Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 764

Chapter 764: Umbridge

Seeing Dumbledore coming in from the door, Umbridge, who was sitting on the teacher's bench, suddenly felt his eyes light up, and his whole body became excited, and he quickly stood up and greeted him.

"Principal Dumbledore! I need to remind you that according to Hogwarts school rules, the principal should be there before the sorting ceremony..." Umbridge cleared his throat and said in a strange tone.

However, Dumbledore didn't mean to stop as if he hadn't seen her, and he walked straight past. The faintly radiating pressure directly blocked Umbridge's subsequent words.

Umbridge just opened his mouth and stood there blankly, his face turned blue and purple.

At this time, Dumbledore had already walked to the stage, looked at the little wizards below the stage, and said with a smile. "Although I am a little late, I still want to say...Welcome! Welcome all freshmen to Hogwarts!"

After the voice fell, there was an exceptionally warm applause in the auditorium.

The figure of Dumbledore had not been seen at the opening ceremony before, and the senior students were a little worried, but now they are finally relieved.

When the applause weakened, Dumbledore continued to speak. "Maybe the long journey has left you hungry, but before enjoying a rich lunch, I still need to say a few words!"

"This year, our faculty has two changes. First of all, I am very happy that Professor Grapland will continue to come back to teach. She will be responsible for teaching you the magical animal protection class."

While talking, Dumbledore turned his gaze to the teacher's bench, Grapland stood up, smiled and gestured to the crowd, and there was another round of applause from the audience.

Harry wanted to speak and wanted to inquire about Hagrid's whereabouts, but was held back by Hermione.josei

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore looked at Umbridge, who was still standing stupidly on the long table aisle. "In addition, there is a new face this year. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be taught by Umbridge..."

"Ahem..." Umbridge coughed slightly, interrupting Dumbledore's words, his face slightly distorted, and said with a smirk. "Thank you principal, but I would rather be able to introduce myself personally!"

Dumbledore remained silent, as if tacitly acquiescing to Umbridge's rhetoric.

Umbridge also regained some self-confidence, no longer a calm face, barely showing the iconic sweet smile, and twitched to everyone.

"I must say, it's great to be able to go back to Hogwarts again! As soon as I see you, I think of the days I went to school at Hogwarts."

"I also stood here more than forty years ago, wearing a sorting hat with excitement and joy and becoming a Hogwarts student..."

Umbridge eloquently recalled the past when he was young, trying to get closer to the little wizards, but unfortunately the effect was little.

No one wants to understand how she succeeded in becoming a superior by studying hard and making small reports more than 40 years ago, and she has no interest in those outdated rules and regulations.

Everyone in the audience was drowsy, and Harry was clutching his hungry stomach, thinking about when to have dinner, and then lay down in bed for a good night's sleep.

"Can't you wait until the dinner is over?" Ron sighed and muttered to himself, obviously he used to have a banquet first and then speak, I don't know why this school year is different.

"...In the future, let us continue to move forward and enter a new era of enlightenment, efficiency and sensibility, resolutely maintain what should be maintained, improve what needs to be perfected, and abandon those we should forbid..." Umbridge said fully. More than forty minutes.

The first half recalled her honors as a student, and the second half emphasized that Hogwarts will make certain changes under the supervision of the Ministry of Magic in the future and improve the existing school regulations.

"Thank you very much, Professor Umbridge, your speech is very enlightening." Dumbledore waited for Umbridge to finish before he walked back to the stage and said.

"As for now, everyone can enjoy today's dinner."

Dumbledore raised his left hand and waved his magic wand. Large pieces of beef, pies, plates of vegetables, bread, jam, and a pot of pumpkin juice appeared on the long table of the four colleges.

The little wizards who had been hungry for a whole night refreshed and took up knives and forks to feast on.

Ivan also cut a small piece of steak into his mouth and ate it.

Harry and Ron were eating while talking about the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.

They had seen Umbridge several times before, so they had no hope for this year's Defence Against the Dark Arts class. They only hoped that Umbridge would not be worse than Lockhart's.

"This matter is probably not as simple as you think... Did you understand what Umbridge said just now? Don't forget, she was an investigator from the Ministry of Magic..." Hermione temporarily put down her knife and fork. , Looked at the two of them, and said very seriously.

"Did she say anything just now? That sounds like nonsense, I'm almost falling asleep..." Ron yawned and took a sip of ice lemon juice to suppress his sleepiness.

"Sometimes there are some important things hidden in nonsense!" Hermione said seriously, but Harry and Ron both had blank expressions.

Hermione sighed and explained. "Umbridge is standing here~www.mtlnovel.com~ This shows that the Ministry of Magic wants to interfere with Hogwarts and weaken Professor Dumbledore’s influence in the school! The "Daily Prophet" in the first two months You should have seen it all, that's an omen."

Harry and Ron were very angry when Hermione brought up those reports.

In the past two months, the "Daily Prophet" has been the ultimate discredit for Dumbledore. While denying Voldemort's resurrection on a daily basis, it spent more than a dozen pages trying to prove that Dumbledore was suffering from Alzheimer's.

One of the articles mentioned that Dumbledore would habitually say some crazy things at the opening ceremony, such as the famous "idiot! Cry nose! Residue! Screw!".

In addition, Dumbledore also abused his power to add points indiscriminately to favor the students.

He once added more than 500 points to Gryffindor Academy in just over ten minutes, but turned a blind eye to certain special students’ violations. As a result, Slytherin, who was supposed to win the Academy Cup, missed him and severely hit the rest of the academy. Enthusiasm.

According to people familiar with the matter, Dumbledore also believes in Harry Potter's dreams, and believes that the mysterious man who once harmed the magical world is lurking in the dark waiting for an opportunity, ready to fight him at any time.

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