Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 775

Chapter 775: Education Order No. 22

"Fudge...Umbridge..." Holding the Daily Prophet, Ivan sneered.

Now that the threat posed by Voldemort is imminent, the Ministry of Magic, the official agency of the magical world, has repeatedly added chaos to him.

Such behavior has touched Ivan's bottom line!

He was not Dumbledore, he would care about the rules and regulations, taking into account the so-called procedural justice, and waste time and effort wrangling with a bunch of fools who could pinch to death.

If the Ministry of Magic's actions did not meet his wishes, then he didn't mind correcting it personally.

As for how to deal with Fudge, Ivan hasn't thought about it these days, and he has made a preliminary plan!

If it can go on smoothly, he can clean the Ministry of Magic as the savior, replace most of the officials who do not work for himself, calculate Voldemort by the way, and throw all the pots to the other party.

Of course, the current plan is still very imperfect, and there are many problems to be solved, the most important of which is to make a magic stone to make up for your shortcomings!

Regardless of the power and influence he has now is very impressive, it is not a problem to explode the Ministry of Magic, but once they do this, they will completely turn from the dark to the light, and they will encounter both the righteous men and the Death Eaters. s attack!josei

After all, the Ministry of Magic is an official institution, and it has a high status in the hearts of ordinary people. Even ruthless people like Voldemort dare not directly replace it. They can only choose to use the Imperius Curse to control the Minister of Magic.

Therefore, in addition to being crushed by strength, it is better to have a reason to "liberate" the Ministry of Magic without causing public disgust...

When Ivan was thinking about it, Harry and Ron who were reading the newspaper were furious.

"It seems you are right, Hermione, the Ministry of Magic is going to interfere with Hogwarts, what should we do now?" Harry said sadly.

Umbridge was annoying enough to be a professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Now he was a senior investigator and had the right to censor other professors. Harry couldn't imagine how sad the days in the future would be.

"What else? We can't do anything..." Hermione sighed.

"Don't worry so much, look at it, the professors are not so easy to deal with. If she goes to review Snape, Snape will give her a curse!" Ron didn't panic at all, and said swearingly. With.

Harry thought about the appearance of Snape and Umbridge tit-for-tat in his mind, and his mood suddenly improved.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Hermione rolled her eyes. There are other professors in the school besides Snape. What do they do?

While the three of them were thinking about it, Ivan was still looking at the newspaper, except for the headline news on the front page, other content was also very interesting.

For example, one of the reports mentioned that in the past two months, the Ministry of Magic held three meetings to discuss the reform of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore never came forward, which made many lawmakers very dissatisfied.

It can be said that "Education Order No. 22" was passed so quickly, which has a lot to do with how long Dumbled was not seen.

"Where is Dumbledore?" Ivan muttered to himself, touching his chin.

It has been more than a month since school started, but Dumbledore only came out to say a few words when he was welcoming the new students. At other times, he was not seen at all. It was really strange that the Ministry of Magic did not even go to meetings with him.

Could it be that the strength of the night was completely pretended to be seen by others, with the intention of deterring those who are restless. In fact, Dumbledore is not good enough now?

Ivan thinks it is very possible, otherwise he can't explain this weird situation.

It's just that this deterrence obviously won't last long, as long as Umbridge keeps on testing, sooner or later he will wear it out.

Several people ate breakfast anxiously, and then went to the curse classroom together.

Not long after, Ivan saw Flitwick walking in from the door with a dark face, and Umbridge was with him!

The new investigator held a writing board in his hand. After entering the door, he picked up a chair and sat down in the corner of the classroom, writing and drawing on it from time to time, with a very focused appearance.

Ivan, who has read the newspaper, naturally understands that Umbridge is evaluating Flitwick's course to determine whether it meets the standards of the Ministry of Magic.

There was an extra person in the classroom out of thin air, which made Flitwick somewhat uncomfortable, but he still ignored the existence of Umbridge as much as possible and taught as usual.

The only difference is that the actual practice step is omitted in the class, which makes the whole class a bit boring.

For this, Flitwick was very helpless, because Umbridge had already talked to him before, and the Ministry of Magic only allowed Hogwarts students to learn safe and harmless magic.

And those spells with a certain offensiveness will be taught in the form of theory classes, the reason is to avoid some magic accidents that no one wants to see.

A curse class ended quickly. After Flitwick walked out of the classroom, Umbridge put down his pen, grabbed a few students who were about to leave, and asked questions about what the course suggested.

Ivan did not stay in the classroom for a long time. After class, he went straight to the library to search for materials related to magic, hoping to answer the bronze eagle's question as soon as possible.


A week passed in a flash. Except for daily classes, Ivan spent most of his energy on checking information.

Occasionally, I will spare some time to go to the Ravenclaw tower at midnight and chat with Miss Ghost about life.

He wasn't the scumbag Tom, he left others aside after asking what he wanted.

As a responsible wizard ~www.mtlnovel.com~, even if he really wants to disappear from the other side's sight forever, Ivan will give a perfect reason so as not to add obstacles to the students.

However, Ivan was a little disappointed that in the past thousand years, no wizard seems to have seriously explored the essence of magic. In most documents, magic is just like the hands and feet that the wizard is born with, no matter how normal But something.

During this period of time, Umbridge was very active, frequenting classrooms of various subjects and pointing fingers at the professors.

Ivan keenly noticed that the Hogwarts professors and most of the students' attitude towards Umbridge was getting worse.

Obviously Umbridge's usual arrogant, arrogant, and superior attitude is very unpopular.

This kind of situation is undoubtedly what Ivan would like to see. The senior investigator now seems awe-inspiring, but in fact the most important thing is missing.

Someone who didn't know thought she was an undercover agent sent to the Ministry of Magic to discredit the Ministry.

Ivan believes that as long as appropriate firewood and fire are added, the reputation of the Ministry of Magic in this school will drop to the bottom...

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