How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

“Ohhh! Sir Eugene!” Jevin exclaimed as he hurried towards Eugene and stretched out his hand. There were many watching eyes, and Jevin was the successor of the nearby region’s most influential family. As such, Eugene shook his hand.

“It has been a while, Lord Jevin,” Eugene said.

“Haha! Indeed. It has been too long,” Jevin responded.

“We are here as well, Sir Eugene!” Eugene’s eyes widened when he saw the knights who accompanied Jevin.

“Kiek?! Aren’t those the knights who were beaten to a pulp by our Sir Eugene?” Mirian exclaimed. Although the matter had concluded successfully, it was strange to see the three knights smiling brightly after Eugene had beaten them up only a few months ago.

“They wanted to see you again so badly, Sir Eugene. By the way, I heard about your spectacular performance in Count Winslon’s knight competition. I couldn’t stand still after hearing the stories! My blood was boiling, so I came. Ah! This is my gift to you.” Jevin said before gesturing at a group of well-dressed slaves. They came forward holding a large chest.

“Open it,” Jevin ordered.


The slaves opened the large chest.

“Ooooh!” The attendees couldn’t hold themselves back.

“Kieeek! Kiek! K-Kiiiuaagh!” Mirian was overcome with such intense emotions that she even fainted. Dozens of large gold bars were glimmering with an enchanting light inside a chest large enough to fit a child.

“This is a token of my respect for Sir Eugene. You have glorified our region with your spectacular, wonderful performance in the competition. I hope you will accept it,” Jevin said. Eugene was distracted by the gold bars for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and stared at Jevin.

Jevin Evergrove was smiling brightly after drawing the attention of the crowd by suddenly revealing the chest of gold. His appearance was dignified and confident. Anyone could see that he was a proud successor of a great noble.


Eugene squinted. Although Jevin was smiling, his eyes were quivering ever-so-slightly. In addition, his scent was a mixture of perfume and a bodily odor that humans naturally emitted when they were nervous and scared.

From his experience, Eugene knew the defining characteristic of those who reacted like this.

They were afraid of him. As such, Eugene became convinced.

‘It’s him.’

It was Jevin. Eugene was certain that Jevin Evergrove was the one responsible for directing the holy knights to Count Winslon’s knight competition. Funnily enough, it appeared that Jevin was unaware that Eugene already knew the truth.

‘But why did he come? Ahh…’

Eugene turned his gaze towards the royalists. Their gazes were glued to the gold bars, and their mouths were agape with shock.

Just as Count Winslon said, those who were responsible for sending a letter to the royal city were the royalists of Maren. They were the main culprits behind the letter which caused an influential figure of the royal city to mobilize the holy knights. Jevin Evergrove had simply been the middleman, the deliverer of the message. Regardless of the actual truth and the various circumstances, this was the situation thus far.

“Anyway, Sir Eugene. I was told that you won the twin crown at the knight competition. Is that true?” Jevin asked.

“Hoooh. I’m not sure how you found out, but it is indeed true,” Eugene responded.


The attendees expressed their admiration. They already knew that Eugene had performed well in the competition, but the details had not been properly revealed yet. Eugene had purposefully asked the mercenary guild leader to keep the results of the knight competition a secret for the time being.

“As expected! I heard that there were truly amazing knights who participated in the competition. Yet, Sir Eugene managed to win both the jousting and the swordsmanship competition! In addition, I heard that Sir Eugene led an army to victory in the mock battle as its captain! Truly amazing!” Jevin exclaimed while raising his arms somewhat exaggeratedly. His words were enough to astound everyone at the banquet.

“The twin crown!”

“And a captain in the mock battle!?”

“Doesn’t that mean that he swept the floor in the entire competition?”

The attendees of the banquet started to whisper excitedly.

Jevin looked around the crowd before speaking even louder. “Moreover, it’s said that even a number of holy knights from the royal city participated in the competition, right? Sir Eugene didn’t just form a unit with the holy knights, but he even took the lead and led the troops to victory as a captain! Everyone, would you not agree that Sir Eugene is a true hero of Maren and our region!?”

‘What is this nonsense?’

Eugene was left speechless. It was already ridiculous that Jevin was the first to bring up the matter regarding the holy knights, so why was he telling a completely opposite version of the story?

Regardless of Eugene’s puzzlement, the atmosphere of the banquet heated up even more.


The reputation of the holy knights was almost universal. They were a chosen, select group of elites possessing excellent skills, noble blood, and distinguished faith. Only those who satisfied all three conditions could become holy knights.

It was shocking for the crowd to hear that Eugene had ‘led’ such a group of distinguished knights to victory in a mock battle. It was even more surprising than the fact that he defeated a high-ranking monster. Moreover, this fact was sufficient for the royalists to be assured of their belief.

