heart palpitating...

How is this possible? Did Dumbledore find a way this summer to heal his previous injury?

Ivan was stunned and looked at Dumbledore carefully. Only then did I find that the opponent's right hand was still hidden in the sleeve. He could not see it at all, and he could not confirm the opponent's state...

But Dumbledore is still alive anyway, and alive well...

This made Ivan somewhat relieved.

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