Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 766

Chapter 766: "Book of Pictographic Symbols" (2 in 1 4,000 words)

"You actually kept it from me for so long. Tell me what happened that day?" Seamus said excitedly.

"Tomorrow, I'll tell you tomorrow, or you can go to Harry and Ron, and they know." Seeing Seamus's excitement, Ivan shook his head helplessly.

I wouldn't say so much if I knew it, he still has some important things to do tonight.

Because of the previous contradiction, Seamus really didn't have the face to ask Harry again, and had to pester Ivan reluctantly.

Fortunately at this time, Ron, who had finished guiding the new student, walked in from the door and relieved Ivan.

After all, Ron likes telling stories the most...

After finally getting rid of Seamer's entanglement, Ivan walked to the bed and tidied the suitcase, and then leaned on the bedside to open up the live spot map.

"I solemnly swear that I did nothing good!"

Ivan’s wand was tapped lightly, and the delicate ink lines surfaced on the blank parchment paper, gradually drawing the outline of the entire castle.

"Well, Dumbledore is in the office." Ivan looked around on the spot map and quickly determined Dumbledore's location. When she jumped up from the bed, she was about to go to the principal's room and ask about the location of the Hogwarts magic storage room.

The scarcity of magic power is his biggest weakness now. If it can be solved, he won't have to hide away when he sees Voldemort again, and he can rely on blood magic to fight the opponent head-on...

With such power, coupled with the law enforcers in Knockdown Alley, it would be no problem to kick the Ministry of Magic directly.josei

Just as Ivan was thinking this way, Dumbledore's name flashed on the map of Huodian suddenly, and then disappeared without a trace.

Ivan, who was walking to the door, had to stop and glanced carefully on the map of the spot. Dumbledore's name could not be seen anywhere else.

If it weren't for the deliberate use of magic to block the name like last school year, it would prove that Dumbledore left the school through the Phoenix.

"Have you gone out? It's the big night? What's so urgent?" Ivan raised his brows slightly, pondering inwardly.

It was rare for Dumbledore to be late at the previous school opening ceremony, and he didn't stop at the slightest after the dinner, as if he was rushing to do something.

This made Ivan feel something was wrong, and Dumbledore's condition was a bit better, completely different from his expectations.

If the opponent still used his left hand when casting a spell, and he saw Dumbledore's name on the map of the point just now, he would have doubted whether it was Dumbledore himself.

"Forget it, ask again tomorrow, it's not bad for a couple of days." Ivan waited for a long time without seeing Dumbledore coming back with the map of the live spot, so I temporarily gave up the idea of ​​asking about the magic storage room and took out Niu instead. But the two books given by Le May read.


The next day, early in the morning.

Ivan got up from the bed with a yawn. After washing, he walked out of the dormitory with Harry, Ron and others.

When a few people arrived in the lounge, they saw Hermione standing on the bulletin board angrily peeling off a piece of parchment.

"What's on it? Hermione?" Ivan stepped forward curiously and asked.

"Look at it for yourself!" Hermione handed the parchment over.

At first, Ivan thought it was Umbridge who was doing something, but after a glance, he realized that it was actually an advertisement for the Weasley joke shop, which marked the new product they had just developed this year, and it was quite fair. Hiring experimenters and staff at the end...

"Quick-acting skipping candy, answering quill pens, decoy bombs, and even making a portable swamp... How can they sell these things, it's damn! They weren't so bold last year, because Percy will definitely stop them!"

Hermione was shivering with anger. She thought that George and Fred must feel that they had become prefects with Ron this year and would be so unscrupulous that they would be merciful to them, and posted the advertisement directly on the bulletin board in the lounge.

"God, Hermione, do you want to be the next Percy? That's terrible!" Ron didn't think it was a big deal to post an ad, but was shocked by Hermione's words in the second half.

He thought about it, Hermione was holding a copy of "How the Prefect Gets Power" all day, and her body shuddered involuntarily as she arrogantly commanded.