‘There’s no doubt! The royal city sent holy knights to completely win over Sir Eugene!’

‘Do they expect us to believe that those proud folks allowed him to be their captain without reason? It would have been impossible unless he swore to become a royalist!’

They had no reason to doubt Jevin’s words since he had acted as the intermediary for their message. The royalists couldn’t hide their smiles as they approached Eugene.

“That’s amazing, Sir Eugene! I can’t believe you formed a unit with the holy knights!”

“The holy knights are a symbol of noble faith and ardent loyalty, right? They are a sword of the church and His Majesty the King.” The royalists started to freely express themselves while currying favor with Eugene.

“Did you know, Sir Eugene? We were actually the ones responsible for requesting the presence of the holy knights.”

“But we would have never thought that holy knights would actually be mobilized. Anyway, I am glad to hear that they were a valuable contributor to your amazing achievements. Would you not agree that this is proof that both God and His Majesty the King greatly favor you? Hahaha!”

“...!” The expressions of a great number of attendees changed in an instant after hearing the words of the royalists. If what they were saying was true, didn’t it mean that the hero of Maren, an unrivaled, unprecedented knight, had already aligned himself with the royalists?

Hahahahahaha! Hahaha. Haha…

The royalists burst into laughter with proud expressions while looking around at the attendees. However, the sound of their laughter gradually decreased. The one who should have praised and thanked them wasn’t showing any reaction.

“Sir… Eugene?” One of the royalists called out.

Eugene stared at them while maintaining his silence for a while, then slowly parted his lips. “It is indeed true that the holy knights were participating in the knight competition. Are you saying that you were the ones who requested the holy knights?”

“Of course! Haha!”

“I see. However,” Eugene interrupted.


He continued while looking around at the banquet.

“I’m not sure why, but the holy knights were extremely hostile toward me. They were trying to keep me in check, and in addition, they attempted to kill me in the jousting and the swordsmanship competition.”

“What!?” The royalists exclaimed. However, Eugene didn’t spare them a glance as he calmly continued. “I am a knight. No matter how honorable and noble the holy knights may be. I could not tolerate their unreasonable behavior. They were trying to harm me for no reason, so I fought back as hard as I could. And as a result…” Eugene paused, and his red eyes skirted over the attendees before stopping at the royalists, who were trembling like sailboats facing a storm.

“Two of the holy knights died in an unfortunate accident during their match against me, and the other fled with his companions at dawn on the day of the mock battle,” Eugene said.


The royalists stiffened as if time had stopped.

“What dishonorable, underhanded fellows! How dare they try to harm the hero of our city!?” It was the mayor’s cry that broke through the momentary silence.

“And that was under the instigation of those viper-like men? Sir Eugene! As the mayor representing the City of Maren, I apologize on their behalf!” The mayor exclaimed before giving a slight bow to Eugene. Then, he turned towards the trembling royalists and roared fiercely. “All of you must know how serious a crime it is to conspire a murder against a noble, right? Arrest those men immediately!”

“Arrest them!” Trevik repeated the mayor’s words as Maren’s mercenary guild leader and the city’s recruiting officer.

“Yes!” The guards, who were participating as the mayor’s escorts, immediately answered.


“T-this is…” The royalists could not hide their shock.

One of their members gritted his teeth and shouted.

“This is a trap! They got us! What are you all doing!? Protect us!”

“There’s no helping it!”

“Fight! Protect me!” The rest of the royalists quickly came to their senses and shouted at their servants and guards.


But before their guards could react, Eugene took Madarazika from inside his cape and threw it vigorously.



The famed spear passed by the attendees like a black meteor before piercing two guards who were starting to draw their swords. After cleanly passing through the two men, the spear embedded itself in the wall.


“He’s dead!”


Eugene crossed the chaotic banquet hall in an instant like lightning while swinging Wolfslaughter. The guards collapsed while spewing blood and their attempts to protect the royalists were nullified.

“R-run away!”


In the meantime, some of the faster royalists hurried to the exit of the hall under the escort of their slaves.



Two beautiful silver lines were drawn through the air, and two sturdy slaves fell with holes in their heads and chests.

“Heuk!?” The royalists gasped.

“And where are you going? I am under orders from Sir Eugene, so I ask for your understanding.” Lanslo shook the blood off his blade with a beautiful, dazzling smile. If not for the current situation, it was certain that his smile would have enchanted countless ladies.

“You… you dare to plot against Master!?” Luke didn’t stay still either. The young slave respected his master the most in the world, and as such, he rushed toward the royalists’ guards without hiding his fury.

“Kill them!”


“Kieeek?! The blood’s going to dirty the gold bar!”

