Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 788

Chapter 788: You broke it cruelly

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

Three days passed in a flash, and during this time no third package was sent.

But for the person sending the package, Ivan has already had some speculations, but he has not yet figured out the motive of the other party for doing so.

At noon on Thursday, after having a meal in the auditorium, Ivan focused his gaze on the long Slytherin table, considering whether to find a chance to stop him from asking a question.

Just as he was thinking about it, Harry and Ron, who had returned to the dormitory one step earlier, ran over in a hurry, pulled Ivan in one hand, and gasped.

"It's not good, Ivan, go over and take a look!"

Seeing the shocked appearance of the two of them, Ivan couldn't help but be a little curious, Dang Even followed.

When he arrived in the lounge, Ivan discovered that the little wizards of Gryffindor were gathering around the bulletin board, where a new notice was posted.

[Order of the Senior Investigator of Hogwarts:

All student organizations, associations, teams or clubs are hereby dissolved.


If a student is found to have formed or joined any organization, association, team or club without the approval of the senior investigating officer, he shall be expelled immediately. 】

After reading the contents of the bulletin, Ivan's expression remained calm.

Obviously this announcement was aimed at him, but he had anticipated it when he was engaged in the Dark Demons Defence Art Association.

Harry and Ron on the side were worried, and they both looked at Ivan and asked.

"What should we do now? Ivan?" "Should we temporarily stop the assembly?"

"No, business as usual... just do what you should do!" Ivan shook his head and replied casually.

Harry and Ron glanced at each other confusedly. They didn’t quite understand what Ivan meant. Umbridge’s announcement was obviously to do something against them. The best way now is to temporarily cancel the large-scale gathering and wait for the news. I'll talk about it later.

After all, the "Education Order No. 24" stated very clearly that if Umbridge caught them, they would definitely be expelled.

"Relax, don't worry too much. If there is something, I will take care of it." Ivan patted the shoulders of the two of them, gave a few words of comfort, and then went straight back to the bedroom.

Due to the new announcement, the little wizards gathered in the lounge. The bedroom was empty. Ivan took advantage of the lunch break to sit on the bedside and open a secret compartment in the drawer, and took the crown placed inside. Came out and looked at it carefully.

Three years ago, in the decisive battle in the Chamber of Secrets, he used the fangs of the basilisk to destroy this Ravenclaw relic, and now he can still see the dense cracks on the crown.

[Magic Item: Ravenclaw's Crown

Special status: damaged

Explanation: This is a relic left by the founder of Hogwarts, Rowena Ravenclaw, which can increase the wisdom of the wearer.

Note: You ruthlessly broke it...]

Looking at the remarks in the inventory, the corners of Ivan's mouth twitched. Ravenclaw's crown had long been tainted by Voldemort, and I should have helped it out of the sea of ​​misery.

How can you say cruel?

Ivan murmured silently in his heart, but the increased wisdom in the system description made him very interested.

The rumored Ravenclaw's crown does have a similar function, and the reason Helena stole it was also to gain wisdom beyond her mother.

"Strange, if the crown is really so magical, why would Voldemort be willing to make it into a Horcrux?" Ivan gently stroked the inscription on the crown, somewhat puzzled.

He had always thought that the rumors of the crown’s increased wisdom were just a fable—for example, Rowena Ravenclaw expected people to discover that it was not the crown that gave people wisdom but her herself.

However, after collating the manuscripts left by Ravenclaw in the past two days, Ivan overturned this speculation, and the systematic explanation was another kind of testimony.

But anyway, before fixing it and understanding the power of the crown, he doesn't plan to return this thing to Helena...


In the silent male dormitory, a slight flick sounded.

As soon as he heard the sound, Ivan drew out his wand and pointed it towards him. There was already a small figure in the clearing next to him.

"More than?"

After seeing the person clearly, Ivan put the wand away, and then asked curiously. "Did my mother let you come? How is Knockdown Alley? How is the situation over there?"

"The situation is very bad, sir. Recently, the Ministry of Magic has suddenly increased the search of Knockdown Alley. Mrs. Hals suspects that mysterious people are infiltrating the Ministry... In addition, because of censorship, the wizarding market is very busy. I was smashed..."

Dobby drooped his ears, talking shrillly about the troubles that Knockout Alley had encountered in the past two months, and murmured "Bad Minister" and "Bad Auror" from time to time.

Listening to Dobby's words, Ivan frowned.

After the conquest of the wizarding market last year, a large amount of the money seized was reinvested in the operation of the wizarding market~www.mtlnovel.com~ Now, after more than a year, the wizarding market has finally gained some color to the time when it can make money. , But because of the review of the Ministry of Magic, the business had to be suspended. How could Ivan not feel uncomfortable?

Of course, the most important thing now is to solve the problem of shortage of funds. Whether it is to support law enforcement or to win over officials from the Ministry of Magic, money is indispensable.

"Fortunately, there is a Philosopher's Stone..." Ivan thought in his heart, his frowning brows gradually loosened, looked at Dobby, and said.

"Don't worry about the funding problem. After you go back, let your mother report the count, and I will give you gold and magic metal of the same value.

You give these things to Rozier and the others, and let those pure-blood families come up with enough Jin Jialong in exchange. "josei

Sorcerer's stone can carry out material transformation, naturally not only has the function of turning stones into gold, in fact, most metals can be produced directly by consuming magical power.

Although it was a waste of magic to do so, it was an extraordinary period now, and I couldn't care about so much.

The only trouble is how to exchange these gold and magic metal into the corresponding gold gallon without attracting the attention of the Ministry of Magic.

Although Gringotts is a good place, even if he turns into a golden mountain, the opponent can eat it, but after all, there are a lot of eyeliners from the Ministry of Magic, and the credibility of the fairy is also very problematic. He may turn his head and sell you .

At this time, the role of those pure-blood families who surrendered was manifested.

Not to mention that Rozier and the others have been blackmailed severely by him once, and each family has paid tens of thousands of gallons for admission, but he doesn't believe that the pure blood family has only that little background.

Because of his love, he is not good at forcibly expropriating the other party’s property, but is it always okay to change?

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