Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 767

Chapter 767: Ivan: Who on earth wants to murder me?

After a few people stepped into the classroom and sat down, the class bell had already rang.

It didn't take long for Snape in a black robe to push the door and walk in, swinging his wand backhand to close the door of the classroom.

The classroom suddenly became very quiet, and everyone was sitting in jeopardy, putting away their playful thoughts.

"Before we officially start the class, I think it's necessary to remind you..." Snape casually placed the book on the podium and said.

The pair of hollow eyes scanned the classroom, and when they fell on Ivan, they could not help but stay for a few seconds, then moved their eyes away calmly and continued.

"You will take an important exam next June. At that time, you will prove how much you have learned about the preparation and use of potions."

"Although there are a few people in this class who are really mentally retarded, I hope that you all can barely'pass' in the O.W.L. exam, otherwise I will be... very angry!"

Having said this, Snape's gaze fell directly on Neville's face, and Neville's body trembled, and he took a breath of fright.

"Of course, after this year, many of you will no longer be able to take my class... I only select the students with the best grades to enter my NEWT potions class. That is to say, we talk to some people I will have to say goodbye..."

Snape spoke plainly about the important exam a year from now.

O.W.L., the full name of the Ordinary Wizarding Level Test, has a total of twelve subjects. It is a sub-subject test required for fifth-grade students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Only after passing the test can they get the qualification for continuing to study magic. The importance is evident.

The subsequent N.E.W.T exams taken by seventh graders are equivalent to vocational certificates, which are directly related to whether they can find a good job after graduation.

For example, to apply for the Auror of the Ministry of Magic, it is necessary to obtain at least "excellent" or "good evaluation" in the five subject N.E.W.T. exams.

Of course, for Ivan, such an exam is not worth taking.

With his current level of magic, in addition to some luck in the divination class, Ivan is confident that he will get the highest evaluation in the remaining eleven exams.

But in order to earn grade points, Ivan still pretended to listen patiently.

After a few warnings, Snape quickly took out his books and started the first potion class of the school-brewing the mitigator!

In this class, Harry suffered from Snape's venomous tongue as always. As long as he made the slightest mistake, Snape would suddenly appear behind him like a ghost, mocking and mocking.

"Potter! I asked you to make potions, not to boil water..."

"Is the moonstone powder put at this time? Potter? Read the instructions for me again!"

"Potter, two drops of hellebore syrup is enough, remember it clearly, I don't want to say it again!"


Under Snape's constant "inspiration", Harry, who was already in a hurry, completely boiled the potion into a ball of waste water, which was ridiculed by Snape in public.

In the end, the gray-headed Harry had to use his eyes to help, hoping that someone could save him.

Seeing this scene, Ivan shook his head helplessly, sealed the bottle of the potion that had been boiled, and then walked to Snape and spoke.

"Professor, my moderator is ready, can you help me see it?"

Snape reluctantly let go of Harry, turned his head and picked up the demulcent that Ivan had handed, and looked at it carefully, then opened the lid and smelled it, and finally spit out a word slowly. "Not bad!"

Ivan was very pleased. As his Gryffindor student and Harry Potter friend, Snape's "nice" voice can be completely added to "very good".

This shows that his potion level has been affirmed by this potion master.

Harry on the side gave Ivan a grateful look.

But Ivan ignored it. He came to Snape for more than just relief for Harry.

"By the way, Professor Snape, do you know where President Dumbledore is?" Ivan asked curiously.josei

This morning, when he opened the map of the spot to check it, he unexpectedly discovered that Dumbledore was still not in the school, which was strange.

And the person most likely to know Dumbledore's whereabouts was Snape. As a double-faced undercover undercover from both sides, Snape must have a lot of secret information, and he must have an urgent way to contact Dumbledore.

"I need to remind you, Hals, it's class time..." Snape said coldly, putting the moderator in his hand on the podium, and then as if thinking of something, he looked to follow him. Ivan's tone softened a bit, and he spoke again.

"And I don't know the recent whereabouts of Principal Dumbledore, and I have rarely seen him in these two months... The last time was at the dinner yesterday, when you were there."

do not know?

Ivan looked at Snape suspiciously, unable to determine whether he was lying or not. With his current level of contemplation, he couldn't break Snape's Occlumency.

"What about the mysterious man? How is his recent experience?" Ivan looked around, and saw that everyone else was still concentrating on making potions, so he lowered his voice and asked.

Ever since Voldemort was beaten off last time, Ivan has always wanted to know whether his disguise is useful, and how much Voldemort believed.

"Thanks to you, he is still alive." Snape's gaze at Ivan became very strange, and it took a long time before he uttered this sentence.

Of course Voldemort is still alive and well, but his spirit is a bit abnormal...

Snape was very curious about what happened that night, so that after Voldemort returned ~www.mtlnovel.com~ he hid in a safe room suspicious all day, and he dared not go out for two months...

But Snape knew very well that it was not convenient for him to come into contact with Ivan this school year. After such a short time, a glance had already turned towards this side-Malfoy was staring at him very nervously.

Snape had to suppress the curiosity in his heart, his lips moved slightly, and he reminded him in a very light tone.

"Be careful in the near future, especially don't eat randomly..."

After that, Snape ignored Ivan's reaction, and walked past him with a blank face, sternly berating Neville who had accidentally overturned the cauldron.

Ivan's complexion remained unchanged, and he returned to his seat on his own. He picked up a few potion materials and put them in the cauldron to cook them, but he was recalling Snape's last words in his mind.

Don't eat indiscriminately?

Does it mean someone is preparing to poison themselves in food?

(PS: I have something today, one more...)

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