How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

“I can’t believe he took care of it so quickly…”

“And we have no choice but to believe it.”

The leaders of Brighton were struck with a massive headache. When Eugene announced that he would take care of the city’s death knight after fully occupying the city, they had been filled with impure expectations. Death knights were considered to be as dangerous and strong as high-ranking monsters. There were even rumors that a single death knight and hundreds of ghouls and skeletons under its command had devastated a great territory.

As such, the guild leaders naturally assumed that even if Eugene managed to take care of the death knight, it would take a long time. And perhaps he might even fail and perish in the waterways.

But their expectations were ruined when Eugene solved the issue within a single day.

“And there was a black wizard involved?”

“I saw the items that belonged to the black wizard. I’m certain. There’s no way it was possible to make such items in a single day.”

“More than anything else, Banneret Randolph and Knight Clay are testifying. There’s no doubt about it.”


“Pathetic. How pathetic! This isn’t a matter of trust,” the mayor said.

“What?” The guild leaders turned towards the mayor.

The mayor continued with a mixed expression. “As long as there’s clear evidence that a black wizard was involved in this issue with the death knight, Sir Eugene’s no longer simply the head of the army that has occupied our city.”

“Huh? What does that mean?” The guild leaders had no clue as to what the mayor was talking about.

The mayor responded with a deep sigh, “Sir Eugene is no longer an invader. He’s a hero who saved Brighton from an impending crisis. Public sentiment has completely turned toward Sir Eugene, you frustrating people.”


“There had been a black wizard, a death knight, and hundreds of undead right underneath the city. Do you all really believe that they were there for no reason? Do you really think that they would have stayed there forever? I’m certain they would have surfaced one day. So what do you think would have happened to our city if that happened in the future?” the mayor asked.josei

“…!” The expressions of the guild leaders paled instantly.

A terrible fate would have befallen Brighton.

“Do you all understand now? Sir Eugene has prevented such a future. Tsk, tsk.” the mayor said, clicking his tongue.

“B-but the citizens don’t know that yet, do they?” one of the guild leaders asked.

“Haha.” The mayor laughed vainly, then stood up before opening the window. He continued. “Look outside. Those people over there. What could they be talking about?”

The guild leaders got up from their seats and approached the window. There were hundreds of citizens gathered in the square located just outside the city hall. A person wearing chainmail and covering their face with a black hood was shouting at the crowd.

“…Sir… did! And so… defeated the…!”

The guild leaders couldn’t make out exactly what the figure was saying, but the crowd was responding to their shouts with cheers and loud claps.

“Huh? Mister mayor, who is that person?”

“Are they inciting the crowd?”

The guild leaders asked.

The mayor responded, “Incitement my ass. That’s Knight Clay. She is testifying to the people about what happened in the city’s underground.”


“By tomorrow, everyone in the city will know what happened in the underground waterways. So now…” The mayor was helpless. He looked around at the guild leaders with stiff expressions and continued bitterly. “It’s all over. We’re now part of the Crawlmarine county. There’s nothing to do except to prepare ourselves for change.”

The guild leaders finally came to recognize it at the mayor’s words. The City of Brighton had existed as a free city due to the long chaos and war, but after today, its fate had turned in another direction.


“Please forgive my insolence.” Banneret Randolph spoke in the most cordial voice possible while kneeling on one knee. When he met them initially, right after he was freed from his curse, Randolph had assumed that both Eugene and Galfredik were similar or slightly above him in status. However, he retracted his judgment immediately after hearing Clay’s careful words and seeing the two figures walk around in broad daylight.

They were clearly above a high lord in status based on the fact that they could walk around in daylight. Moreover, the two of them were his benefactors and saviors of the city. As such, as a member of the Dark Clan and a knight, it was only appropriate for him to show unconditional respect and worship.

“Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t intentional anyway. You were quite formidable when you had been a death knight, and it seems like you are an honorable man as well,” Eugene said.

“I’m flattered,” Randolph responded with a humble bow. Clay was right by his side, acting with utmost politeness and modesty.

‘They’re quite alright.’

Eugene felt satisfied with the two. They gave off better impressions than Delmondo and the vampires of Mungard. Moreover, they were quick-witted and polite. Of course, there was something else as well.

