How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

“I’m back, sir!” Randolph shouted after returning with 40 beowulf warriors and two units of 100 soldiers. He continued. “There were about 40 bandits, and all of them were eliminated. Two of our soldiers suffered minor injuries. And here...”

Randolph held out a pledge of loyalty printed with the signature of the village head from the village he had just occupied.

Eugene responded, “Well done. This makes seven so far.”

“Yes, the population was rather small, but with this, we have completely stabilized the route leading from Brighton to the Riwad territory. Congratulations, sir!” Randolph exclaimed.

“Yes. “ Eugene smiled with satisfaction as he wrapped up the pledge of loyalty. He had left the villages untouched before since he was heading to Brighton for war, but now that he had occupied the city, there was no longer any reason to leave them unoccupied. As such, Eugene sent troops to all villages in the vicinity to wipe out all the bandits and roamers in their surrounding areas to promote security, and he obtained pledges of loyalty from the village chiefs and landowners.

The village chiefs wouldn’t have expected such a thing, but this was simply the world they were living in. Someone else would have occupied the villages in the future even if it wasn’t Eugene.

“Did they have any complaints?” Eugene asked.

“They were initially as quiet as a mouse, but they appeared to be curious about the situation. As such, I followed your orders and hinted to the village leaders that a new king of Brantia might appear shortly—someone who holds the right to the nation’s legacy. They seemed to be happy when I mentioned that they could very well be promoted to administrators in the future,” Randolph answered. His face was filled with awe. At first, he simply assumed that Eugene was trying to occupy the village to rob it or to plunder supplies.

Asking for a pledge of loyalty was simply a formality. Most nobles and lords used it as an excuse to use the villages’ resources to maintain their armies. However, Randolph had been mistaken.

Eugene offered a carrot to the village leaders and heads—that they might be able to live a life as loyal servants of Brantia’s future king. It was an offer that no one could resist.

You ‘might’ be promoted to serve under the new king, but ‘perhaps’ someone more loyal would take that position from you.

The words were quite ambiguous, implicit, subtle, and left a lot to the imagination. As a result, the village chiefs and landlords willingly offered up their wealth and supplies to Eugene’s army. They were grateful, yet fearful toward Eugene and Count Crawlmarine. But of course, they were also expectant and greedy.

“Good work. Distribute the goods you obtained from the bandits to the troops,” Eugene said.


Although the mercenaries had to fight for a year without any pay as a result of losing to Eugene, it was impossible for them to have rid themselves of greed and be truly loyal to Eugene. As such, Eugene distributed the loot gained from battles and a portion of wealth and supplies gained from the villages to the mercenaries. Although they would be getting less compared to officially signing an employment contract with Eugene, the troops were enamored by Eugene’s grace and mercy. Even though they were technically prisoners, Eugene was treating them so well. Thanks to this, they started to have high expectations for their futures.

In other words, Eugene had acquired the hearts and support of both the mercenaries and landlords by occupying the villages.

“You may go and rest,” Eugene said.

“Yes, sir.” Randolph bowed politely before turning and walking toward Clay.

He whispered, “Isn’t he amazing? I wouldn’t be exaggerating to call him a master of craftiness.”

“Yes, banneret.” Clay nodded in agreement. She wanted to tell him that it was only natural since Eugene was an Origin, but she knew that she couldn’t do such a thing so she only nodded.

“There was a reason why the Sage of Mount Robtimo aligned himself with Sir Eugene. If it’s Sir Eugene, I’m certain he will be able to unite Brantia.” Randolph continued.

“And you will become the mayor of Brighton, banneret,” Clay remarked.

“Haha! Then, you will be a knight of Brighton. The captain of the guards. No, what about being the mercenary guild leader and the city’s recruiter?” Randolph exclaimed.

“It’s an honor!” Clay responded excitedly, then turned her head before whispering. “By the way, Banneret Randolph. How do you think the Fransil family will react?” she asked.