“Don’t let them get away!”


“You human scum!”

“Kieeeeeeek! My gold!”

The hall was thrown into a great turmoil, and even strange shouts could be heard from time to time amidst the chaos.


It did not take too long for all of the royalists to be put under arrest, and the long-standing headache of Maren was finally cleared up. Eugene and Lanslo were far too strong that the slaves and guards of the royalists quickly surrendered after witnessing their colleagues fall like autumn leaves. Even though the banquet turned into such a mess, the remaining attendees raised their glasses to praise Eugene and congratulate him for driving out the royalists.

“He’s the king’s godfather, so I cannot believe that the cardinal was involved in such a disgraceful affair!”

“That’s what I am saying. I can only say how relieved I am that our city had already cut ties with the central church and the royal family.”

“Those despicable royalists don’t know what honor is. The central church is no better.”

“Mister Mayor, you must strongly protest regarding this situation in the quarterly correction report.”

The attendees of the banquet strongly voiced their opinions.

“There is no need to worry, everybody. I will take responsibility and cut off all ties we have with the royal family.” The mayor responded. He was inwardly overjoyed at the outcome. The royalists had been removed at once, and the entire city was unified in its will. He tried his best to hide his smile as he comforted and assured the attendees.

Eugene watched the situation play out from a distance. He turned his head and spoke to the figure who was stealing glances at him. “Don’t we have something to discuss as well, Young Master Jevin? Ah, before that, should I compliment you on your brilliant plan?”

“Well…” Jevin quivered before letting out a long sigh. Then he approached Eugene before continuing. “So you already knew everything, sir.”

“I would have been a fool otherwise. Anyway, I think I did an adequate job participating in this little game of yours. Are you satisfied?” Eugene said.

“Thank you, Sir Eugene. And… I apologize,” Jevin responded.

“Why would you apologize? If anyone heard you, they might misunderstand and assume that you have committed a grave crime. For example…” Eugene said before looking around their surroundings. Then, he inched closer to Jevin before whispering in his ear. “Asking for the dispatch of holy knights from the central church through tampering with the royalists’ letter… or something similar, wouldn’t you agree?”


“Can I be assured such things won’t happen again?” Eugene asked.

“O-of course. I swear on the honor of my name, my title, and my family,” Jevin responded.

“That’s only natural. Anyway, it seems a little lacking to leave it as a promise between just the two of us,” Eugene continued.

“What…” Jevin was about to reply when Eugene interrupted him by shouting at the attendees of the banquet. “Sirs!”

“Oh! Sir Eugene! Do you have something to say?” The mayor immediately responded with a delighted expression. His impression of Eugene was close to that of a deity after all he had done for the city. Eugene continued after placing his hand on Jevin’s shoulder. “Young Master Jevin here has contributed greatly to destroying the royalists’ dirty plot, would you not agree?”

“Well… yes,” the mayor agreed. Even though it felt rather strange, he wouldn’t refute the words of Maren’s hero.

“However, it is also true that Young Master Jevin failed to properly confirm the contents of the letter that called for my murder. As such, Young Master Jevin feels very apologetic about the matter. Isn’t that right, Lord Jevin?” Eugene shouted.

“O-of course! Even though it was a mistake, I have no excuses to make!” Jevin was flustered as well, but he eagerly agreed with Eugene’s statement. The sword lay in Eugene’s hand after all.

“And as such. Young Master Jevin swears to actively cooperate in anything I do from now on, and I am sincerely grateful!” Eugene continued.



Jevin flinched, but the mayor and others widened their eyes with interest and surprise.

“As an apology, he is willing to open the evil land of his territory for subjugation whenever I want, and he wants to leave the disposal and trading of all mana stones and materials gained from the evil lands to the City of Maren. In addition, he stated that he will never confront anyone who holds the crest of Eugene, including myself. Finally, he swears on the honor of the Evergrove County and his own honor that he will abide by all these. Hahaha” Eugene gave a dry laugh while strongly pulling Jevin’s shoulder.

Jevin managed to open his lips while sweating heavily. He could feel the murderous intent in Eugene’s red eyes and the incredible strength from his hand.

“T-that’s right. I, Jevin Evergrove, swear before all of you that I will do everything Sir Eugene had just said. I swear it on my honor and my family.”


Maren’s dignitaries were amazed by the declaration, and the city's mayor and guild leaders could not hide their shock. Eugene also felt satisfied. He would have control over the Evergrove County in the future.

“Ptooey! Ptoooey!!! My gold! My gold bars! My… Hing! Uwaaaaah! Ptooey! Huaaaaah.” But tonight was a heartbreaking evening for the spirit, and the spirit only, as she continued to spit and wipe the blood-stained gold clean.

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