How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Nobles valued honor and dignity above all else. Of course, there were a few easy-going, rational figures like Essandra, but most nobles tend to be very traditional and prideful. It was generally accepted that the higher one’s status, the greater their sense of pride and honor. Nobles took pride in their honorable and noble ‘pure blood,’ and Jevin, the successor to the Evergrove County, was the most prideful individual among the nobles Eugene had met thus far. It wasn’t out of sincere respect that Jevin Evergrove treated his knights well. Rather, it was to make use of the fact that knights would do all kinds of things to prove their worth to their lord, especially to one that appeared considerate and kind toward them.

‘I did think that he wasn’t the one to take a loss.’

“…In conclusion, it’s highly likely for Maren’s royalists to have delivered their message to the central church through the Evergrove County. Even if the City of Maren wanted to request the presence of holy knights, the mayor himself would have had to come forward. As such, I highly doubt that the royalists planned the entire thing without anyone’s help, especially since they have little to no influence anymore. It would have been simply impossible,” Trevik explained.

“So, let’s pretend that the Evergrove County was involved in the manner. Which individual do you think it could have been?” Eugene asked.

Trevik replied with certainty, “It would have been Young Master Jevin, the successor of the county. Count Evergrove prioritizes stability over all else, but Lord Jevin is an ambitious man. But the question is, how deep was his involvement? If he was responsible for simply relaying their message, it would be hard to hold him accountable,” Trevik said.


It was just as the guild leader said. Maren’s royalists were washed-up and kaput. But Jevin Evergrove was the legitimate successor to the most powerful, noble lord in the nearby area. Obviously, he could not be pinned down with an ambiguous accusation, especially if there wasn’t any hard evidence.

‘I’ll have to make sure of that first.’

Trevik was silently waiting for Eugene to speak with a sparkle in his eyes. Eugene organized his thoughts before speaking, “First, please give me all the information you have regarding the royalists and the list of their members.”

“Of course. I will draft that for you right away. Of course, it will be free,” Trevik responded with a bright smile before immediately starting to write with his pen.

“Ah, and I was planning to hold a party sometime soon. I was hoping that both you and the mayor could attend,” Eugene said.

“Oh! How could I refuse? I will make sure to participate. I will let the mayor know in advance as well,” Trevik responded.

“Thank you,” Eugene said.

“Please take care, Sir Eugene!” Trevik exclaimed with a dazzling smile as Eugene placed the piece of parchment in his pockets before standing up. Trevik burst into boisterous laughter once Eugene disappeared. “Uhahahahaha! I can finally get rid of those unpleasant royalists once and for all! I knew it! Sir Eugene is truly Maren’s lucky charm. Ah! This isn’t the time for this,” Trevik muttered to himself before quickly putting on his jacket and making his way towards the city hall. He would have to deliver the good news and start preparing for the ‘clean up.’


The news of Eugene’s return quickly spread throughout the City of Maren. It also became known that he would be holding a party.

Eugene was already renowned in the City of Maren. However, his fame soared even further after rumors of his great achievements in Count Winslon’s competition circulated throughout the city. Every celebrity was looking forward to receiving an invitation from the master of the twin crown who defeated a manticore and a drake.

Naturally, there were a number of royalists among such people.

“I received an invitation from Sir Eugene!”

“Oh! So did I!”

“Haha! It seems that whoever the royal city sent was successful in conciliating with him.”

The royalists could not hide their joy. A knight as famous as Eugene would surely know how the royalists were treated in the City of Maren. Even so, he had invited them to his party. As such, there was only one possible explanation.

“Everyone. Don’t you think that we should be more careful? We still haven’t heard anything from the royal city, right?” One of the royalists remarked, which made the others hesitate.

It was true. The knight competition had already concluded a while ago. It was a little strange that they hadn’t heard anything yet.

“I didn’t hear anything from Lord Jevin either. We don’t know if the plan was a success or a failure. Would you not agree that it’s too early to celebrate?” the figure added.

