Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 780

Chapter 780: You guys get on one!

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

A spacious and neat practice room just appeared in front of everyone.

The students present were very excited, and many of them looked at the surrounding scenery with pride, because they also contributed their efforts!

Ivan waved his magic wand to arrange a bookshelf neatly, and then spoke.

"From now on, this will be our training base. You can come here to practice magic on the morning of the weekly rest day."

"As for now..." Ivan looked at the small witches and witches in the crowd and continued. "Students under the third grade go to the right, where the practice dummies are your opponents... The ten people who destroy the most dummies will get an extra reward before they leave!"

Following Ivan's words, everyone looked to the right side one after another. Hundreds of practice dummies were erected there, wandering horizontally for a moment.

Because these practice dummies are made of wood, they don’t seem to be a threat, so even the first or two-year-old wizards didn’t take them to heart. They were gearing up one by one. Some people even felt that the number of practice dummies was too small. Not enough points at all.

In this regard, Ivan just smiled and didn't reply. The practice dummies activated by him are not easy to deal with. It is good not to be beaten and cry because of these little ghosts who have not experienced any fighting.

"Pansy, Ron, Anthony, and Hannah, you guys are responsible for guiding them!" Ivan turned his head to look at the prefects, and said.

Ron and the others nodded and greeted the lower grade students to beat the fakes.

After setting up these little devil heads, Ivan then put his mind on the remaining senior students, and directed the two of them as a team and began to practice against each other.

In a short while, the screaming hut became very lively, various spells were flying in mid-air, and Ivan was walking on the field. In addition to healing the wounded by using healing magic, he also spoke out from time to time for guidance. .

"Raise your hand, Seamus! Pay attention to the wand's trembling law... Now, use the petrified spell!"

"Don't just use obstacle spells to resist, most of the time avoiding is the best choice..."

"Ernie, I need to remind you that using blasting spells in practice is against the rules, and you still can't control the power of magic."


After wandering around in the screaming hut, Ivan was very disappointed to find that the magic level of the more than one hundred students was much weaker than he thought.

Only a few people can master the Iron Armor Curse, and some graduates are not even proficient in the Disarming Curse.

This year's students can't do it!

Ivan shook his head. He was also a student. Snape was able to create his own spell when he was in the fifth grade. Sirius and the others also taught themselves the difficult transformation magic Animagus.

Needless to say, Tom Riddle made Horcrux before he graduated, and fused his blood. The average professor may not be his opponent.

Having seen these outstanding people, and then looking at the students in front of them who hadn't even mastered the basic magic, Ivan had to sigh with emotion.josei

Of course, the main reason for this phenomenon is the long-term peace and the unreliable Defence Against the Dark Arts class professors in recent years.

The morning passed by, and when the meal was near, Yifan asked the students who had been practicing intensively for two hours to take a break.

Immediately afterwards, Ivan waved his magic wand to form a few long tables, and ordered Dobby to contact the elves in the castle to bring some food, so that he would not have to return to the castle and waste precious time.

After a brief lunch, Ivan greeted the rested little wizards to gather and explain to them the precautions in the battle. On a whim, he turned his head to look at the prefects and asked Hermione and others to come up and talk to each other. Make a demonstration by yourself.

"Seven of us together?" Anthony Golds asked hesitantly.

"Of course!" Ivan nodded.

Thinking that Ivan just showed the level of transfiguration and his performance in the Top Three Cup last year, Anthony Goddes finally closed his mouth or took out his wand.

Hermione and the others, who had a rough estimate of Ivan's strength, took out their wands and stood on the opposite side without saying a word.

The other little wizards stepped back one after another, leaving a vast space, preparing to watch the battle enthusiastically.

Ivan, who didn't feel safe, raised his hand and waved his wand to release a few protective magics to prevent anyone from being accidentally injured.

"Although this battle is just a practice, you can play as much as you like without any restrictions, and you don't need to worry about hurting me!"

Listening to Ivan's words, several prefects frowned involuntarily, and Anthony even felt that Ivan was too much. They were the prefects, one of the best wizards of the year!

"Expelliarmus! (Except for your weapon Anthony deliberately let Ivan know his own strength, when even waving his wand~www.mtlnovel.com~ shouted loudly.

Hermione and the others did not dare to neglect to raise their hands and cast spells together.

"Stupefy! (fainted

"Reducto! (Bone to pieces


The curse beams flew out in a cone, and a moment of effort appeared in front of Ivan's eyes.

However, such a small scene is not even a warm-up for Ivan. He just lifted his wand gently, and a magic barrier automatically appeared around him, resisting all the magic that attacked him.

While cracking the magic of several people casually, Ivan did not forget to point out how they should cooperate effectively to defeat him.

"Be careful, don't fight alone, join forces to cast spells. Only by attacking the same place in a short period of time can it break my barrier curse!"

"Remember to change positions at all times, Ron, don't always stand in the same place to cast spells, this is a big taboo in battle!"

Under Ivan's constant command, Hermione, who had been fighting on their own, gradually had some tacit understanding, and their cooperation became better and better.

But they soon found desperately that no matter how perfect they played, Ivan would always be able to crack it easily. After five minutes, they could hardly even force Ivan to move.

The whole battle ended soon after Ivan turned from defense to offense. Looking at the prefects who were knocked down one by one, like a **** fighting, Ivan shook his head amusedly. He already kept his hands as much as possible. Otherwise, the battle will be over in a few seconds.

"I dare you to say that even a professor is not as good as you, Hals!" Anthony got up from the ground, breathing heavily, looking at Ivan's eyes full of admiration and incredible color, the point that rose in his heart Dissatisfaction has also been wiped out in the previous match.

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