Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 800

Chapter 800: Angry and helpless Malfoy

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

The only thing that made Ivan breathe a sigh of relief was that he had modified Nott's memory before, and for the past two years, the other party had been under close surveillance and was unable to access the important information.

"Let Flenga send someone to find Nott as soon as possible." Ivan ordered.

Dobby nodded and nodded, remembering the instruction, and then as if thinking of something, he told Lucius Malfoy to transport one million gallons to Knockout Alley vault in three days. come out.

"A million gallons? Isn't it seven hundred thousand?" Ivan paused, rather surprised.

"Mr. Malfoy said that the extra 300,000 gallons were offered by his friends as a sign of sincerity..." Dobby explained.

Ivan now understands. It seems that these pure-blood wizards are quite acquainted...

With so much savings all at once, Ivan's depressed mood suddenly improved a lot.

Although money is not a panacea, it is definitely enough to solve most of the usual troubles.

For example, in the current wizarding war that is about to start, the original preparations, post-war pensions, and subsequent management costs were all major problems, and now they have all been resolved.

"Tell Lucius that after this operation is over, I will help them remove the Dark Mark from their bodies." Ivan promised after thinking about it.

This should be the reward the former Death Eaters most wanted.

After all, once the betrayal is exposed, the Dark Mark on his body will immediately become a time bomb, and Voldemort can easily locate them through the mark, find and kill them.

"Yes, sir!"

Dobby snapped his fingers when he received the instruction and disappeared in place.


Day by day, just before Halloween, Ivan received a secret report from Lucius that Voldemort will launch a surprise attack at 11 o'clock tomorrow when the Aurors are changing their shifts.

And their action time was nine o'clock in the morning, two hours ahead of schedule, if not surprising, when Voldemort arrived in a hurry, he had already done everything.

In fact, Ivan wanted to be earlier, so that it was safer, but the officials of the Ministry of Magic usually didn't start work until nine o'clock. If they acted too early, maybe the Ministry did not even open the door!

"Unfortunately, Halloween is not a holiday. It seems that I have to skip class for one day." Ivan looked at the class schedule and said with emotion. As a good student who abides by the law, this is the first time he has done such a thing.


On Halloween, considering that he wanted to give the Minister of Magic a Halloween surprise, Ivan woke up a rare early morning, and after a hurried breakfast, he left Hogwarts Castle unconsciously.

After half a year, the wizarding market, which was destroyed by the war, has been renovated again, and it is no longer as dilapidated as it used to be.

When Ivan arrived, more than a hundred wizards who participated in the operation had already lined up and waited.

"Your Excellency Hals!" Seeing Ivan's figure appear out of thin air on the high platform, Dougt and the others hurriedly greeted him, who was anxiously waiting.

"Has the personnel been arranged? Dougt?" Ivan asked.

"A total of one hundred and seventy-three wizards, except for the 13 who were brought into the Ministry of Magic by Pierce, everyone else is already here." Doug said excitedly.

"Very good!" Ivan nodded in satisfaction, then continued. "According to the previous plan, you and Fren led a hundred and twenty people lurking near the headquarters. When I solve the Aurors, you will meet with the executive director and enter together."

Dougt and Frenliso responded. They had practiced this plan several times in their hearts, and they were very clear about what they should do.

While talking, Ivan turned his head and looked at Aysia again. "Mom, you brought fifteen law enforcement officers to respond to prevent the escaped fish from escaping..."

The support task is the least dangerous of all actions, and will only appear as a backup support force when necessary.

After arranging the tasks for most of the people, Ivan's expression became more solemn, and he looked at the last twenty-five wizards left, and said.

"Lucius, McNeill, Gore, Crabbe, you and the rest follow me!"

"We need to complete the most dangerous task in the entire plan. If someone is unfortunately killed in battle, I promise you that you will settle your family and pay a pension of 10,000 gallons!" Ivan looked around at the wizards below, solemnly Added.

Ten thousand gallons?

The wizards present were all surprised. For ordinary wizards, 10,000 gallons is definitely an unimaginable number. It may not be possible to save so much money without eating or drinking for more than ten years!

However, most of the people involved in the operation are also aware that this is a sum of money!

Now that they are standing here, they are ready to die!

Lucius and Gore, who didn't know the truth, glanced at each other and vaguely felt that something was wrong, but before they asked them, Ivan said first.

"Some of you may not know the specific content of the task, so I will repeat it again!

From now on, you are a Death Eater, and you will follow the Dark Lord to Azkaban to rescue those imprisoned colleagues, and then gather together to attack the Ministry of Magic..."

"What? Attack... the Ministry of Magic?!" Lucius Malfoy was stunned, and Gibbon, Crabbe, and Gore also had a stunned expression.josei

"Wait... Your Excellency Hals, this is not the same as what you said!" Lucius Malfoy stepped forward eagerly and asked.

Before, their mission was only to save people and make a big fuss in the magic world after swearing that the Dark Lord would return.

Although there are risks, they are still within an acceptable range.

However, the current situation is completely different, they need to directly confront the official force!

Just their twenty-five wizards ~www.mtlnovel.com~ plus those 71 Death Eaters who have been imprisoned for more than ten years with little strength left, there are more than one hundred Aurors garrisoned to attack, two The Ministry of Magic with more than a hundred incumbent clerks?

This is crazy, what is the difference between going to die? Even if he survives by chance, he will face the Ministry of Magic's wanted!

Lucius Malfoy's anger filled his heart, but after he really met Ivan's cold eyes, all the courage that had risen in his heart disappeared without a trace, leaving only boundless fear...

McNeill stood on the side at the right time, grabbed Lucius, and said annoyedly. "This matter is my negligence, Malfoy. Your Excellency Hals revised the entire plan a few days ago. I should have notified you in time."

Lucius stared at McNeill fiercely and opened his mouth to curse, but in the end he couldn't say it.

Because he knows very well that the plan for the Ministry of Magic can never be made in a few days, which means that he has been kept in the dark from start to finish, and McNeill can be considered a backstop at best.

What makes Lucius feel helpless is that even if he wants to repent now, it is too late, and he can only walk to the dark one by one.

Having betrayed the Dark Lord, he had no retreat, not to mention his son Draco was still in school, life and death were only between the other's thoughts.

Seeing Lucius finally calmed down, Ivan said to calm down.

"Don't worry, Lucius, I have no plans to send someone to death! I will take care of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, and the focus of your mission is not to fight the guards...

Instead, when the Ministry of Magic was completely defeated and Pierce led the reinforcements to arrive, he cooperated with McNeill's ‘Rebellion’ Dark Lord as a spy and attacked the Death Eaters... and kept them all in the Ministry! "

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