“Hmm. You have a point. But think about it. Do you really think that a man holding an important position in the royal city would bother to inform us of the results? If it were you, would you bother to inform us?” One of the other royalists commented.


“No news is said to be good news. Moreover, Sir Eugene invited us. Doesn’t that mean that he sees us in a favorable light? From now on, everything will depend on our individual abilities.”

“That’s right. There is no need to think too much about it. Now, now… Why don’t we worry about what we should get Sir Eugene as a gift?”josei

“Let’s do that. Hahaha!”

The royalists started to excitedly discuss what they would bring as a gift. They were completely oblivious to the fact that the church had decided to keep things a secret in order to hide the deaths of two holy knights and the humiliating escape of the sole survivor.


At a similar time…

News regarding Eugene also reached Jevin Evergrove through a spy he had planted in Maren.

“Dammit!” Jevin Evergrove rarely lost control of his temper, but he couldn’t help but roar in outrage. The servants quickly shrunk back and hurried outside, and Jevin collapsed into a chair while breathing heavily.

“Ugh! Uagh!”

‘It doesn’t make sense! This wasn’t supposed to happen!’

Jevin was on the verge of madness. He had added a postscript to the letter of the royalists to the royal city – Conciliation is the priority, but there is reason to believe that Jan Eugene is unfaithful and is distrusting of the church.

In addition, he had described Eugene’s achievements without a hitch and recommended that holy knights should be dispatched since it would be difficult for ordinary priests to deal with him. As a result, he heard rumors that holy knights would participate in Count Winslon’s knight competition, and he felt as if he were soaring through the sky.

Holy knights were the pinnacle of all knights. Although there were numerous outstanding knights, the holy knights were still considered one of the best in the kingdom. As such, Jevin never doubted that Eugene would be seriously injured and humiliated in the competition.

‘Killing a high-ranking monster? Defeating the thieves and mercenaries of Carls Baggins and rising to become a lord?’

Such achievements wouldn’t matter a dime compared to fighting against holy knights in the jousting competition, swordsmanship competition, and mock battle, which simulated a real war. Jevin had been certain of this because he had personally witnessed the skills of the holy knights in the past.

But as if to mock his efforts, Jan Eugene had returned to Maren without any problems.

“What the hell is going on? Did the holy knights lose?” Jevin muttered. He was unaware of any details. His contact in the central church and the royal castle had gone silent, and even if he were to send a letter to them, it would take at least five or six days to receive a response. In addition, there was no guarantee that he would receive a reply.

“Should I ask Shiranosa?” Jevin whispered.

But he shook his head after biting his lips. “No. That’s too risky. They might notice that I intervened.”

Jevin continued to agonize. “Jan Eugene shouldn’t know that I was involved yet. If he did know, he would have come to me instead of heading back to Maren. Then that means…” Jevin muttered.

Should he feign ignorance?

No. His instincts were warning him. It was a bad idea.

Jan Eugene wasn’t a fool. Compared to other simple, ignorant knights, he was quick-witted and extraordinary in his thinking. Moreover, it wasn’t just once or twice—this was the third time that he had been threatened. Would he really not notice anything?

“That’s ridiculous. And what if… What if he really defeated the holy knights?” Jevin felt a chill in his spine as he voiced his thoughts. He could still rest easy even when he heard of Jan Eugene’s achievements in the Carls Baggins Peninsula. However, he could not stand still anymore.

What if Eugene’s blade turned toward him?

What if he caught Maren’s royalists like little rats, then hired mercenaries and invaded the Evergrove territory?

What if Eugene came to him asking for the truth behind the matter?

“I-it’s over.”

His family would survive, but he would naturally be ruined. His father, Count Evergrove, was a man who sought stability to the extent that it felt almost foolish. Obviously, Count Evergrove would rather replace his successor than fight against a monstrous knight while enduring suffocating pressure from the City of Maren and the new Marquis of Archivold at the same time.

