Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 770

Chapter 770: Clues to the Magic Storage Room

A week passed in a flash, but Ivan's search for clues did not make any progress.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to maintain the mind for a long time, investigating every little wizard who entered and exited at the entrance of the hall.josei

But the result of the perception is that everyone around him does not have too deep malice towards him.

At least far enough to poison yourself.

Even Umbridge, who has the worst attitude towards him, is limited to cursing in his heart, and has not made a plan to murder himself in the near future.

This made Ivan feel very strange. His contemplative mind had risen to the seventh level. Except for Snape, who had perfected Occlumency in the entire school, no one should be able to avoid his own perception.

Could it be that the threat came from outside the school, or which house elf was controlled by the Imperius Curse?

Or was it the same as it was written on that note, it was Snape who really needed to be careful, shouldn't he believe what he said?

After excluding many options, Ivan had to temporarily put the matter of tracing the murderer aside.

After all, there is no way to find out.

The person who sent him the package did not do anything during this week, and no little wizard in the school died of poison while enjoying a meal in the auditorium.

This shows that there is no problem with the food you usually eat.

In view of this, Ivan had to devote most of his energy to the practice of enchanting magic and the making of alchemy devices.

After a whole week of hard work, Ivan successfully reduced the preparation time for enchanting magic to less than one second. Although there was no actual combat drill, how much combat power he could display was still a question mark, but it was definitely more than enough to run the alchemy formation.

It’s much more difficult to make alchemy armguards. I have failed twice in a row. However, Ivan did not expect to make such a difficult alchemy item successfully. After the next batch of materials is delivered, I will practice a few more times. Up.

What really troubled Ivan was that Dumbledore hadn't been seen since the first week of school.

At least he couldn't see his name on the map of the live spot, as if Dumbledore was deliberately avoiding himself, but Ivan couldn't think of Dumbledore's reason for doing this.

Because of this, the plan to find the magic power storage room was at a deadlock. Ivan had to abandon the illusion and support himself, and spare some spare time every day to go to the Hogwarts library to search for words related to the establishment of the school.

It is worth mentioning that the mysterious appearance of Ivan God has attracted Hermione's attention in the past few days.

Under various questions from the little witch, Ivan, who was so annoyed that he couldn't help it, revealed some information, saying that he was looking for a magic power storage room and was going to use the abundant magic power there to make a magic item.

Naturally, Hermione joined in without saying a word, and helped to find the information together.

Considering that one more person has more power, the little witch also pulled Harry and Ron who were idle together.

The two sat in the library groaning and complaining constantly, but they still looked at the books honestly, greatly speeding up the process of screening materials.

Just three days later, Hermione, who kept flipping through the book, suddenly showed a look of joy, turned her head to look at Ivan, and said happily. "I found a clue, Ivan!"

"What? Do you know where the magic storage room is?" Ivan said with a sullen expression and hurriedly asked.

"No, but I think someone might know..." Hermione shook her head and passed the book in her hand. "Ms. Gray, Phantom! "A History of Hogwarts" says that she is the daughter of one of the four founders, Rowena Ravenclaw, and she must know the castle very well."

"Ms. Gray--Helena Ravenclaw, yes, why didn't I think of her before." Ivan murmured.

As a ghost that existed when the school was founded, the other party may know more secrets than the principal Dumbledore.

If there really is a magic storehouse in Hogwarts, she would definitely know it!

Thinking of this, Ivan was very excited, hugged Hermione, and kissed her face several times. "You are amazing, Hermione!"

The little witch blushed, and just as she was about to say something, a rebuke reached the ears of the two of them.

"Quiet! This is the library, you interrupted other people's reading."

Ivan turned his head when he heard the sound, and found that the librarian Mrs. Pince was staring at them with dissatisfaction.

Not only that, but the yell I made just now attracted the attention of most of the students in the library. Obviously they all saw the appearance of kissing Hermione just now.

Realizing this, Ivan's expression was very embarrassed, and he didn't dare to stay here for a while, and quickly pulled Hermione away dingy.

All the way out of the library door, Hermione also slowed down and asked.

"Ms. Gray Ghost usually only wanders in the Ravenclaw Tower. How are you going to get in there?"

"I saw in "A History of Hogwarts" that for nearly a thousand years, no one except Ravenclaw could answer the questions asked by the bronze door knocker..."

Hermione talked endlessly about the information she had read in the book.

Ivan's face darkened, and Hermione's words reminded him of the problem that the door knocker gave him in front of the Ravenclaw Tower.

[What is the nature of magic? 】

Is this really something a minor wizard can answer?

I am afraid that even Dumbledore and Voldemort may not know the answer.

Ivan was complaining about the double-labeled bronze eagle in his heart. When he was squatting at the door in the form of Animagus in his second year, he also met a few Ravenclaws. At that time, the bronze eagle mentioned some brains. Sharp turns, or logical thinking problems.

The only thing that is very harsh on myself, it is estimated that it is because of the students of the foreign school, so the difficulty of the question has risen sharply, no wonder that no one can answer it for a thousand years.

But he doesn't need to answer the question~www.mtlnovel.com~ Don't worry, I can fly in from the window in the form of Animagus, and I don't need to answer the question..." Ivan said with a smile.

Hermione nodded hesitantly. After the Goblet of Fire last school year, she had seen Ivan’s Animagus form. It was an eagle, but it looked quite big, with a wingspan of more than three meters. I don’t know. Can you squeeze in through the window?

In fact, the easiest way to enter the tower is to let a Ravenclaw student bring it in. However, Ivan repeatedly ordered them to keep it secret, and I must not want to let others know...

Just as Hermione thought, Ivan didn't want everyone to know about finding the magic storage room by himself.

So after learning that Helena had a high probability of knowing the location of the magic storage room, Ivan didn't mean to act immediately, and planned to wait until late at night when everyone was sleeping before going to Helena to chat alone.

Not to mention, there will be two annoying Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons in the future,

Ivan only hopes that Umbridge can rest a little bit today, and don't mess with him...

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