Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 799

Chapter 799: The disappearing fireplace

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

The sound of pushing the door outside the door became louder and louder, and Ivan frowned, wondering whether to put Filch in and give him another Forgotten Charm.

But this idea was quickly forgotten by Ivan.

The noise made here might arouse other people's ideas, and just fixing Filch can't solve the current predicament.

"Dobby... Dobby!" Ivan snapped his fingers and shouted softly.

The crumpled house elf appeared in the clearing aside in the next moment, and said shrillly. "Sir, do you need Dobby's help?"

"Can you use Apparition to move this fireplace away?" Ivan asked, pointing to the fireplace next to him.

Dobby looked past Ivan's direction, and the golden fireplace in the candlelight almost blinded his eyes.

But after a brief stupor, Dobby quickly reacted.

After all, before Ivan would also let it ship some gold products back from time to time.

Originally, these things were mortgaged to those pure-blood families in exchange for the same amount of Jin Jialong, but the money was indeed obtained, but no one dared to collect the things, so they were all piled up at home.

Now there are gold tables and chairs, gold cupboards, and gold teapots in the home. It seems that there will be an extra gold fireplace now!

Dobby was very happy, and if it could, he could not wait to replace everything in the house with gold.

"How about it, can you move?" Ivan asked.

"It's too big, sir..." Dobby reached out his hand and gestured for the size of the fireplace, and shook his head very depressed. It didn't have enough magic power to take this thing away at once.

"Then I will try to make it smaller... Shenfeng Wuying!" Ivan took out the wand from his waist and waved it one after another, and the invisible magic blade quickly divided the fireplace into dozens of parts.

The huge gold nugget with the floating curse smashed to the ground, and there was a slight muffled noise.

He used the shrinking spell to reduce these huge gold nuggets to only a quarter of the original size, and then looked at Dobby and asked again. "Is this okay?"

Dobby nodded, Dang Even pressed his hand on the two gold nuggets to start the Apparition.

After a dozen times of going back and forth, all the broken fireplaces were removed.

Outside the door, Filch's sound of hitting the door became louder and louder.

Ivan cleaned up the surrounding traces on his own, and ignored Filch's intention. He cast a spell on the door. Even if he hit the door for a whole day, the opponent would not be able to come in...

"What's the matter? Filch?" In the corridor, another familiar voice suddenly rang.

"Professor McGonagall, I caught a kid who went out for a night tour, and he is hiding in the meeting room now! But he cast a spell on the door and I can't get in. Could you please help me open the door?" Filch Shouted excitedly.

"Allow, Alohomora~ (Alohomora opens Professor McGonagall gently waved his wand, and with a click, the door lock was unlocked.

Filch pushed open the door impatiently, and walked in quickly, with a slightly excited expression on his face.

However, to his expectation, the wide conference room was empty and there was no one in it.

"Come out, you can't run, I caught you!" Filch held the oil lamp and shouted loudly. He thought that **** kid must still be in this meeting room, just hiding somewhere.

Thinking of this, Filch stepped forward to find every place where Tibetans could be hidden, thinking of the bill passed the other day in his mind. He has always missed the feeling of hanging the erring student from the ceiling. Today, I might be able to revisit it.

Unfortunately, after searching for a while, Filch was very disappointed. There was no one in this conference room.

"Damn, he must have been hiding behind the door just now and ran away with the phantom spell!"

Filch muttered to himself cursively, and when he was about to return to the door, he unexpectedly found that McGonagall, who was coming in with him, was staring at a wall in a daze.

"What's the matter, Professor McGonagall?" Filch asked strangely.

"I remember there should be a...fireplace here?" Professor McGonagall stared at the neat stone bricks on the wall and said uncertainly.

"What?" Filch's mind was stunned, and then he realized it quickly. Looking at the empty wall, Filch couldn't help but feel an absurd feeling in his heart.

Could it be that a thief came from the castle and stole the fireplace at night?


Just as the two of them were guessing, Ivan had already returned to the dormitory. After a brief rest while it was still dark, Ivan pretended to be okay and went to the auditorium to have breakfast with Harry and the others.

Unexpectedly, the disappearance of the fireplace in the meeting room has spread, and many strange rumors have spread.josei

Harry and Ron didn't believe it at first. How could the fireplace be stolen? But after taking a look at the conference room, the two of them had to admit that there are really everyone in this world!

Hermione analyzed it scientifically and rigorously. "It's not easy to take such a big fireplace out of school, let alone hide it from Professor Filch and McGonagall, so someone should have used a powerful vanishing spell on the fireplace!"

"This is too weird, to use a vanishing spell on a fireplace?" Ron murmured.

"Um... it was probably caused by being too nervous after being discovered, and losing control of the magic." Hermione guessed, then looked at Ivan and asked. "What do you mean? Ivan?"

"How do I know ~www.mtlnovel.com~ it's just a fireplace, and it's worthless...Who would steal this?" Ivan yawned and said nonsense.

As the culprit who moved the fireplace, Ivan didn't reveal the truth at all, but only a few words took Harry and the others to a dead end.

Don't look at the trouble, but as long as you can't find clues, it will probably be gone in the end.

After all, a fireplace is not a precious thing. It only takes a few dozen gallons to reinstall one...

A few days passed in a flash, and Ivan spent almost all of his energy on improving his strength while studying, and even the usual rallies were suspended for reasons discovered by Umbridge.

He needs to master the full power of the Sorcerer's Stone as soon as possible. Only in this way can it be possible to retreat under the siege of massive wizards.

The news from Knockdown Alley has not been interrupted for a day, and a large amount of good or bad intelligence is continuously transmitted to him through Dobby.

The worst thing is that the patriarch of the Knot family broke free from the Imperius curse a day ago and went to the unknown...

"Damn, even someone who has been under the Imperius Curse can't look good! It happened at this time..." Ivan threw the envelope into the fire with a headache, muttering to himself.

Dobby replied hesitantly. "Mr. Furen said that there were too many people needing to be mobilized recently, so he neglected to take care of Mr. Nott... and..."

"And Nott has always been honest, they are a little lax, right?" Ivan sighed helplessly, let alone watching the Nott werewolves, even he almost forgot that there was such an unstable factor.

Previously, considering the need for the power of the Nott family to run for the minister, I temporarily saved the opponent's life, but I didn't expect an accident at this moment.

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