Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 774

Chapter 774: The essence of magic

Helena felt that something was wrong, and Ivan suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to talk, trying to hear more clues.

It was like this until the early hours of the morning, and Ivan said goodbye to Ms. Ghost as usual.

"Halse, I want to ask you to do me a favor, okay?" Helena said suddenly.

"Of course there is no problem, are we friends?" Ivan nodded, and Helena told him the location of the magic power storage room. Now he naturally won't refuse the request.

"I hope you can bring my mother's crown..." Helena said hesitantly.

"Okay, I'll get it for you as soon as possible... But I can't find Dumbledore recently. The crown should still be with him. Besides, this thing is broken..."

Having said that, Ivan looked at Helena with hesitation. If he didn't make a mistake, as a ghost, Helena could not pick up or touch the real thing.

"I just want to look at it one last time..." Helena said quietly.

After thinking about what happened to Helena during her lifetime, Ivan understood a bit, and looked at the ghost lady sympathetically, and then turned into an owl and flew out from the wide open window.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the first sunlight in the morning broke through the darkness and sprinkled on the earth.

Ivan stayed up all night but was still full of energy. He didn't mean to return to the dormitory at all. Instead, he rushed to the eighth floor in a hurry, walked back and forth three times across the huge tapestry, and muttered in his heart.

[I need to enter the magic storage room at Hogwarts. 】

When Ivan opened his eyes again, a door appeared out of thin air on the flat wall.

"Just a response..." Ivan breathed a sigh of relief, which proved that it is feasible to enter the magic storage room directly through the responsive room.

However, in such an important place, the ten have some obstacles, such as statue guards, so that no one can accidentally destroy the power system of the entire castle.

So before opening the door, Ivan drew out his wand, ready to respond to possible attacks.

Inside the door is a boxy space, all around it is pitch black, it looks a little crippled.

Ivan walked in without fear, waved his wand and illuminated it with a powerful light spell.

The dots of fluorescence gradually dissipated the deep darkness, but beyond Ivan’s expectation, there was only a quaint bronze door in the entire space, which looked very similar to the one in Ravenclaw’s lounge. There is an eagle-shaped knocker on the door handle.

Is there another door inside the door?

What kind of protection is this?

Ivan was a little confused, because the bronze knocker on it gave him a familiar feeling.

You won’t let yourself answer the questions, right?

Ivan walked to the door anxiously, and as expected, the bronze eagle slowly asked.

[Excuse me...what is the nature of magic? 】

Ivan was silent for a while, his face darkened a bit scary, and only the mechanical sound of the bronze eagle reverberated in the square space.

After a while, Ivan suddenly raised his magic wand and gestured on the door, but finally let it go and decided to give the knocker a chance!

"Change another question!" Ivan said calmly.

However, the rigid bronze eagle spoke again.josei

[Excuse me...what is the nature of magic? 】

"Well, since you want to know so much, then I'll tell you that the essence of magic is--" Ivan raised his wand expressionlessly, and a scorching flame slowly emerged.

"Confringo! (Thunderbolt explosion

The flame swelled in the wind and turned into a large fireball several meters high and quickly hit the bronze door. The next moment, a huge roar sounded, and the hot sea of ​​fire enveloped the entire space.

After a full minute, the flames in the sky were gradually dissipating, and the bronze door was still repeating the question unscathed.

"So hard?" Ivan couldn't help but stunned. After a few steps closer and closer inspection, he found some clues.

A large amount of protective magic was burned on the door, otherwise it would never be possible to block one of his thunderbolt explosions.

As for the forced attack, it’s not impossible. Ivan estimates that four or five hours of frantic attacks should be almost the same, but in that case the magic power stored in the responsive house will be completely emptied, because it is the castle that maintains the protection magic. The magic that has been stored for thousands of years.

"Roina Ravenclaw, you really have a problem for me..." Ivan stared at the bronze door in front of him with a headache, and sighed helplessly.

He finally mastered those complicated alchemy arrays, and spent time and effort to brush Helena's favor. He thought that he would be foolproof and could immediately make the Philosopher's Stone, but was blocked by a door.


Ivan, who had been making trouble for the whole morning, returned without success and had to go to the auditorium to enjoy today's breakfast in disgrace.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had already sat at the long table at Gryffindor, and when they saw Ivan coming in from the hall, Hermione hurriedly said hello.

"Ivan, here!"

Ron was curiously asking where Ivan went in the morning.

"Find a place to practice magic..." Ivan quickly stepped forward and sat down in the empty seat, and replied casually.

Practice magic?

Harry and Ron looked at each other, working harder than someone who is more talented than you, and they suddenly felt that the pie in their hands was not fragrant.

Hermione also looked at Ivan with admiration, and immediately decided that she would have to work harder in the future.

Just as a few people were thinking about things silently, a letter-delivery owl flew in from outside, hovered and threw a newspaper in front of Ivan and the others.

"It's the new issue of the Daily Prophet!" Hermione picked up the newspaper for the first time~www.mtlnovel.com~ and glanced at it, the expression on her face became more and more serious.

"Look at it all, we are about to have trouble soon!" Hermione said angrily, unfolding the newspaper and putting it in the middle.

On the cover is a half-length photo of Dolores Umbridge. She is smiling and blinking at them. The title below is very conspicuous, making Harry and Ron take a breath. Cool air.

[The Ministry of Magic seeks educational reform, and Dolores Umbridge is appointed as the first senior investigator! 】

Ivan had expected it a long time ago and was not surprised. After browsing the content quickly, he made a general summary.

The Ministry of Magic recently passed a decree called "Education Order No. 22", allowing Minister Fudge to directly interfere with the appointment and removal of Hogwarts staff.

At the same time, Fudge also added a position called Senior Investigator out of thin air in Hogwarts, which will be concurrently held by Umbridge, a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

This means that the Ministry of Magic is about to take action on Hogwarts!

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