Randolph followed her gaze and looked at Lorraine and the knights of the Fransil family before speaking with a bitter smile, “The Fransil family’s currently facing a complicated issues regarding the family’s succession. The eldest son and the eldest daughter are the most likely candidates, but it won’t matter which of them succeeds the family. It will be over for Lady Lorraine.”

“You’re not saying that… that they won’t save Lady Lorraine?” Clay asked.

“They have their family’s reputation to worry about, so I’m sure they will pay her ransom. However, they won’t stand still after they suffered losses and their family’s name was humiliated. They also won’t sit still after seeing what Sir Eugene’s had accomplished thus far,” Randolph explained.

“Hmm.” Clay took on a worried expression.

Randolph said with a grin, “I have already told Sir Eugene everything I know about the Fransil family, so there is nothing for you to worry about. Are you worried that Sir Eugene will be done in by a warlord?”

“Huh? Well, that’s not it…” Clay muttered.

“Hmm? Then what?” Randolph asked.

“I’m just wondering if Sir Eugene would completely wipe out the Fransil family,” Clay answered.

“…” Randolph was speechless. Clay wasn’t worried about Eugene, but rather the Fransil family. However, upon reflection, Randolph realized that something like that was entirely possible if it was Eugene.


Eugene arrived at Castle Riwad after a few more days of travel. His return was expected, thanks to the scouting beowulfs, and Luke personally greeted Eugene with his troops.

“Master! We sincerely welcome your safe return!” Luke shouted. He didn’t simply greet Eugene either. As soon as the young count saw his master, he dismounted his horse, knelt on one knee, and bowed his head. Some people were shocked upon seeing such a scene. Although they heard the stories, they had been skeptical about them. But it appeared that Count Crawlmarine was indeed extremely devoted to Eugene.

‘It was real?!’

In particular, Lorraine and the knights of the Fransil family were extremely shocked. But the surprise hadn’t ended just yet.

Naturally, Luke fulfilled his duties as Eugene’s aide. After dismounting his horse, kneeling, and bowing, Luke personally took Silion’s reins and guided the horse.

“W-what a surprise,” one of the Fransil family’s knights muttered with an incredulous look. He then whispered to Lorraine in a very grim voice, “My lady. It’s not just a cooperative relationship or a slightly favored relationship. It’s a true relationship between a lord and his vassal, a master, and his servant.”

“I-I can see that. But why did Sir Eugene incorporate Brighton into the Crawlmarine county?” Lorraine asked.

“I’m curious about that as well. Not being greedy is one thing, but anyone can see that Sir Eugene is far superior in terms of authority and power…” Bonmer muttered while looking at the backs of the two in question.

The young count also appeared to be a remarkable talent, but he was no match for Eugene. Bonmer was also certain that the two of them were well aware of that fact as well, but the two, as well as all the people around them, didn’t seem to think that it was weird for Crawlmarine to become the new master of Brighton and the surrounding areas. On the contrary, they were looking at the two with satisfaction and…

“Lady Lorraine?” Bonmer called out.

“Yes… Ah! Yes?” Lorraine jumped up and surprise. She had been staring someplace with dim, hazy eyes.

“W-what’s wrong?” she asked. Her cheeks were dyed red. Lorraine was extremely scared of Eugene. She couldn’t even make eye contact with the latter, and whenever Eugene called her out, she would become soaked in cold sweat and tremble. It was impossible for her to have fallen for Eugene. So why was she suddenly acting like this?

‘Don’t tell me… Count Crawlmarine?’

Bonmer felt his heart sink.

A certain spirit was closely observing the two figures with only her head sticking out from her leather pocket.

“Kiehhh? So-so-something interesting is about to happen~ I can feel it in the air. Ah! That’s right. If I do well, maybe I’ll have an excuse to rip off aide number 2. Kieee-hoo.” The spirit’s eyes twinkled as she looked alternatingly at Lorraine and Luke.

She had always been faithful to her own desires. Mirian began to make a plan as insidious and evil as her own greed without considering the opinions of the two involved figures.


“Ehem. Occupation, of course, was expected, but you succeeded so quickly. You have performed way beyond my expectations,” Pythamoras said.