"Of course I don't want to be Percy..." Hermione rolled her eyes and said angrily. "But they should know that fifth-grade students will have to take the O.W.L. exam this year, and the seventh-year students will also have to take the N.E.W.T. certificate. There is no time to spend time on fun!"

"Will you help me? Ivan..." Hermione turned her head and looked at Ivan, begging. She knew she couldn't help George and Fred.

"Okay, I will talk to them when I have time and let them converge a little." Ivan nodded and agreed.

Because he saw the ecstasy named "Wonder Witch" in the product list, selling this kind of mentally-affecting potion is really too much, and it's easy to go wrong.

Not to mention that this year Umbridge is going to vigorously rectify Hogwarts, it is not a good thing to be too free at this time.

"Slightly restrained?" Hermione pursed her lips a little unhappy.

"Okay, don't care about this so much, let's hurry up and eat..." Ivan didn't compromise this time. He threw the advertisement aside, and suddenly kissed Hermione on the cheek, and then did not wait. She responded and took her hand and walked towards the auditorium.

Hermione's face flushed, and for a while the trouble with George and Fred was forgotten. Although it is not the first time Ivan has kissed her, Harry and Ron are still paying it back. here I am.

A few people walked into the hall together, and the students met along the way had polarized attitudes. Some people greeted them enthusiastically, while the remaining students stayed away from a distance, as if they were a plague.

Of course Ivan knows what's going on. Those little wizards who are hiding from themselves should believe in the words of the Daily Prophet, or they were ordered by family members during the summer vacation and ordered them to leave themselves in trouble. The source of it is farther away.

Those who are still willing to believe in him are probably the followers who worship him.

Harry also keenly noticed that some people were deliberately avoiding him, and he was immediately frustrated. He couldn't understand why so many people were willing to believe the crazy words of the Ministry of Magic.

"Of course it's because of the power of public opinion!" Ivan explained. "The Ministry of Magic can be compared to a Muggle government. It is authoritative. As long as what they say is not too outrageous, most people will choose to believe it. Coupled with the bombardment of information from the Daily Prophet, there are even more people who believe in it!"

Ivan knew very well how easy it is for the government to manipulate public opinion and reverse black and white. Even a bag of washing powder can be said to be a biological weapon. Whether Voldemort is dead or alive is not a matter of their words.

"Yes! The wizards can only see what the Ministry of Magic wants them to see. If only another influential newspaper is willing to report the truth..." Hermione will also be relieved from the previous embarrassment. God came, talked freely, then paused, and said with regret.

"Even Lavender believes in the rhetoric of the Daily Prophet."

"Don't worry, I will persuade her, it only takes a little time!" Ron slapped his chest and promised. Since the prom last school year, his relationship with Lavender has grown by leaps and bounds, and within a few days it became a reality. Boyfriend.

While chatting, Ivan and the others quickly sat at the long table in Gryffindor, enjoyed today's breakfast, and then rushed to the classroom of the history of magic without stopping.

The ghost professor Bins, as usual, didn't care much about the classroom order, he followed the script throughout the whole process, and talked about the topic of Giants' War for more than an hour.

The boring history of magic made everyone in the audience sleepy. Only Hermione listened carefully and took several pages of notes.

Before the class, Ivan picked a remote location and took out the "Book of Pictographs" to look through it.

I was idle last night, and he had already roughly turned over the two books that Nicol LeMay gave him.

Although the other "Book of Jewish Abraham" records a lot of advanced alchemy knowledge, even the method of making the Philosopher's Stone was unearthed by Nicol Lemay.

However, the full text of this book is composed of Latin, Arabic, Chaldean and Syriac. He can't understand it without translation.

Moreover, Ivan believes that this "Book of Pictograms" will help him the most in a short period of time.

After all, this is Nicol LeMay's research notes, and the knowledge is sorted out, very concise and understandable.

