Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 769

Chapter 769: Ivan: Be cautious...1 Be cautious!

Saying goodbye to Hermione, Ivan, Harry, and Ron returned to the bedroom together.

As soon as I opened the door of the dormitory, Ivan saw Seamus and Neville sitting on the table by the window, staring at the large package placed there.

"What's the matter? Seamus?" Ivan stepped forward and asked casually.

"An owl sent a package just now. It's weird. No name is written on it. I don't know who it is for." Seamus replied.

Ivan frowned as he looked at the things placed on the table, thinking of Snape's reminder in the Potions class, and vaguely felt something was wrong.

"We are all here now, don't you know who it was sent to by opening it?" Ron was very curious, squeezing away Seamus who was stuck there, and he was about to reach out and grab it.

Ivan was distracted for a moment, and there was no time to remind him, just holding the wand pinned to his waist in his hand, ready to rescue at any time.

Ron opened the package easily.

The explosion and curse that Ivan expected did not happen, and no horrible, murderous dark creatures popped out of the package—there was a big bag of candies!

Zizi Bee Candy, Chocolate Frog, Bibi Duo Beans...

"There is even the latest licorice wand." Ron took out a box of brown wand-shaped candies from the package and said in surprise.

Last year, he saw at the Duke Bee Candy Store in Hogsmeade that the price of this new licorice wand is not low.

Seamus and Neville are also picking and choosing the sweets they like.

Ivan had no interest in candy, so he saw the slips of paper among the many candy boxes at a glance, and took it directly.

After unfolding and seeing the contents inside, Ivan was taken aback for a while.

"Careful... Snape?" Harry leaned close and read out the contents of the note.

"What are you talking about? Harry? Isn't this package from Snape?" Ron joked.

"I mean, this note says [Beware of Snape]!" Harry explained.

Ron and Seamus were both surprised, and Ivan passed the note in his hand when he saw it.

After reading the pass, everyone wondered who sent these candies and paper slips, and why they should be careful of Snape.

"Harry, is it a package from Sirius?" Ron asked suddenly.

"Impossible. If Sirius sends it, he will definitely write his name on it." Harry shook his head.

Now that Sirius has cleared his charge, he doesn't need to hide anymore, he can send it directly to him, so why make it so mysterious.josei

"Perhaps he wants to give you a surprise! Who else is there but him?" Ron shrugged.

In the third grade, Sirius once gave Harry and Ivan a Firebolt without a signature, which was very generous.

Moreover, Sirius and Snape had a deep conflict. They almost had a fight in the safe house before, and had the motivation to write this note.

Harry also became a little uncertain when he heard Ron say this.

It's impossible for someone to send them so many candies for no reason, right?

Such a large package would cost dozens of gallons.

Ivan directly ruled out Sirius' option, because he suspected that the person sending the package was uneasy and kind, and might even poison it.

The only idle Seamer did not participate in the discussion. While listening to several people, he opened a piece of chocolate frog and planned to put it in his mouth.

"Don't eat, Seamus!" Ivan was startled, and subconsciously snatched the chocolate frog in Seamus's hand, threw a handful of them on the ground, and waved his wand neatly.

Flaming flames)!"

A ray of flame flew out, and then directly exploded, burning the chocolate frog jumping high to ashes.

After that, Ivan did not relax at all, waved his magic wand to summon a stream of clear water to wash his left hand that had touched the chocolate frog, and finally looked at the status bar of the system.

Fortunately... Fortunately, no hits!

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he was too cautious just now, and he should destroy everything as soon as he discovered that the package was not right.

In case this chocolate frog or that note was cursed viciously...

Ivan thought about Dumbledore's scorched right hand, and shuddered abruptly.

Be cautious...Be cautious!

Ivan secretly reminded himself to wake up, and when he turned his head, he found that Seamus was looking at him dumbfounded.

The gazes of Harry, Ron, and Neville on the side were also very strange.

"Ahem, I think this thing may have been sent by a mysterious person or a Death Eater." Ivan coughed slightly, concealing the embarrassment that had arisen in his heart, and continued without change in his expression.

"Don't forget that the mysterious man always wanted to murder Harry. He didn't succeed in the cemetery last school year. Maybe he would use some poisoning methods in private."

Ivan didn't give Snape's warning out, but threw the pot over Harry's head.

After all, he couldn't explain why Voldemort wanted to target himself so deliberately.

It's hard to say that he beat Voldemort two months ago, so the other party hates him very much now, can he do everything?

"Can you make a mistake, Ivan."

Listening to Ivan's explanation, Seamus twitched the corners of his mouth, and the mysterious man sent Harry a large bag of candies and poisoned it by the way?

This is too nonsense...

Harry also didn't quite believe that if the person sending the package was going to poison them, how could he deliberately remind them to be careful of Snape?

"That might be a way to confuse us, or be careful," Ivan said very strongly, and then decisively waved his magic wand to gather the scattered candies back into the package, and then burned everything to ashes.

Harry and Seamus glanced at each other and looked at each other speechlessly. They very much suspected that Ivan was suffering from persecution delusion.

Ron was staring at the ashes blown away by the wind on the table. It was a pity that he didn't have time to eat so many snacks.

"If you want to eat~www.mtlnovel.com~ I will go to Honey Duke's shop tomorrow and buy some back for you..." Why couldn't I see Ron's thoughts, Ivan shook his head helplessly.

But soon Ivan suddenly thought of another question.

What if the owner of the Honey Duke’s shop gets an Imperius curse?

The other party deliberately sent a large bag of candies over, does it just want to seduce oneself to find clues there?

Ivan suddenly fell into contemplation, and finally decided to be more cautious tomorrow, pretend to go to the honey candy store, and then Apparate from Hogsmeade Village to Knock Down Alley to buy, so it should be no problem...

Thinking of this, Ivan breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at the note floating in mid-air.

Snape just reminded himself in the morning to be careful in Hogwarts, he must eat indiscriminately, and someone sent him a package when he turned around, and he deliberately asked himself to be careful of Snape...

This is really...interesting!


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