Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 779

Chapter 779: Ivan: I will reveal everything covered by the Ministry of Magic for you!

Regain casting power from the Ministry of Magic?

The little wizards present were very puzzled, and didn't quite understand what Ivan meant.

Hermione understood a bit, and reluctantly translated Ivan's words. "You mean to say that the Ministry of Magic told Umbridge to ban us from learning protective magic, so we have to learn it ourselves?"

"The same can be said..." Ivan nodded, did not refute, but continued to speak with hundreds of eyes.

"I hope you haven't forgotten Umbridge's speech at the opening banquet.

On behalf of the Ministry of Magic, she told us that the British magical world is very peaceful now. There is no dispute or chaos here. Every one of us can put down our wand and stay in the safe Hogwarts to learn magic with peace of mind..."

"But I think you should all know that this is a complete lie!" Ivan scanned the audience, his eyes became very sharp, and silently added a loud voice curse to his own.

"Think about it, everyone! Quirrell four years ago, Lockhart three years ago, the Dementor and Peter Pettigrew two years ago, and the riots that took place on the Goblet of Fire a few months ago. !"

"These are what you and I have personally experienced. It can be seen that the Ministry of Magic is lying, the danger has never been far away, and the magical world is not safe!"

"And what did Minister of Magic Fudge and his Auror men do when we were in danger and helpless?"

"They didn't provide us with any effective help!" Ivan said affirmatively. "Let's not fulfill the promises they had made!"

"The Ministry of Magic has only let us down time and time again, indulging the dementors in Hogwarts, making a mess of everything, and even mistakenly treating the magical heroes as criminals in Azkaban for ten Three years!"

Having said this, Ivan's face had a somewhat sarcasm, and he said word by word. "The best thing the Ministry of Magic is good at is to issue a safety statement after the event, suppress all those who are willing to tell the truth, and try to deceive our parents. All danger is an accident..."

"But the Ministry of Magic, which is full of lies, is still arrogantly ordering us to let each of us give up learning those magic that can protect ourselves, and spend our time and energy with those boring and meaningless courses..."

"They are afraid! Fear that we can see through their lies and know the truth, and even more afraid that we can get rid of them and have the power to protect ourselves..."

Ivan’s loud voice reverberated in the screaming hut, and the rhythmic words quickly aroused the angry emotions of the little wizards, and made everyone recall the dangers experienced in this castle. .

The fear that the Dementors brought to them two years ago is even more unforgettable for many people today!

At the same time, they will not forget that when those disgusting monsters fly down from the sky and want to hurt them, it is not the Auror of the Ministry of Magic that stands in front of everyone, but the hero of Hogwarts, the great dragon knight. Ivan Hals!

Seeing that the time was right and the little wizards present had accepted their ideas, Ivan stretched out his finger to the door of the screaming hut, and said.

"If there are still some of you who are willing to believe the Ministry of Magic's rhetoric and hope that the Auror will be there in time when you are in danger, then you can leave now, and I will never stop it!"

"But... if you make up your mind to take up your wand to protect yourself and protect your cherished family and friends, then I will solemnly welcome you to join the Defense Against the Dark Arts Society!"

As soon as Ivan's voice fell, Luna stood up for a moment and said briskly. "I believe you, Hals, and the Ministry of Magic are all liars! My dad said they are more annoying than harassing the horsefly..."

"Yes! The Ministry of Magic has no right to stop us from learning protective magic, we must regain our right to cast spells!" Ernie McMillan also hurriedly responded, expressing his firm support for Ivan's ideas.

After the two made their voices heard, more and more little wizards raised their hands and announced that they would join the Defence Against the Dark Arts Association. In the end, even the Slytherin students joined together, and no one left!

"I'm very happy to have your trust!" Ivan said with a smile looking at the energetic little wizards. "Next time you come here again, I will reveal everything that the Ministry of Magic has concealed for you!"

Ivan's words aroused everyone's curiosity. Is there anything else the Ministry of Magic can't see people hiding from them?

However, after Ivan raised their curiosity, he did not give an answer. He changed his voice and began to arrange today’s learning task. The 168 little wizards present were divided into groups according to their grades and colleges. Each prefect is responsible for management.

"Are we training right here?" After Ivan had divided the team, someone suddenly yelled from the crowd.

Ivan glanced towards that side and found that it was Colin who was one term younger than him, but apart from him, the other little wizards also had more or less opinions on this practice venue.

After all, the screaming shed has been abandoned for a long time. It is dirty and chaotic. There is dust everywhere. Even the air is filled with a scent of decay. Apart from being open, it doesn't look like a practice field at all...

Ivan naturally understood this, and asked with a smile. "What facilities do you think a qualified training field needs? Colin?"

"En... some combat dummies?" Colin thought for a while, and said uncertainly.

"Very good, battle dummy!" Ivan nodded, and then waved his wand to point to the corner of the screaming hut. The tables, chairs and benches piled there that were almost moldy and rotten all floated from the ground, constantly twisting and deforming in mid-air. In just a few seconds, hundreds of dummies stood up.josei

Not only that, there are two wheels at the bottom of these battle dummies, and their positions are constantly changing under the drive of magic. They are not rigid targets, but magic dummies that can run, jump and counterattack!

Colin and the others who watched such a wide range of Transfiguration were stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

"Does anyone have any requests?" Ivan put down his wand, looked at the crowd, and asked.

The students present had their eyes shining, and they realized that Ivan was going to use metamorphosis to transform a practice field suitable for them, and even if the discussion started up~www.mtlnovel.com~ we still need to be able to sit down and rest. In places, the dust on the ground should also be cleaned up! "

"The windows need to be repaired, or the wind will leak in..."

"There are bookshelves and cabinets..."

"How about some more decorations there?"


Ivan listened to everyone's suggestions and waved his magic wand one by one.

Under the effect of the transformation magic, the wooden boards on the ground were replaced with bright, neat stone bricks, the damaged walls were refurbished, the collapsed bookshelves were also lifted up and refurbished, and even the broken bricks and shredded tiles were collected into One by one exquisite decorations.

However, Ivan didn't do everything by himself. After solving most of the set, he took this opportunity to explain the essentials of Transfiguration, and assigned the remaining work to the little wizards in the upper grades.

An hour later, the dilapidated screaming shack was completely renewed...

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