“Kieeeehh! Gold! Kihehehehehe! S-sir, sir! They’re quite good folks, aren’t they? They’re so nice! WHOooo! Whoooo! Kiekekekekekeke!” Mirian shouted while cackling to herself.

Seeing the spirit joyfully swimming in a box filled with gold coins brought a smile to Eugene’s face.


It was only natural to give after receiving. As such, Eugene decided to give Randolph and Clay a chance.

“So, Randolph, I assume you’ve heard a bit from Clay?” Eugene asked.

“Yes. I have heard that Sir Eugene occupied the City of Brighton and had it incorporated into the Crawlmarine county,” Randolph responded.

“Well, the city’s leadership will be maintained for the time being. However, sooner or later, there will be changes,” Eugene said.

“Rightly said, sir. I’ve heard before that there is a saying in the Roman Empire. ‘New wine must be contained in a new oak barrel.’ Since you had taken over Brighton as your own with Count Crawlmarine, Sir Eugene, the ones to lead the city should be the ones you propose,” Randolph said.

“Well said.” Eugene nodded satisfactorily. Afterward, he asked in a nonchalant way. “But we can’t switch them out immediately. Why do you think that is? Don’t feel pressured and be honest with me.”

Randolph contemplated for a moment before answering, “Although I am lacking, I will offer you a meager piece of insight. I dare to assume that you have made that decision because you know that drastic changes can lead to confusion and discontent among the citizens of the city. So, it is my humble opinion that you will maintain the current leadership for the time being and bring about changes after you achieve whatever it is that you are aiming for. That’s what I think.”

“Great.” Eugene was a little surprised. Randolph’s words were almost in line with the plan Eugene had come up with Pythamoras.

“I thought you were only skilled as a knight since you are a banneret, but it seems you have a good head as well.” Eugene praised Randolph.

“Not at all. I am naught but dust to pale in your brilliance, sir. Not anyone can capture a direct descendant and the knights belonging to the Fransil family,” Randolph responded. Now that he mentioned it, Eugene had forgotten about Lorraine and the other captives.

But he wasn’t too worried. Lanslo and the beowulf warriors should be keeping them safe.

Eugene asked, “Do you know a lot about the Fransil family?”

Eugene had Pythamoras, but the druid’s knowledge was mainly regarding the island’s history. As such, he wasn’t quite up to date with the current situation of Brantia and the various forces trying to claim the throne. In addition, Lanslo had left Brantia quite a long time ago. He was in the dark about the recent events and situations.

“He claims to be a duke, but I see him as a powerful warlord. He was only a powerful baron before the crusade. On the contrary, in terms of lineage, the late Lord Riwad would have a better claim to the throne compared to him. The Fransil family…” Randolph explained everything he knew about the Fransil family.

‘He’s definitely quite useful. Good.’

Eugene came to this decision after hearing Randolph’s explanation.

“Banneret Randolph,” he called out.

”Yes, please speak,” Randolph responded.

“Do you want to be the mayor of Brighton?” Eugene asked.

“What?!” Randolph’s eyes grew wide with shock.

Eugene smiled. “Not right now, but within a year at the latest. And it doesn’t mean that you have to become a vassal of the Crawlmarine family. Of course, you won’t need to betray the Rivoles Clan either.”

“T-that means…” Randolph muttered.

“You will become a loyal servant of the king. Banneret of the Rivoles Clan and an honorable nobleman appointed by the King of Brantia. How about it?” Eugene asked.


Randolph was stunned. A banneret could only be considered a nobleman in the vampire world. He could not be considered a nobleman in the entirety of Brantia. The only ‘true nobles’ were families, regardless of race, that survived the generations after being bestowed a title by a king. As such, there were only a few among the members of the Dark Clan in Brantia who could be considered true nobles.

But now, Randolph had a chance to become a real noble. A noble from a clan with a higher status than that of a high lord was personally offering him a chance.

There was no need to contemplate it.

“I will follow you, sir!” Randolph shouted in a voice filled with joy.

“Kieeee! Subordinate number 3? Hey, you punk! My esteemed self knew Sir Eugene even before Gal! Hmm?! So, make sure you send tributes of gold coins every month, and a gold castle should also be in order…”



The spirit was boxed in with her favorite gold coins.