"Ugh..." Jevin’s face whitened as he finally came to realize the significance of the situation. Jevin contemplated for half a day before finally coming to a decision. His stress had caused his hair to start falling out.

“Gold! Prepare gold! Clean around ten slaves and have them wait!” Jevin shouted.

“What? Where will you be going? What about your escorts?”

“Escorts… That’s right! Call Sir Marvel, Sir McCullay, and Sir Philton! I will immediately depart for Maren. Right now!” Jevin continued, listing the names of knights who had been beaten like dogs by Eugene. He jumped up from his seat and started to move.


The feast was held at the mansion that was lent to Eugene and his group. It was more appropriate to be called a large house than a mansion, but after Priscilla hastily spent silver coins to decorate the residence, it became quite presentable.

That wasn’t all…

Priscilla mobilized all available resources, capital, and personal connections to prepare all the essential personnel and supplies that would be required to host a grand feast, including cooks, dancers, jesters, and musicians. It was a way to show her appreciation for one of the association’s most prioritized customers.

In other words, Eugene held a feast without spending a single coin of his own.


Led by the mayor, the head of the city’s guilds, the owners of large merchant associations, and many nobles started arriving at the mansion one after another. The royalists also arrived at the mansion, dressed in their nicest attire and with gifts for Eugene.

Many of the attendees stared at the royalists with distaste, but none of them took action. If they were to cause a disturbance on Eugene’s doorstep, they would be looking down on the knight’s honor. As such, they simply ignored the royalists as if they were simply dogs and cows.

“Sir Eugene! Congratulations! I heard you achieved great accomplishments in Count Winslon’s knight competition!”

“A manticore and a drake! Even if I have to spend all of my money, I will make sure to write a beautiful poem about Sir Eugene’s achievements and pass it down from generation to generation.”

“Sir Eugene! This is a small token of our appreciation that we prepared. I hope it is to your liking.” The royalists stuck to Eugene’s side and fawned over him as if he were a statue in a shrine.

‘What are they planning?’

Eugene felt flabbergasted. It was impossible to believe that they were the ones responsible for trying to exterminate him using the holy knights. It would be normal for them to show even a trace of fear, but he couldn’t feel such emotions at all. If all of them were acting, they would be fit to perform in front of royalty.

‘This is strange.’

Eugene decided to put his plan on hold for a while as doubts started to arise, though the box of gold they gifted him played a large part as well.

“Kiek?! G-g-gold!? Kiee…” It was no wonder that the spirit of desire collapsed with shock after seeing the gold. Eugene had already made a fortune through Count Winslon’s knight competition and the evil land subjugations, but there was no reason for him to refuse a gift of 200 gold coins.

“Thank you. I will make sure your gift is put to good use. Here, please have a glass,” Eugene said.

“Oh, my! Your generosity with wine is as grand as your bravery, Sir Eugene! Hahaha!” One of the royalists exclaimed. They were now certain. Eugene was already conciliated by someone from the royal city. Otherwise, there was no reason for him to treat them so kindly.

‘It’s done!’

‘Now we must get this knight to speak for us.’

‘Our position will grow, and the city will fall into chaos!’


The royalists couldn’t control their joy and burst into genuine laughter. The other attendees, including the mayor and the various guild leaders, were looking at the royalists with aversion. All of them had already heard the story from Trevik.

It was then…

“The successor of the Evergrove County, Young Master Jevin!”

Eugene’s expression turned stiff after hearing the announcement. He was already confused by the reaction of the royalists, so why on earth was Jevin Evergrove here without an invitation?

‘Did they plan this as a group?’

They would not have had the time. In addition, they would not throw themselves into the maw of an ogre unless they were fools.

‘I don’t know what you are up to, but you picked the wrong person to mess with.’

Eugene stared at the entrance. When it was time, he would take care of the royalists and Jevin Evergrove.

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