In addition, there are hundreds of different magic texts and thousands of magic text arrangement methods, as well as the method of using the magic stone!

"Sure enough, during last summer vacation, the teacher was studying something related to the Sorcerer's Stone..." When Ivan turned to a certain page, he couldn't help but stop, muttering to himself.

On this page is painted a weird arm-guard-like device, with a groove in the center, inlaid with a bright red irregular stone.

A year ago, he had seen the same thing on Nicol LeMay's research drawings.

After studying the content recorded below, Ivan quickly understood the purpose of this device.

Generally speaking, if you want to use the huge magic power in the Philosopher’s Stone, you have to set up an alchemy circle, which is somewhat inconvenient during battle. The enemy will not give you time to prepare in an encounter.

So the arm guard developed by Nicol Lemay is very important, which is equivalent to a magic guide device, which can easily transfer the magic stored in the Philosopher's Stone to release magic.

This is probably what Nicol Lemay said, a trick to gain ample magic power in battle.

Seeing this, Ivan understood that he had one more thing to do this year, and that was to make this alchemy device!

In the next lesson, Ivan found out how to use the alchemy circle to transform matter and the formula of the potion of immortality in the book "Book of Pictographic Symbols"...

Ivan was very excited. It's nothing more than turning stones into gold. It is very easy to make money with his current alchemy level, but immortality is different.

This is the ultimate dream of most people.

Especially this is still quality longevity, after all, the potion's effect also has the effect of delaying aging.

As for Nicol LeMay's old look all the time, there is actually a reason.

First, taking too much potion, the body's drug resistance greatly reduces the potion's anti-aging effect.

Secondly, it took Nico Lemay more than 20 years to analyze and make the magic stone. By the time he took the potion of immortality, he was already in his 50s and 60s. Unless he was transformed by magic, he could not be a younger one. The body has come to spend more than six hundred years.

This has to be said to be a pity!

But he is different, very young, and after taking the potion, he can completely maintain his body's function at its peak for a long time!

Thinking about this, Ivan couldn't help feeling a little excited, but he quickly suppressed these emotions.

Hold steady, hold steady... take your time!

Now is not the time to distract and study these alchemy circles...

Ivan forced his gaze away from these alchemy circles and turned to the alchemy device that guides magic power. This is something that needs to be studied in the near future.

[Ding, after the host's unremitting efforts, the magic history class is over, please continue to work hard.

This comprehensive comprehensive class evaluation: low

Appraiser: Bince Cuthbert

Reward: academic points*2


Just as Ivan was studying how to make this alchemy device, the system prompt in his mind rang.

Ivan was stunned, and then he realized that the magic history class was over. Professor Bins on the podium wandered out all the way, and looked at his side before leaving.

Obviously, the ghost professor who looked a little old and confused still discovered that he hadn't listened to the class seriously.

But that's right, it's rare that he didn't stand up to answer the question~www.mtlnovel.com~ It would be strange if he couldn't find it.

Ivan touched his nose. It seems that he should pay more attention to it in the future. It is still very important for the grade point to greatly improve his learning efficiency.

The next session was the potions class. No one wanted to be late in Snape's class, and Ivan was no exception, so he hurriedly packed his textbooks and left the classroom.

"Ivan, why were you absent-minded when you were in class today?" Hermione also quickly followed and asked strangely.

When Professor Bins asked questions today, Ivan didn't even fight with her, which made Herzee too accustomed to it.

"I'm just studying a very important alchemy subject. It's a bit too fascinating... Besides, I've read this history of the Giant Wars in books a long time ago, and it doesn't matter if I listen to the class." Ivan said with a smile.

Seeing Ivan's lightheartedness, Harry and Ron on the side were very envious.

The course taught by Professor Bins was too boring, so the two of them listened drowsy and played a class game. Now they can only beg Hermione to lend her notes from the history of magic class to her next exam. they……

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