“Not only that, but he occupied and cleaned up all the villages and hamlets on his way. As expected from my master.” Luke shrugged while bragging to Pythamoras.

Pythamoras responded with a mysterious smile, “You will become even busier from now on.”

“Huh? I will?” Luke asked.

“Sir Eugene will have to go to war, right? Who will rule in his stead? No one else but you, a count and his aide, is more suitable for that role,” Pythamoras answered.

“Ah… Is that so?” Luke said while cautiously turning his gaze toward Eugene. It was clear that Luke wanted to serve Eugene by fighting by his side.josei

“Hmmm.” Eugene contemplated. He had workers and slaves taking care of him, but he felt a little uncomfortable. First of all, Luke would do everything without being told to, but the workers and slaves were too conscious. Above all else, they had never encountered a plate armor. He didn’t like how they polished and took care of his armor.

‘But it’s not like I can have a count doing chores…’

Eugene fell into deep thought. Luke suddenly spoke as if he had remembered something, “Ah! Master, regarding the orders you gave before leaving for Brighton.”

“Hmm? What was it?” Eugene asked.

“About the prisoners from the continent who Lord Riwad captured during the crusade,” Luke said.

“Oh, that’s right. Did you pick them out?” Eugene asked. Befitting his reputation, Baron Riwad had defeated many knights from the continent during the crusade and captured them and their troops as prisoners. Soldiers and mercenaries were either enslaved or sold, but the knights and nobles had been taken prisoner and kept in the dungeon.

Eugene had instructed Luke to interview the prisoners one by one before leaving for Brighton. He could return them to their respective families for generous rewards, and if they proved useful, he could put them to work under him.

“I couldn’t make an accurate judgment since I’m ignorant regarding the politics and families belonging to other kingdoms. But one thing is for sure—most of them are middle and low-class nobles,” Luke said.

Eugene responded, “Hooh, is that so? Good work finding that out.”

Luke’s expression brightened after receiving Eugene’s compliment. He continued to explain, “It’s nothing. I followed Master Pythamoras’s advice and served them food and alcohol. They started to spill the beans on their own after receiving good treatment. Moreover…”

As Lanslo had explained earlier, knights and nobles who had advanced further into Brantia during the crusade were mostly without connections and of lower status. They were brave and innocent challengers who crossed the sea with their own goals for success rather than faith in the Central Church’s cause. However, their courage was broken and their faith in the church was lost during their long captivity.

They had been left with only persistence and despair, but the appearance of a young count who was fluent in the Caylor Kingdom’s language was enough to plant small seeds of hope in the midst of their doubts. Moreover, Luke had also faithfully followed Eugene’s instructions and Pythamoras’s advice to treat them with great hospitality, which contrasted sharply against the cruel, fierce treatment from Baron Riwad. There had been some who even sobbed with sorrow and gratitude.

“Did you talk about me?” Eugene asked.

Luke responded, “Yes. I told them all about how I returned to Brantia and succeeded the Crawlmarine county.”

“Their reaction?” Eugene asked.

Luke responded with a big smile, “Even those who were initially reluctant after hearing your identity as a member of the Dark Clan were moved after hearing my story. They paid their respects to master, saying that you are a true knight. Even the holy knights of the Caylor Kingdom thought the same.”

“What? There’s a holy knight from the Caylor Kingdom among them?” Eugene asked.

“Yes, yes. Do you remember the armor that Baron Riwad wore? They said that it was made by crafting different parts from the armor belonging to that holy knight. He said he would swear his loyalty if the armor was returned to him,” Luke said.

“Ehem. The count’s words are true. I confronted him myself, and there was no lie. He also swore on his honor as a knight and in the name of the god he believed it.” Pythamoras stepped up as well.

“Hooh,” Eugene muttered. It was surprising enough that a holy knight from the Caylor Kingdom would come all the way here, but it was even more surprising that he would respect and pledge his loyalty to a vampire.


Eugene’s brain started to work in devilish ways.


“Bring all of the prisoners to me. Perhaps we can deliver a blow to the Central Church and acquire some new talents at the same time.”

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