Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 787

Chapter 787: 2nd package

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

The quiet principal’s room suddenly became noisy, and many portraits of principals also spoke out about the current principal’s dereliction of duty for a long time.

"How many times have you come back?" Ivan touched his chin, muttering to himself.

These days he often stared at the map of the point of life, but he hadn't seen Dumbledore's name at all.

I probably just missed it...

Thinking of this, Ivan looked at the principals on the wall again and asked. "Then Professor Dumbledore has any arrangements before leaving?"

The portraits shook their heads to show that they did not know.

However, Ivan was a little unwilling to give up, staring at the painting hanging on the wall on the right. Dumbledore in the portrait was drinking a cup of tea leisurely and did not participate in the discussion from beginning to end.

Perhaps he noticed Ivan’s gaze, and Dumbledore in the portrait slowly put down his teacup and waved his hand at Ivan, saying that he was just a portrait and didn’t know anything...

Ivan squinted his eyes, doubting.

He certainly knows that although the portraits in the magical world are active and talkative, they have no soul or thought. Everything is given by the painter.

It's a bit like a pre-set program... or artificial intelligence.

However, this portrait of Dumbledore was a bit different. The original time and space even guided Snape's actions. The legendary Gryffindor sword was hidden behind the portrait.

Therefore, Ivan suspected that the old professor secretly moved something on this painting, and it was one of the opponent's backhands at Hogwarts.

Despite this thought, Ivan had nothing to do with this portrait.

Even if a powerful magic is applied to it, it is just a painting, and the idea of ​​dementia doesn't work. The other party doesn't want to say that he can't throw it into the fireplace and burn it, right?josei

Ivan was somewhat depressed, but after finally coming to the principal's room, he didn't mean to go home empty-handed. Dang Even took out the meditation basin in the cabinet and said to the portraits.

"When Professor Dumbledore returns, please let me know, I will borrow the meditation basin for a few days!"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to have a crown! This is what the daughter of Ravenclaw wanted, so I borrowed it first!" Ivan slapped his head, suddenly remembering his promise to Helena, and raised his hand. The Ravenclaw crown hanging on the branch was also taken down.

The portraits of the principal on the wall were blowing their beards and staring, and were very dissatisfied with Ivan's act of taking two things without consent. Even Dumbledore in the portrait showed a bit of helplessness...


After leaving the principal's room, Ivan immediately went to the House of Requirement and temporarily stored the **** there.

After the excess magic power of the castle was emptied by him, the famous House of Requests was no longer able to respond to requests.

Fortunately, the previously generated spaces have not been destroyed, and it is easy to find a place to store items.

As for deliberately "borrowing" the Pensieve from the principal's room, of course it was to pierce the lies that the Ministry had painstakingly woven.

After all, he had promised before that he would uncover the truth for those students at the next meeting-what could be more direct and effective than witnessing Voldemort's return with his own eyes?

Of course, he will deal with these memories a little bit, because some things are inconvenient to expose after all.

"Where did Professor Dumbledore go?"

On the way back to the lounge, Ivan kept pondering this question. He couldn't even confirm whether the other party was still alive, because the portraits last saw Dumbledore appear more than a month ago.

But anyway, without Dumbledore's interference, the implementation of the plan would be less concerned.

While thinking about it, Ivan pushed the door into the bedroom. What made him feel a little curious is that Harry, Ron and others gathered on the table by the window, staring at an opened black package.

"Another package? Is it the same as last time?" Ivan stepped forward and asked.

"Yes, it was sent by the same owl." Ron nodded and replied.

Looking at the candies and small objects in the package, Ivan frowned and said with some dissatisfaction. "I should have reminded you before that you must be more cautious about this kind of three-no package and don't open it at will."

"But... the person who sent us the package should have no malice." Harry said hesitantly, and then handed a note to Ivan. "It says Umbridge already knows the Defense Against the Dark Arts Society, so let's be more careful recently."

Ivan took a look at the note unexpectedly. The content on it, as Harry said, was to make them beware of Umbridge, but it was slightly different from last time. This time it stated that the package was sent to himself of.

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, Harry, Ron, and Seamus were all together, all about guessing who had leaked the secret.

If Umbridge knew that they organized their hands to practice magic in private ~www.mtlnovel.com~, they would certainly not let them go easily.

"It must be Pansy and those Slytherins. Hermione didn't invite them at all that day... They must have secretly told Umbridge about the assembly." Ron said vowedly.

Harry and Seamus also thought it was possible.

However, unexpectedly, Ivan shook his head directly, vetoing their speculation.

"No, this matter should have nothing to do with Pansy."

Ivan knew very well that Pansy Parkinson didn't have the guts to betray him, so the news was definitely not leaked from the other side.

As for who it is, it is more difficult to say.

After all, there were too many people participating in that rally, and coupled with the absence of mandatory measures such as magic contracts, it is possible to accidentally speak out during small talk.

In fact, Ivan didn't care about the issue of the information leakage...Compared to this, he was more concerned about who sent the package.

Ivan turned his head and looked out the window. A gray-white owl was flying towards this side quickly, passing through the open window, and falling straight on his shoulder.

"Have you tracked the movement of that owl? Maca?" Ivan stretched out his hand and scratched Maca's neck, asking expectantly.

After being sent a package inexplicably last time, he asked Maca to wander around in his spare time. If an owl comes in with a strange package, he will try to follow it.

"Cuckoo~" Maca lightly pecked Ivan's cheek with his beak, jumping up and down on his shoulders, screaming incessantly.

Ivan, who had already reached the pinnacle of Eagle Language, quickly understood the meaning of Maca. "Is that so? That owl is in the school's owl shed, and you saw a student wearing a Slytherin robe there? Okay...Thank you..."

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