Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 798

Chapter 798: This kid is strong and outrageous, but always unexpectedly cautious...

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

After Lucius and Draco left together, the room was quiet again. Ivan sat alone in front of the fire for a long time, and suddenly asked.

"Dougt, what do you think?"

The dim fire rose suddenly, the crimson flames gathered together, and finally turned into the big face of Dougt, and his deep voice rang.

"Lucius is a person who knows current affairs. He probably really wants to betray a mysterious person and take refuge in us. Seven hundred thousand gallons is also very sincere. I think what he said is worthy of trust!"

"In addition, Malfoy is one of the most powerful wizard families in the British magical world. With his joining, some things will be much easier..."

Ivan nodded. Counting the Malfoy family, they have won the support of nearly 40% of the powerful in the magic world in recent months. Once Fudge falls, the next Minister of Magic will be 100% of them.

"By the way, who is our candidate?" Ivan asked curiously.

"Pierce Sinknis!" Dougert replied.

"The executive director?" Ivan was a little surprised. He thought Pierce was a diehard.

"I checked for more than a month, and found that this old guy is not clean in private, and it's better to deal with than we thought..." Doug said proudly.

These days, he had contacted the two most likely candidates to become Minister of Magic. Rufus Scrimgeour was a diehard as Ivan said, smelly and hard like a stone in a pit.

But Pierce, the executive director, is different. He has a cherished family member as a weakness, and there are a lot of black materials to dig, so you don't have to worry too much about the other party's betrayal.

"In that case, let me come out and see you some time. I will personally put a magic mark on him and accept Mr. Executive Director as one of us." Ivan said noncommittal, compared to some black materials. People who can directly control life and death are more trustworthy.

"I believe Sinknis will be extremely honored..." Doug said with a smile, and he can naturally guess that Ivan can influence, punish and even kill those who have been engraved with the imprint.josei

But Dougt was very clever and didn't mention this, but asked as soon as the words turned. "Are we still following the original plan? On Lucius's side..."

"Of course, it's just a few details adjustments at most, everything else is business as usual! When the action starts, Mr. Malfoy will understand what he should do! When the time comes, we will say that we temporarily changed the plan, which is not a lie to him Is it?" Ivan said casually.

"You are really careful...but that's right, if Lucius had just said it directly, he might not have promised so readily!" Doug shook his head and said with emotion.

"Be careful not to make mistakes." Ivan waved his hand and said. "In case something goes wrong with Lucius, Voldemort knows all our plans, we will be the one who is besieged!"

"Even if the Ministry of Magic and the mysterious man are united, it is impossible to be our opponent..." Dougt mumbled secretly. This kid is strong and outrageous, but always unexpectedly cautious...

Among the more than one hundred people involved in the operation, only he and Esiah know what the real plan is. Fren and Gleason may also be able to guess some of them. The rest of the wizards are mostly in the clouds and only know that they are responsible. That part.

According to Ivan's words, even if someone suddenly turns back, it won't affect the overall plan.

"Have you arranged everything I asked you to do?" Ivan asked again.

"Mrs. Ekmo of the Floo Network Administration has taken refuge in us. She assured us that all the fireplaces in and out of the headquarters will be closed when necessary! In addition, there are also our people in the Department of Mystery Affairs, and Pierce will send someone to help once the operation starts. We captured there as quickly as possible!"

Dougt was talking endlessly, and after a pause, he added. "According to reliable information, Fudge will call a meeting with the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic that day, none of them can run away!"

Ivan nodded and nodded. One of the keys to this action was to catch Fudge and clean up some political enemies as Voldemort.

"What about the Daily Prophet?" Ivan asked again.

After Ivan's voice fell, the flames in the fireplace suddenly rose again. Dougt's big face showed a bit of anger, but he gave way slightly, and the phantom the size of the fire shrank a circle next to him. A phantom figure appeared again, and it was Gleason who came here!

"Your Excellency Hals, please allow me to report it personally. The editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet returned home yesterday. It won't be long before this newspaper will speak for us..." Gleason said confidently.

"Good job, Gleason, your movements are much faster than I thought!" Ivan is very satisfied. The Daily Prophet is the most influential newspaper in the magic world, and it is also the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic. It is equivalent to mastering the public opinion of the magic world!

This is an extremely important part of the whole plan~www.mtlnovel.com~ which concerns the justice of their action!

In just five months, Gleason was able to fix the Daily Prophet without knowing it. His ability was evident. As for whether the methods used were legal or not, Ivan was not interested.

"When this matter is over, I will set up a propaganda department at the Ministry of Magic, Gleason, you are the first director!" Ivan promised.

"Thank you for your trust, Lord Hals!" Gleason said excitedly, and the fire faintly vibrated.

"Then, get ready to act, everyone!" Ivan stood up and said loudly. "For the future of the magic world!"

"For... Tomorrow in the magic world!" Dougt and Gleason responded in unison, and then the two flame phantoms instantly shattered.

Ivan waved his hand to extinguish the remaining flames, but looked at the golden fireplace in front of him with some difficulty.

He had previously turned the entire fireplace into gold in one breath in order to shock Lucius. Although it was indeed shocking, it has become a big trouble to deal with it now.

It is not easy to move such a large fireplace.

As for putting it here?

Of course not, it is too eye-catching!

And after consuming so much magic power, it can't be wasted!

"I knew I had started on the table or the sofa..." Ivan sighed and miscalculated.

Just as Ivan felt his chin and pondered, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, accompanied by a hoarse voice.

"Who...who is in the meeting room?"

"Filch? What a coincidence?" Ivan raised his eyebrows, and waved his wand to lock the door of the conference room.

Filch, who was outside the door, quickly walked to the door, pulled the door lock vigorously, and shouted loudly. "Come out quickly, I caught you!"

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