“If anyone comes from the Fransil family, tell them to come to Castle Riwad. If they try anything, let them know that the lives of the captives lay in my palms,” Eugene said.

“As you wish,” the city’s mayor responded politely.

Eugene left Brighton after placing the flag of the black dragon on the city hall and the city’s gates. He contemplated leaving behind some troops but changed his mind at the advice of his three knights, especially Randolph.

“You have already occupied the city once, so you can enter Brighton whenever you want. The mayor of Brighton is quite tactful and quick-witted as well. He will not cooperate with anyone unless they possess an army capable of overwhelming your esteemed self and your army. Moreover, Brighton has already seen and experienced your power and bravery. If anything happens, they will ask for your help. They will never betray you,” Randolph said this to Eugene before the latter left Brighton.

Eugene was glad to have taken in Randolph. It was a little disappointing that the banneret couldn’t walk around during the day with his skin exposed, but he could simply wear his armor. Moreover, it wasn’t that much of an issue since vampires rarely felt the effects of extreme temperatures. Moreover, there were many more cloudy and rainy days than sunny days in Brantia.

There was a good reason why it was the second most populated country for vampires after the Roman Empire.

“But what can we do? Please give us your orders,” Randolph said.

Eugene looked at Randolph and Clay before responding, “I thought it might be a little difficult for Lanslo to manage all the mercenaries by himself. Since you are a banneret, you know a bit of tactics and strategies, right?”

“Naturally. I was a knight before I was taken in by my father,” Randolph said, nodding.

“Good. Split the troops with Lanslo and take command.” Eugene ordered.

“Haha. I’ll be much relieved from now on. Please take good care of me, Sir Randolph,” Lanslo said with a chuckle.

“I’m honored. Please guide me well, sir. I have always deeply admired the Knight of the Lake, sir,” Randolph responded. He had shown awe and respect for Lanslo immediately after hearing the knight’s surname. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Lanslo played a similar position to Galfredik in Eugene’s army.

“Then, I will go and meet with the mercenary captains,” Randolph said.

“As you’d like.”

Randolph and Clay turned their horses toward the mercenaries. Lanslo spoke with a grin while observing the two people, “They’re quick-witted and it seems that they’re quite useful as well. And at least in Brantia, no mercenary would complain about being under the command of a vampire banneret.”

It meant that a banneret could be considered an equivalent of the most outstanding knight in a prestigious family of nobles in the Caylor Kingdom, such as the Archivald or the Winslon family. It was why Brighton’s mayor and leaders formed a search party when Randolph fell under a curse and transformed into a death knight. A vampire banneret could be considered both the strongest knight and the most capable commander in any city of Brantia.

“By the way, Sir Eugene. The high lord that he serves… Ah! Well, I guess it doesn’t matter.” Lanslo paused and scratched his head. It was a needless worry. Even a vampire high lord would have no choice but to obey Eugene’s orders and words.

“Ehehe! We can thank him later for lending us the banneret. A little flattery and compliments. If he complains, I’ll just fix him up,” Galfredik commented.

“Kehehehehe! I will lend you my hand as well,” Mirian added with laughter.

“Yeah. Spit some phlegm into their eyes!” Galfredik nodded.

“You know what it is, Gal. Ptooey! Ptooey! Pto-ptopto! Hehe! I’ve never missed a single shot in my life. I call it perfect spits-manship!” Mirian exclaimed.

“Whoa! It sounds like a lethal move!” Galfredik shouted in admiration.

“Kehehehehehehehe!” Mirian giggled. The two seemed rather close.

Lanslo managed to hold back his laughter and drew closer to Eugene before speaking, “By the way, sir. What did that black wizard say right before he died?”

“I was just thinking about that. He seemed to know about the Batla Duchy’s three armaments. He seemed shocked that I possessed two of them,” Eugene responded. In fact, Eugene possessed three of the four armaments, but at the time, Galfredik had been holding Wolfslaughter. The black wizard had mistakenly assumed that Eugene only possessed two of the four armaments.

However, the black wizard had been in disbelief, saying ‘unbelievable’ in the strange language he knew before perishing. Eugene noticed something by then.

“It seems that someone had deliberately scattered the Batla Duchy’s armaments,” Eugene commented. Eugene speculated that the black wizard responsible for creating the twin-headed ogre and the one he had recently killed belonged to the same organization.

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